Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Summer Tour

Good September ya’ll!!!

Maroon5 à la Leonardo Da Vinci in Billboard, Sept 2010

Did you miss me?

Adam and Jesse Collage at the Billboard Chat Event in july

Austin Nichols visits his buddies at one gig 😉

Already working after one of the most beautiful Augusts EVER, which ended in Verona at the Trovatore Opera this past saturday after 4 weeks cruising in France, Italy and Greece (as I already precised, look out for my past twitpics for chronicles about my Summer, I’ll hardly write about it here or anywhere else…), and already posting actively in the Lakers Blog, too (that had to be done prior than anything else online, of course…), I can come here and try to organize the incredible amount (231 and counting) mails related to music stuff that I have got from the moment when last Recap ended its coverage… to yesterday, basically.

It will take a long while.

But I had a great yoga session previously so everything is gonna be treated with white silky gloves.

Or something ;)…

I will get back to regular posting about all things (all sport, music and life; and for those reading this from the Italian version, I will also get back to the usual bilangual updates) after this one last Recap.

But today, it’s gonna basically be only an English-written   Maroon5 related post.




As per usual, credits for videos and fancy stuff pics that I collaged go mostly to Jennifer Coles, though the immense collage of the Y100 interviews are instad taken by me from Getty Images (thanx for the shoutout, Marghe!).

Let’s start exactly with some audio from the Y100 interview:

But before that event, we actually left the guys in the middle of the month, rockin around East-Midwest .

They have recently unleashed a first webisode of the tour too:

Just to make me drool a little bit more, right? 😉

Adam. In his jeans. Goooooood Lord 😉

God knows the only small thing I’d loved to add to my perfect Summer would be a gig of them… but no problems… October in Los Angeles comes soon, and we check them TWICE at the Greek Theathre.

Adam... rollerblading backstage. Yes. I know... *-*

Think the second time… both MY parents and Karim’s parents will attend too… it’s gonna be epic ;).

Their trip has been cute all over.

And not only because Adam fits *those darn jeans* SOOOOOOO well (sigh… moment of collective stumble… takin a breath… awww!!! He’s so drop dead gorgeous…).

The traveling showed us also the boys in some awesome tweeting mood all over the gap this post is covering, offering a display of their humour and loveability (is that a word? 😉 not that I care about grammar… Adam’s sooo friggin adorable when he speaks his mind, that no word defines that tenderness and naughty-ness well enough anyway ).

Absolutely hilarious. I so adore this man...

And Adam got one of his usual funny ideas along, among for instance shout outs at awesome people like Alicia Keys (among brackets, his own cover during this tour of If Ain’t Got You is AWESOME… and always among brackets, of course Alicia was somebody I started to follow as soon as I set up MY own Twitter account: Levine, you’ve been SLOW there after me… 😉 ).

Y100 Collage - 1 -

As soon as Anne had flown on the other side of the world, and he presumably had to keep his pants and trousers on longer than he uses to do when she’s around (ehi… don’t be prudes: that is the naturality of human lives. I wish them to do daily – even hourly – kinky and awesome naked sex all time when they’re together. That is what they should do… ;)), he decided to ask fans to come at him with a particular item as for gifts bringers.

Super-Heroes pants for him to wear after.

Y100 Collage - 2-

No… he really did, and he cared about giving all the correct infos about that to ease the choice for the fans ;).

So he got pants right off that night, and he’s keeping GETTING them all along the tour dates as we write.

Dunno about you, but I truly finds funny that female fans agree there… because as long as I’m concerned, all sexually thinkin fans (means anyone with a sexual active mind who’s older than… I dunno… I started to have sexual thoughts by 9… but let’s put a 13 in instead… ;)) actually want to take his pants OFF, right?

But ehi, maybe they hope he will try them on under their very own eyes?

That is.

The truth is that one.

Y100 Collage - 3-

Name me a single female Maroon5 fan who doesn’t dream about him sexually- might that be a sweet kind of sexual dream, or a raw one, or anything in between… or everything around that! – and I will immediately call a Museum.

That one should be a very rare specimen of human being to expose… LOL!

N.B.: that doesn’t mean we don’t respect his girlfriends, or the fact that he gets in love, or that we don’t wish those situations the best.

Personally, at least, I do respect that all and fully, and I actually wish for that entirely and well when he’s involved and in love.

My rule is this one: since he gets my love for gifting me awesome vibes and inspiration and music, whatever keeps him happy, it makes me happy too (GOLDEN RULE).

I respect especially Anne, whom I truly truly like, out of the many girlfriends he’s got so far.

But the truth is that one written above and to deny or misrepresent it would be pointless.

Every Maroon5 fan is charmed by Adam also on a sexual related level: and darn, he does know that… he friggin MOANS when he sings. It can’t be a casual fact. 😉

Every female fan dreams of him in some way and at some level.


Maroon5 in Atlanta, August 2010

Fact ;).

That goes beside (in my case, and not beyond) the fact that we love his voice and music like a seraphine is singing at our ears everyday…

It’s a Tao.

A Tao of adorability at every level: why dismiss some part of it?

Being a complete package is so rare these days…

We have to treasure him, who’s DEFINITELY a complete one ;).

I’m all for the complexity and complete-ness of situation of life, you know about that already, don’t you?

But that certainty in itself has nothing bad or negative about it.

Too bad, and I can understand if/when this scares the guys and Adam especially, that sometimes the will of getting near to him/them crosses the mind of some nutcase, too, and the effects are a bit out of control as people are not always brained enough to separate the level of dreaming from the actual, factual life which involves you know… private spaces and good decent manners?


From Perez Hilton: Ladies Crashes Maroon5 ConcertAs I always point out…

Crazy heads are everywhere.

Obsessive people are REALLY scary and dangerous.

Poor Adam 😉 He has NO idea how friendly some of those obsessive, compulsive liar people can get, to disguise their obsessive paths to him.

On the other side, fandom can also get incredibly sweet and beyond cute and appreciable:

Abby letter to Adam. Just super cute, gotta agree with him there,awww 🙂

But luckely, he actually always seem well aware how much freaky the fanship can get at some point, and always tends to play it down a bit.

Jesse is experimental with camera

I really like this side of him: makes him so grounded, and it shows how brilliant his head is.

Another side of him that I like is that Adam seems equally a dreamer and a practical mind, a mixture that ain’t easy to achieve, especially when you get THAT famous.

In order to substantiate my observation, one of the BIGGEST things happening while these two weeks and some were running is that now Adam has a clothing Fashion Line.

Oh, yes.

Our collective dream of having him modeling somehow got fullfilled.

YES!!! 😉

222 Fashion Line


222, of course. We could have set a bet he would have named it so, right?

Look also at the video for 222Brand:

Then at this sweet lovely collage 😉 (btw, the one doing the candle backheaded CAN’t be Adam? He has no more chest tat, no more under chest tat, and you can’t really see the tiger paw on his arm – and you should in that position, at least a bit… Plus no X, no guitar, no 222 and no Japanese Cherry Flowers on his internal arm sleeve. Nope, that ain’t Adam. That’s maybe Ari?) of Adam (that is his back instead) and Jimmy V:

Adam and James (and?) modeling 222

You know how I love fashion so it’s obvious this news gets so many reboots by me in every way (out of context and coming after reading his interviews on the matter: I was actually ADORING the preppy version of Adam in his highly fashionable days… this because he as such an elegant chiseled face that actually high fashion suits him BEST… but his soul is a rebel one so it’s natural that couldn’t last. Even though I’m sure he considers himself hot in high fashion too… ;)), so take this one from NBC, too:

NBC talks 222

But let’s get back on the road, right around the time of the Y100 interview too.

Guys were in Miami (or Meee ahhhhh Meee), and all you need and probably care to know is that they went on a boat (of course, what else you do in Miami?) when they were not on performing duties.

Oh… and Adam’s been so gracious, to show his hot self and all of them right on the prua of it.

Take a breath… ;):

Yeah... okay. He's shirtless. What else do we need to caption, here? 😉 Exactly.

And just to clarify my point up above about the fact the yoga man in the 222brand COULDN’T be him, look how visible is under Adam’s chest his phoenix-like tattoo. 😉

gorgeous shot

Talkin about tattoos on Adam, it seems that we won’t see any soon a leg sleeve on him

Jesse and James. Aww.

What to say… I’m glad he enjoyed some boat boarding in August just like I did, and I am always delighted when he extrudes along his joyous moods some Lakers Love (and  gets also some reciprocating shout out there), especially if this involves mocking a bit Princess of Losers Jimmy LeBronze.

But in the end, the point is you get someone’s adorability by the way he stays humble and grateful and keen to real things that do matter in life.

He’s also so entertaining when he lets the kid in himself run freely and somehow manages to be at once childlike, fierce, brave and modest.

Love plus more Love. Perfect.

All at once.

I like the fact he loves his childhood friends still… and gets their love obviously back .

Then, after all, his bandmates are ALSO part of this painting… which is the best of best things, right?)

He’s so smart… but when you tell it to him he shields himself and tends to say not.

I like ALSO that.


They are ALL wonderful human beings… so different from one another, yet all so completely true and valuable and loveable.

I’m honored to be their fan since they’ve existed to European (then indie almost) acknowledge practically.

Other bit they shared, this one:

Adam in Rolling Stone, August 2010

And then check out this version of Give a Little More (the second single which I ADORE!!!) from these kids (Maroon5 shared it themselves):

Then if you feel like singing sensations too, you might enjoy being part of THIS intriguing contest too :

MySpace Karaoke Contest

The boys did as well a VH1 “5 Question” spot feature during the Soutern Time in Florida, that you get to check (Thanx Jennifer!) here (Time Machines? Superpowers? Cool ;)):

Now, a bit more of compulsive shopping at truckstops… (oh, boy… still so hilarious even when you see it for the 20th time ;)…):

Okay that you were in Texas but... 😉

Now to get you back at some more heavenly related matters, after this.. erm… texas outshow of “fashion”, get also the image Jesse so kindly tweeted to let us know there is of course some yoga training time on tour as well:

Chad, Adam (and Jesse) ready to yoga train on tour

And again at Jesse is the praise for sharing a Mickey Madden’s rare pic (Mickey… please man get a twitter too!!! Please! okay that you’re the silent one, but comon!!!):

Mickey, courtesy of Jesse 😉

Then, let’s start to state that the European leg of the tour has started to shape.

German call out (and they also already filmed a German special while touring those days):

March sweet March... getting 32 in Italy maybe? Straight after these?

Well, I’ll have secured in my stock the Berlin show by now.

Let’s see after 😉

Now let me show you what I have ordered through international retail as soon as they have shared the news on Twitter:

Aren't they all so adorable? Awww 🙂

Sure, in Milan I could find it downtown… but I couldn’t risk to miss it right? 20 dollars so well spent 😉 *awwww* 🙂

There is then a new “Sticky Glue” feature that is for American crew to masterize so far; and then there is all about the incoming London Stop on September 9.

Yeah, because TODAY is the last show on USA soil for a while (today the first leg of Summer Tour ends there, and be careful guys… Psycho’s there, beware… LOL…) and then FINALLY they will grace a bit Europe of themselves too.

You know how I think it was and has not been that much of a wise move to wait THIS long to show their faces up in Europe too, but whatever… any time they’re gonna be nearby, it’s a cherished time by me.

Anne V is in Capri - 1 -

Now, since after days of silence and after her holiday in Turkey ended, sweet Russian Fairy (who started tweet back again the other day) is actually working… well, HERE in Italy (in Capri, to be more precise, sees pics…), there are ideas running onto my mind .

For instance… I wonder if…

I wonder if the two Chovy’s lovers (it was sweet the other day, when Anne tweeted THIS, and immediately after Adam tweeted THIS as well… awwww adorably they are in synch? And I say this even if I still consider Pomeranians a dog version of a cat… therefore I’d love to see a CAT instead ;)… but if they like that, fine to me. Love has got to have no bounderies…) will reunite here in Italy (taking plane as soon as tonight show ends, Adam? You should… I bet you can’t wait to see her again, and you must… ;)), or if she will join him in England, or elsewhere also considering after that UK stop Maroon5 have a stop in Paris planned as well (awww…the town of love!!!).

Anne V is in Capri - 2 -

All that is submitted to the fact the Fashion Weeks are starting everywhere.

So she might have working duties as well getting in the way.

I really hope they are soon together again though, because I adore them together and because you all know I am a sucker for that and I deeply like Anne (who confirmed yesterday how cute and lovely she is, and how great is her taste not only in men, but about places to vacation over too ;)… I hope she found that church I addressed her at … even though I would probably prefer to practice Skype yoga as well, givin her supposed company there ;)…).

Anyway, I think it’s amazing a supermodel eats carbs and forces drivers to allow her to taste the REAL Naples pizza, especially because that will to eat it derived from a BOOK reading.

Anne V in Capri. Today. 1st September 2010

That hits all the right spots in my list.

She’s awesome; I do really like her vibe.

So, wishing the happy lovers to reunite soon, and why not in my beautiful Country (see all pics from Anne of Capri, to get in touch with the idea of what Italy is…) let me thank you for reading (oh, boy… sounds so cheesy) and be aware that I won’twrite a post this long ever again ;).

Back to normality.

Back to work, life… friends and lovers; back to posts about MANY things, and not only one-topic-centered.

Tonight… Karaoke with friends and personalized microphones ;).

Catch You soon, your friendly web neighbour Miss Z. 😉

My ass. Literally. Sardegna 2010 😉

My lazy ass (still a fairly fabulous, kinda brazilian one I have to say…) has collected pieces of infos during my awesome (help me say it : A-W-E-S-O-M-E) holiday cruise on boat all over Mediterranean Sea.

I am pretty much singing with angels and have fairies brush my hair and polish my nailpainted toes so to come here, open Noah and start to type over it is like a HARD task.

Hope you appreciate the *big effort* ;)…

Actually, this here is where I have to make all those 127 emails related to Maroon5&Music stuff go, or Yahoo mail will explode.

Hence this first update (note: my fantasy gets dried over titles when I am vacationing… so this is the best I could come up with ;))

Maroon 5 on the video set for "Give A Little More" directed by Paul Hunter

Nah okay let’s be more polite… Although I am still sailing, and I will end this only in Verona on 28th of August (I am at Arena watchin Opera, you know… I am a rocking soul who loves opera too…) the amount of Maroon5 related material was a bit overflowing from emails so at least this has to be done, for how simple compared to my usual posts this could look.

Just a note: don’t ask me for blogs about my holidays.

The only reason I was carrying on with Twitter on holidays (thanx, iPhy: without you I couldn’t live ;), and it seems James shares my iPhone love, yep!) was to let you all know some of it to make you AVOID to ask me about it in other ways ;).

Let’s go then.

Pictures in this pages are either mine, gifts from Jennifer Coles or material shared by Maroon5 themselves through their web spaces.

Same goes for videos, audio excerpts and whatever else.

I start happily with a surprise I discovered actually recently when I wrapped up my magazines I brought with me on holidays.

This was in Cosmopolitan Italy August Issue:

Adam in Cosmopolitan Italy. Aww 😉

We left boys starting touring and enjoying nature and friends and girlfriends along (girlfriends who are very friendly with others stunners around… and I LOVE that in beautiful people ;)).

Adam wins. Anne... erm... not. 😉

Anne V, 15 years old time, modeling for Ralph Lauren (awww!!)

The tour goes on smoothly and beside the crossing over to Canada, where Anne wasn’t involved, she pretty much followed her baby along all time, until she flew Europe to pass her holiday time on August 13 (sadly bummed trip due to a missing luggage… YIKES!!! Those LV maybe? *tragedy* if so…. I would be dark for ages if I ever did miss mines…).

Lovely creature from Russia, – who’s right now frolickin in Turkey – though enjoyed a lot of Summer Life Tour previous to her coming back nearer to National Roots (maybe she should just get a bit better with bowling, but everyone gotta have some minus, after all 😉 And she’s so adorable in everything, to be lame in bowling is totally forgivable).

I mean… she was looking like THIS at 15 (awww… my hairdo ;)).

How can anybody not forgive her a wrong bowling game? 😉

I really like the way the guys are keeping people up during their summer traveling with an equal merge of tour bites, lessical nonsense, fun pieces and… well… also some political and ethical issues that they always put in the mix (and that’s something I love them more for).

Maroon5 Gone Good for Green

We also get to know how many grey hair Adam’s got (they look awesome on him, if any ;))

Ry Cuming joins Maroon5 on Summer Tour. Click for video (via popdirt)

That bowling thing that I was referring about above got on after Jones Beach gig on August 11, a stream of love Adam and the boys loved a lot (and you can see why ;)):

Jones Beach before...

It’s actually a very beautiful location, and it was nice to learn after his kidney troubles also Owl City could finally be part of the tour (I knew I would have LOVED to witness…).

Jones Beach Crowd 11 August 2010

Actually the gig I would have loved to see from this tour would be the Boston one (previous one), because beside Owl City I would have got the IMMENSE pleasure to hear live the amazing Janelle Monae.

I can’t wait to catch her live.

She pretty much kicks ass 😉 and she sounds also as person as a totally down to Earth, amazing spirit.

Every single time Maroon5 are involved with new people, and those people are voices or artists I already like (I got shocked by Janelle Monae on Letterman, and started to praise her BEFORE any of them openly did to our acknowledgement), I get giggles inside.

You know I am HOPING so badly they will collaborate now don’t you? 😉

Not always though my hopes about them get fully filled in.

You know I never lie nor hide my true feelings and I have to say the UK version of Misery video is about the wackiest thing ever. WHAT???!!!???

Do they REALLY like to go harakiri there or what?!?:

Maroon 5 Misery Video. Uk Version. No, NO NOOOO. Barf.

But luckely for every wrong move they come up with ten good things, just like this chat:

or like this further statement about Sound Strike:

And more importantly, they JUST ADDED ANOTHER DATE AT THE GREEK THEATHRE IN OCTOBER!!!! So I will spend a day more in LA and I will catch them two nights in row.

*Awesomeness* 🙂

Aside from rocking crowds out this summer, with ballons and coriandoli and kids’ requests (that’s Adam’s, fyi) Maroon5 have been involved in some fancy fancy stuff in this first part of August.

For instance here you can hear lovely Jesse with Lucy Walsh doing a Beatles cover, which is always amazing, innit?:

Jesse and Lucy do the Beatles thing 😉

Most noticeably though, they have shot with amazing Paul Hunter the video for Give a Little More (finally, a word on the fact in May they JUST shot Misery).

There are stills and I can’t wait to see it (also cos I really really like the song from the live I got of it).

Maroon 5 in "Give a Little More" video shooting

And just because we’re talkin about Give a Little More, take this from the Vevo show, Give a Little More:

This video doesn’t exist

exactly the song you gotta learn now and also Wake Up Call:

This video doesn’t exist

Adam also got featured and enlightened in a episode of MTV US “When I Was 17“.

Needless to say, he was hilarious.

His Zen Tao ability to result at once adorably charming and totally nerdy amazes me all the time… ;):

Adam Levine in "When I Was 17" : awww 🙂

When he said he was “repulsive” I cracked out laughing.

He couldn’t be not even trying (and sure he did, he did try at times… ;)).

Sweetheart on stage

That face would prevent him from any bash.

That’s why he could pass the math exam even being DREADFUL in maths 😉

Adam Levine in New York Post article August 2010 (Model Behaviour)

He still such a sweetheart really really happy about being gifted to do what he loves most to do for living.

He always seems fond to share his gratefullness for the amazing life he got to live.

And that is lovely.


Adam also got to find more people to follow on Twitter.

Comedians, Snoop Dogg, Ashton Kutcher, Lakers like Lamar Odom (I was surprised he took so much time before deciding for that, considering he is of entourage…), and rockers like Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee (oh, if I were a fly to listen to some of their chats… 😉 okay, I’m nasty… I know… ;)), and amazing friends like Rob Thomas (yesssss!!!! He found him!!! Love that :)).

And Rob, unsurprisingly, praised and proped Adam and the guys’s tough decision about excluding Arizona from touring.

You know how I love when our guys and their friends and fellow people speak their liberal minds.

I SOOOOOO love that.

And so, unsurprisingly my probably favourite tweet by Adam in all these days was the one when he did explain (more cohesively) his view on retarded Prop 8, overturned in his beloved California.

By the way, gotta admit out of all 36 people that I follow on twitter, Mr. West @kanyewest is MY favourite.

I said it.

He’s just awesome, and he can involve my one and only hero Kobe Bryant in Power Remix... that is just unbeatable in my book, folks, I’m a Kobe freak more than anything else cos the man inspires my whole approach at greatness in life… and allegedly Kanye’s too – great minds think alike –  😉

(sorry Adam, you stay gloriously in the runner up place though. I’m sure you agree with me about Kanye after all ;)).

While we speak about Kanye, his album got delayed till November 16.

This could be a good thing for us, if it weren’t that actually the fact AGAIN they are preceeded by Linkin Park on the sales week of September 14 won’t help at all any plan of ruling charts.

If the first single performances are again revealing of the impact the albums may have – which is generally fairly accurate -, sorry there’s no copetition between the Catalyst and Misery (so far, but of course I’d like to be wrong there…)

Still, on August 17 happy people can preorder Hands All Over on iTunes (only USA? darn…).

Let’s say I seem a bit more excited than Adam about 21 September in terms of priorities… That, or I just partially get the “brilliance” of Sons Of Anarchy… ;).

My HERO Kobe Bryant with Kanye West remixing Power

Whatever happens, I’m fine with it.

And so I hope they are, which I think they will be.

Rules of album chart performances after a decade bands are active (and they are active in a very “indie” kinda way, this regardeless the genre of their music) always have their peaks and lay downs and then peaks again.

I still not convinced by their strategy in promotional duties (skipping completely Europe, focusing on just half USA to tour, putting the first single out WAY too soon compared to the album release date, etc…), but as long as they’re okay and convinced, I mean… ALL is fine.

My appreciation as fan stays in the MUSIC and i don’t care how many I am in company with.

I will listen to them always as long as they’re around; enjoying gigs all over the world anytime it will be possible and cheering them.

That’s it.

Charting is important, but relatively at this point: they are in their niche, and allegedly happy to be (as they should;)).

On tour then it’s what you really get the dimension of cuteness about them.

Not strangely, kids (I mean… little people for real) always grab the true essence of adults, and they love them, don’t they? *swoons*

On the other side, socialites might start to find them a bit less intriguing…

He cracks me up… what can I do?

Boys on Tour

He’s hilarious, and probably has a short memory about a couple stuff… this unless back in *those days* he did not consider Paris H. a socialite, but an “entrepreneur” (yes, I’m being sarcastic… can’t help… and still he cracks me up cos I am SURE he would say that he likes to farts to whomever would present herself to him as a “socialite”. He’s made that way… ;)).

He still a kid at heart, and a funny one, to be precise.

You might find it hard to deal with, I find it quite poetical instead 🙂 (that Arrrr might surely be a Simpson‘s reference?).. and then he comes up with sweet words like these, and one just melts (I can see the goodness in New York Summer rain, both if Adam and Anne are in her apartment, or outside strolling together… how adorable are they?).

Chovy (Anchovy), namely Anne's Pomeranian dog.

Another thing that Adam shares with his belle is for sure a lot of Chovy love

I think as well Frankie could be not so pleased with that, but maybe it’s just cos I personally don’t see the point of small dogs.

You know already I just don’t like them: if I wanted a cat sized dog… I would have probably just chose a CAT (tastes, right?).

Yup I had to point that out cos Adam himself after all likes to verbalize out some pretty strong opinions as he goes on tweeting.

After a while he generally backwards a little, especially when what he said could have been sort of too mean, which can be either disappointing or showing him as a reasoning mind.

Depends on subjects… in all senses, I guess ;).

For sure though he has a personal vision of life, which is admirable even when (and it happens by my side, especially when he goes all relativism and immature-like) his opinion is not the one I follow as well.

Maroon5 rocking DC, 13th August 2010

Anyway, the tour still develop, my antennas are raising, and I hope you can still enjoy these updates even though they come so randomly during my well deserved own summer bliss ;).

Hope all of you nice souls (those who are) can enjoy a Summer even tenth as good as mine is.

It would be still Paradise, believe.

Rock On!!!

Cu later, *happy Zaira* 😉


thanx to those writing about enjoying my Twitpics from holidays 😉 I am trying my best to make you all part of a wonderful trip. If you enjoy that, the best you can do is actually coming to Italy and see yourself!!).

Chris Martin surfing in the Hamptons


Awwww I was about to forget…

Charisse was so cute in sending me a coupla notes about Chris Martin vacationing in the Hamptons.

I so so SO hope in this brilliant 2010 (musically speaking) also beloved Coldplay can put out the album.

It would be just spectacular cos also Radiohead are there to do it again.

Music is a bliss.

Get into the groove, folks ;)!!!

Z. 😉

I tried…

I swear I did try…

Lovely Anne V on Elle Italy Cover Special for Fall/Winter 2010/2011 collections

But holiday is rocking and I just can’t bother with writing stuff over a pc so, while I am still collecting blog material to eventually share over these pages (and so far it already includes audio excerpts, pictures, videos and all of the usual bites you read over here) thanx to people sending stuff to me, you gotta forgive my lazy ass, but I won’t upload stuff until an abundant half of my cruise is gone.

I am simply in heaven.

That’s it.

I know you know how I feel regarding people wasting their lives over Internet so…

It’s only natural and logic I won’t do anything to stop me from a no forced exhile from blogging.

And anyway, you see that at least some tweets always come from me even on boat (and there you can check also glimpses of my ROCKING Summer… 😉 ).

It’s Life.

And mine is hella GREAT one ;)…

Click and get Two Misery Remixes

I simply don’t have time to waste on the web, while I’m having a blast of month.

You get me right?

But I promise the couple of updates you will nonetheless get here in August will contain all that has passed in Maroon5 territory during this touring month.

It’s just that you’re gonna have it written… Big, but Later.

It’s Holiday Time.

I swear… I tried.

But Holiday&Fun&Life&Love just have to take over.

And they Massively Did.

Enjoy Your own Summer, peeps 😉

Karim's Harley D for sunday ride

So, we are currently riding home this morning after a wonderful weekend at our friends Bianca and Roberto’s house in Veneto.

We had a wonderful time, we visited countryside on both days, and yesterday we had a very pleasant ride day over our Harleys.

Rob Coff on his Harley sunday

I cherish time with friends and I am always happy in decoding how much Karim fits with any of them he gets to meet for multiple days after maybe a dinner or a quicker introductory visit went out okay.

Today we pack.

Fitting in for one month for me is huge… but for how big my boat is, I know I better avoid to move a closet.

I can always buy something on the journey… 😉

The itinerary has been approved.

We skip Ibiza and the Spanish coast because we’ve been there a lot anyway, and we went to Barceloneta in May so we rather try the other side of Mediterranean instead.

We will move from Genova to Saint-Tropez, then move to Corsica, and then reach Palau and the northern of Sardinia.

From there, we will direct to Elba and Maddalena, then down to Ventotene, and then we will do Ischia and Capri.

We will then go to Eolie islands, we hope to see Agrigento too in Sicily, and from there, feeling quite like Ulysses, we will pass the sea and reach the bottom of Italy, the beautiful thriade Gallipoli, Leuca and Otranto.

From there we will do a bit of Greece and we will finish with Croazia, and get back to Venice.

Boat Life - Maroon 5 (6) in New Hampshire, 31st July 2010

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Man… I am so happy.

I feel so blessed and lucky… well, it’s that I AM that in fact.

And in all this, I am with Karim (friends will reach us at the various stops, so that we will enjoy also friendly care beside the personnel we have on board to take care of us ;)).

The main thing of yesterday was my well debated, but then really approved, Top Ten Songs 0f 2010 List (so far… but I see it hard to beat at least any of the top 5 places…).

I listen and buy a shitload of music every month; my tastes are variated and I listen to music in 5, 6 languages so my range to pick up from is huge.

Basically, when I evaluate “the best” I try to see the complete package: music, vocals, lyrics, overhall feeling, impact, a sense of personality displayed, and boldness.

it’s not really about genres as much as it’s about… honesty in art.

Because for me music definitely is art.

Look at my Top 10 from my Twitter Page:

Top 10 Songs of 2010

I had to include Robyn’s song because she has this amazing talent in creating life real lyrics and apply them to club situations, and turning them into a well painted scenery of real stuff going on for real people.

Anne and crew in Saratoga, first date of Maroon 5 Summer Tour

I am a big fan of her, and she has actually created one of the songs I feel nearer to (Handle Me), but in “Dancin On My own“, the situation s completely unknown by me (I reject if any… never been rejected or even not considered holy in my life 😉 I know… seems like I bitch out but that’s how my life has worked… and like it will keep on working. Sorry. I’m hot ;)).

Still, she sings it so well I feel like I actually empathize.

That is good music (and then the melody reminds me of Limhal’s Never Ending Story, which I love!!!).

Another point that people got surprised was the fact I named “Airplanes” (#4) best duet of 2010 for me.

They expected either Gotten or Promise out of Slash album to be named that for me… and it should have, if I hadn’t feel those like no duets.

"People" on a boat in New Hampshire at the end of July... 😉

To me a duet has to imply two vocalists: featured vocalists by a legendary guitarists make me not feel that as duet.

And by the way, both Gotten and Promise would definitely belong in my TWENTYFIVE best songs of the year list so far.

But not in the top ten.

😉 Sorry. I’m picky. Even more when it’s about my favourite musicians. I espect always the over top, and being really really good sometimes isn’t enough for pleasing my taste 110%.

Saratoga and a Disco Ball...

I keep being this honest. I think it’s a total virtue, and I don’t care how YOU do feel about it. DEAL with me, or go away. 😉

I have of course bites of stuff about babies on tour, and I honestly await to see that gigantic disco ball live while they will play Give a Little More on stage (cute!!! some of the pics you see here are from their first two shows and from the Boat Ride they took in New Hampshire before the gig… boat are cool this year, I know. Mine is cooler though ;)).

There are also some lovely homage of the one and only Queen that I have to share, that she sent over days (and that I caught only a few hours ago because you know me… Holiday = Holy = No Internet for hours = Fun of Real Life = JOY… ;)).

Remember that yesterday for instance there was some Fuse Re-Run (for USA) and that there are more stuff that Fuse Tv keeps share.

Something like for instance this AUDIO thing:

And then the funny video Adam shared of James on Twitter:

And then that thing you saw also on previous post about Adam and Mickey supporting the No Nukes campaign:

Talkin about Video and Good things, yesterday Green Music Group YouTubed THIS:

To end, we know after a answer Adam provided yesterday before rockin out Connecticut that Maroon5 will be gracing my Milan town by the start of the new year (expected… but by then I will have already seen them at least twice, hopefully thrice ;)…)

I wonder if they’ll follow the plan strictly as last tour or will surprise me with unexpected dates in pleasant European corners.

I still think they are making a mistake in overlooking Europe for too long already, but ehi… they’re adult and experienced: hopefully they do realize what this might imply, and are okay with the outcome anyway.


It’s all about choices and responsibility. 😉

Michele Merkin. I wanna be as toned when I am 35 😉

Pleasant Scrubby Stuff: Adam shouted out full of happiness yesterday evening at Michele Markin joining twitter and following him, which he replied with an immediate following at her (they’re clearly friends from quite a time, because all the LA crew followed Adam’s footsteps in the MM’s following so nothing nasty there. At least not currently/anymore… ;)) .

Anne must be really a sporty person… because THIS is Michele (not strange, she’s of Russian Jewish descent. + Swedish. Practically perfection, right? Well, in European optics, DEFINITELY you can’t beat a female 5’11”, with THAT bust and THOSE eyes and lips coming from Sweden and Russia mix of blood. Elves in Tolkien were inspired by THAT genetic. I’m just saying ;)… ;)).

But you know my way of thinkin and phylosophy there: jalousy is the most useless of feelings, both to manifest or carry inside, both to feel object of or make somebody feel inspired with).

Losers, and/or very insecure people are jalous.

Beautiful, successful people who are jalous just haven’t grown up enough, and to me they’re pretty much frauds.

If you do your best and are the best you can be in a relationship, you don’t have to be jalous and you don’t have to fear a single thing (and for me, betrayal is a fragile concept anyway…); so in the end, Anne is safe, as long as everything works and when it eventually wouldn’t anymore (which I hope never happens… you know I am a sucker for them to keep being together)… it’s not another one who is the problem.

It’s still YOU the only problem AND the one and only possible solution as well.

Anne V on that boat in New Hampshire, 31st July 2010... 😉

And by the way, Anne still looks so >>>

Don’t think we could have have any problem, right? 😉

Pearls of sexual Wisdom provided by Miss Z. The gal who wouldn’t mind her man to have sex with others and who would probably just ask “who is better in bed now?” only to have the obvious answer “None can beat you, Z.”

Because there couldn’t be any other possible answer, baby. GUARANTEED 😉

(Yep… I am THIS bitchy 😉 and that full of me. And so far, around 200 people think my nickname is Totally well-deserved. I’ll re-evaluate my self perception in case something earthqwakes that reality… ahahaha!!!)

Don’t be thinkin bad of Adam anyway (and how could you anway? He’s so sweet and adorable!), that is so open it can’t be bad, and Anne followed Michele as well as soon as the rest of the gang (though I am not sure she is part of the “68 chronic masturbators” Adam hinted at… LOL!).

This was what he was declaring about Anne at ET (you saw the video in the previous post) three days ago after all:

adam levine on ET 30 July 2010

But he definitely has a fav type (plus, I find Michele, whom I obviously don’t follow – not interested in her life after all – but whom I naturally put in my Twitter list M5&Related, really really funny. I think guys are tied to gorgeously stunning females who can be as full mouthed and openly sexual like males love to be…. she must be definitely a funny conversation to start along, and has that aura of tomboy I TRULY love to practice as well, which makes me get entertained in my reading) .

And let’s clap hands at him on it.

😉 It’s really really really something no one could blame him for: it’s for the better evolution of human species … ;).

What else now?

After we pack at Karim’s house we will move back to my territory, also because today I have to spend my last chance with my Swifty before I say bye to him for one month.

I will miss my horse so dearly!!! Hopefully he has been getting used to the idea of not seeing me for a while. *hopefully*… 😉

I’d just say to close this… enjoy yourself.

I’m going to be REALLY enjoyed in a bunch of hours…;)


Good evening great life and great life ON HOLIDAY!!!


Still Images from Official Bang Bang video of K'naan, ftr. Adam Levine (badass!!!)

This post comes while I am enjoying my first hours of freedom, after 3 INSANE and very bitchy ultimate days at work; after a just ended shopping spree at Dior (awww) and a while before Karim and I, as soon as he will end his last session of sculpting (same as last time… I’m not allowed nearby him cos otherwise, as per usual, I’d start to lick his sweating hot body and he would SURE stop sculpting… but he cannot ;)…), will enjoy time together and especially me in a shocking pink bikini and a coordinated bandana.

Why all that?

Let’s say I got candies abundantly from Da Queen Jennifer today and I got to get inspired by new K’naan video, the one he and Adam shot 4 weeks ago in New York (see here).

I won’t post the video cos it’s unavailable yet but I can’t wait to properly buy it (as I always do with everything I love… for instance today in 15 minutes I bought over iTunes 11 old italian albums… ), but you see some stills in the first collage.

Anne V in new Orange by Hugo Boss advertising campign

I LOVE the video style.

Very fashion/badass, and it still remain simple.

I actually went to that Dior store hoping to find shoes similar to those you will see in the video at min. 0.11 ;).

This post will be fullfilled with video and news bites… (oh!!! and Kanye West has joined Twitter!!! I IMMEDIATELY followed him. I followed him half a day before Adam woke up on it 😉 LOL…)

We leave for our cruise on boat on Tuesday, but I have already to tell you don’t expect “fancy” cute long posts while I will be holiday-ing.

I will surely post all I will get to know/receive about babies on Tour (because yes, tour life has started TODAY in Saratoga and they are so totally delighted about that!!), but think that I will be on vacation and that if naturally this blog isn’t an addiction to me in regular year times… well, on holiday to update this will be nothing more than a kind gesture merely landed on those who like to read here, and not elsewhere (if they do exist... ;)) stuff about things I like, and therefore people I like (that they might like as well).

But let’s try to go in some order, because I have tons left from past days to show you (btw, their support for some days will be the very talented VV Brown!!! Whooo!!!).

We are of course starting from where we left, namely the Fuse show.

There are versions online that are not even coming close to the real thing, so until I won’t have something valuable I will let you maybe a bit down (not really).

I love what I have heard of the new songs.

I really, really like what will allegedly be the second single that they performed there (Give a Little More), and I am sure you can appreciate along me what PopWrap shared (it’s the live of Misery from the Beacon :))

Click on to see the video from New York Post "PopWrap"

There will be other re-runs of the Fuse gig concert… but of course (darn!!!) this sadly values ONLY if you watch it from USA (*sigh*).

At least we can still see the Photo gallery, right?

Adam and Jesse on the way to Billboard HQ

Before starting to move after the Fuse gig (the day after Adam and Jesse went on a train trip to reach Billboard HQ for the Live Q&A, that you’re gonna see/hear in minutes…), there is something really, really REALLY amazing that we have to read and see together.

Adam was part of the content of Inked Magazine Issue of August.


Adam in Inked Magazine

And the beauty is that the article was written by himself, and it’s AWESOME.

No need to say as soon as I learnt this was out, I subscribed online for a year long membership ONLY to get THIS number.

$15 and some well spent. 😉

That article he wrote himself detailes his love for tats and for rides and it’s just brilliantly evocative in style of prose.

He’s so talented with words.

He paints emotional sceneries with those, effortlessly, and out of any prefabrication which would result cheesy.

Adam Levine in Inked Magazine - 1 -

This even when the subject itself may be cheesy.

The best part is that through that interview you truly catch how simple, and honest as person he is, and moreover an more important, how simple and as honest as person he cares to keep being.

He’s so awesomely grounded… but in a very quirky, sometimes funny and goofy way, you cannot avoid to love him as he is, exactly.

Adam Levine in Inked Magazine - 2 -

I hope as well though that “whomever I will end getting married to” (awwww… if he thinks of it… maybe he THINKS truly of it? awww….) will prevent him from biking once kids will be around, being “hopefully smart enough“.

So lovely, this piece of writing.

I would adore to hear in sometime that he is getting engaged, and fathering a new generation of handsome creatures 🙂

Another thing that he finally got to reveal, ending a debate Karim and I were having about it, is the name of his place of electione where he gets inked at when being on the West Coast -we actually got to hint several times that he may preferably FLY there to actually get any tattoo right now… – .


Ladies and Gentlemen, now we DO know for sure that tattoo parlour is Adorned!!!

But a thing I never ever got to actually acknowledge by certainty yet was the name of the artist he digs the most there (because he’s a guest artist yet), and whom he revealed in Inked Magazine being Brian Randolph.

Adam Levine arm sleeve tattoo by Brian Randolph at New York Adorned

I really love that Adam stated naturally that he is up for really NOT coloured tats.

I can’t stand body paint in huge amount with one trillions colors.

Adam Levine in Inked Magazine. Written by himself.

They are not really my cup of tea and I think they are very disarmonic.

Adam in Inked Magazine - 4 - But luckely, he will keep ink himself in just loosely blued and darkened colours.

Adam in Inked Magazine - 5 -

Fits his pale, lovely skin a lot better.

All in awe about this unexpected candy, we get even more thanx as per usual to the amazing Jennifer Coles, that today sent the videos from the Billboard Q&A Adam and Jesse went at on wednesday.

There is something so sweet and cute in the way they act together.

You could tell by MILES that they are really brothers with just different couple of parents.

I love everytime Jesse and Adam are together, it’s a great image and feeling to me.

But now you will of course want to know about the Q&A, so sit back and enjoy these 5 videos :

then this…:



and this last part:

Whooo!!! That was a lot and a lot lovely, innit?

but we haven’t finished yet.

Oh, no… 😉

After the New York stuff, which in Anne’s case included a stop at another kind of Brooklyn Shop (aww, we found where she buys all those great pieces of antique jewelry!!) the crew and the lovely, overly talented #6, PJ Morton (that guy is such a wonderful addition!! he’s ADORABLE and hugely talented, indeed) moved towards Saratoga Springs (the location of today’s gig).

Of course, sweet Anne was aboard along.

I cannot avoid to melt when I think what it has to be like to share THAT tourbus being in love with the people belonging in there.

Jesse captured by PJ

I also believe the happiest people on tour are, the best the tour is gonna result actually; therefore I’m ALL for this joined ride 😉

They have also quite goofed around while reaching there, which is always a good sign, right?

That dude at Karaoke yesterday evening seemed pretty impressive, in both Jesse‘s and James’ eyes.

I wonder why Adam decided to tweet about a goddddddamawful movie instead ;).

Anyway, yesterday is gone and they are just hours away from the gig.

This opens a lot of possibilities for Adam’s hyperactivism, which we really hope he’s gonna battle exactly as he hinted a few minutes ago.

But being Adam adorable and being his bandmates AS adorable, there are also other and way more important kind of activism that they practice and pursue:

NO NUKES!!!!” is one of those things they aim at that make me LOVE these guys with my whole heart. Follow through. Please.

Random final notes in this truly huge post. Another video from ET, while I recall you that this evening they are also on EXTRA (I guess we will have that video too in a subsequent post):

Then the preview of the fact next month on Fuse there will be the broadcast of something Touré described so :

Just finished a smart, funny, candid, revealing interview with Maroon 5. Can’t wait for you to see it. On Fuse next month.”

This is something to look forward (as it is to discover WHICH gig Bones’ creator Hart Hanson will actually catch out of their tour…) 😉

Enjoy your night peeps.

Karim is almost done with sculpting and well… I have a new tiny pink outfit to test… 😉

Holiday Time!!!!

Whooooooooooo-Hooooo!!! 😉

Good morning!!!

This post should have come yesterday, as we reached in a pretty early afternoon my Garda Lake house but… well…Karim and I just decided it would have been cooler to manage lots of afternoon bed play instead.


I had a very fullfilled week at work and I deserved… physical care and lots of love: and of course he’s the best at providing it.

He was so keen at raising me up after a 5 days intensive madness at lab, he said to me yesterday after we had our afternoon fun that in the evening, that we were meant to pass along friends around Garda Lake clubs, I could have been:

Your vixen cruel version“.

Maroon 5 Hangar Reharsals - 01

This means, in our language, that I could have played some hot guy in the club of choice, makin him think I was interested in him, hook briefly up and then… “get dragged out” by Karim himself, before the situation got too heated.

I love when he allows me that.

After so many years of playing around I am like a caged tiger if I don’t get to do a little, little play with men every now and again.

I know, practically no boyfriends would allow that to me.

But Karim actually became my REAL and ONLY boyfriend just because he gets me till that point.

It’s not that I had planned to have sex with that guy (I picked up one out of a 12 people who were coming near to me enough to get analyzed: think that I’m very picky. People allowed nearby me are not everyone’s people, and they have to be looking handsome, dressed stylish, and able to speak correctly… this erases like 95% of guys anyway in any club, right?), I just wanted to masterize my flirting skills.

I love to analyze men’s reactions.

I can’t help.

And I do love to feel the power females have onto the other side of the sky.

Maroon 5 Hangar Reharsals - 2 -

I am like that. I don’t see the point in telling it any differently: this is me. And I don’t care if you don’t like it. I like it. Karim likes it. (lots of other people likes it too…) and more opinions… are absolutely meaning ZERO in my world. 😉

Anyway, the night was fun.

I liked to dance, I liked to trap that guy, I loved to see others dying for being trapped too, and cherry on top was the moment when Karim arrived (he was with my crew on the privée of the club, watching me below on the floor working my way (I don’t say strut my stuff cos I am totally against too revealing outfits. I leave skanky dresses to skanks… I’m not that. If any, I am a modern geisha… ;)), frozen the other man with merely words and look (and think that I chose a man whose job was personal trainer, so not exactly small…), kissed me mightly and just dragged me away.

We reached such a heat between us we actually had troubles in holding us on the way back to my house.

We escaped the club that was not even 2 am and kept making love till 4.

I could live and not eat and just pass my whole day and night making love to him.

I can’t get enough.

In a bunch of days it will be 2 years that we met.

Jimmy V at Hangar Reharsals with his new favourite t-shirt

I keep recall that by then he was claiming he was not into casual sex (because I was ONLY into casual sex…), and I was thinking always: “Damn, so hot and perfectly shaped, so smart and talented, and he’s THAT dumb about sex? He has no idea what he misses… he probably hasn’t even a decenty sized “friend”…” (of course I was also extremely keen at discovering why he was so reticent about sharing bodily fluids with me, since it was clear we were mutually attracted like magnets…).

BIG mistake.

Mine, I mean… he is fit, and I mean *really* fit, especially where it does matter most.

Not to mention, out of all his flair and style and talent… well… the department where he actually reaches the top IS actually sex one.

There’s a reason I am thinkin about getting properly engaged to him (yes, that is… I am doing it…).

It’s because I am progressively more aware… that I have been born to be with him.


Right now he lies in an abused bed, and if I turn head and watch him… I keep feeling this ongoing heat.

I could eat him.

And I want him to eat me.

Adam captured by Jimmy V on July 22, 2010

Gotta distract myself, or this post will become a wet one (if it already isn’t…).

What were we saying?

Oh, yeah… I was telling you this post should have come yesterday.

And it should have because there was material to share (a lot!!!)

First thing I share is the update on the “Dog House Petition” Adam was keen at (see the previous post) which was even subject of AceShowbiz article (awww… how adorable he can be…)

Then there is an excerpt out of the Interview in Maroon5 site with the girl who has created Hands All Over Cover shot (which I love… I find it very tasteful, very elegant, sensual, and totally matching the concept of the title – and I assume, of the title track?): the girl (who is also the one on the cover) is a young photographer artist called Rosie Hardy.

(NOTE: the complete interview is for S.I.N. members: I am not signed up to any fanclub, so the excerpt of the page comes to me through friends who are instead. I chose to not publish here the complete interview – which is very beautiful and long – but only an excerpt because I believe, following the band’s belief, that if you want to read it all you can just sign up for a membership, or like me, asking some member about it…):

excerpt of the interview with Rosie Hardy, the creator and body of Hands All Over cover shot

Another lovely excerpt about Sweet Babies come from an   AOL interview that you can find on their MySpace, on also on Popeater, and that I have recreated into a MPEG File with a little bit of editing (original FLV file was as per usual a kind gift from the always amazing Jennifer Coles, whom has also provided the radio Interviews I am gonna post later on), for you all to enjoy it here directly (how cute they can be???? Awww!!):

This video doesn’t exist

To make you used to the sound of lovely Seraphine‘s talkin voice then, take also this interview with Ryan Seacrest:

And then this other one on My FM:

But since we love Adam and the guys ESPECIALLY on a stage performing, the best comes last, and you can check it through their MySpace (if in USA), or through Maroon5VEVO Youtube, here for Misery:

and here for Makes Me Wonder (awww):

Since sometimes not everyone from all countries get access to all VEVO videos, I post also a mash up that I have made out of the two performances (thanx again to Jennifer, who sent me the original videos in Mp4) :

This video doesn’t exist

Beside the fact Adam has strange ideas about how he could get more followers (gotta agree that his chest is quite okay as it is… ;)), whate else?

Maroon 5 Warm up show for family and friends... hours ago 😉

Oh, yeah… Maroon5 just let us know on July 28 they will be doing a wonderful Billboard Q&A (darn that it’s at a no convenient time for me…).

I’ll post the related page to Billboard below (be careful: on Maroon5 Blog the link is doubled so it could NOT work: click on the Billboard Page I post instead, to be taken directly into the real Billboard Page to take notes of the Q&A… Gosh,I can be *so* kind and User Friendly… NAH… ;))

The guys are right now leaving for East Coast (where Adam will find back Anne, prior to her working commitments too, and after she’s enjoyed some Hamptons time, like all good people from Manhattan do these days of Summer…), after they performed for selected people a warm up of the stage performance they’re gonna present this summer.

The best is all that is gonna come.

Maroon 5 Billboard Q&A on July 28, 2010 - click on the pic to get there

Just enjoy… and have a great weekend (almost as good as mine/ours, I mean… ;)).

It’s almost 2 pm right now and I think even though we went late to bed (no, better… we slept late… we went to bed to NOT sleep quite sooner than expected in fact ;)) it’s time for me to wake my baby up.

In a sweet, sweet way (yesterday he was singing to me Ne-Yo Beautiful Monster… saying it’s his new song that applies to me after my games ;))

Later, peeps!

Good morning world!!!

This post comes essentially thanx to Jennifer Coles‘s cuteness, in allowing me to stream the interview Adam did yesterday on the Bert Show (yep, the thing I was talkin about in yesterday’s post, that one).

This is a first time trial for embedding personal audio files on this blog: I upgraded JUST for the sake of fans around, to keep them in line with news.

Sometimes I am so nice (only sometimes, right?).

So… there you go:

UPDATE (2) again (okay, today I am messy, but you won’t complain anyway, betcha…), because JUST in at my lunch break at lab came ANOTHER radio interview with Star Radio, that I upload here as well, again thanx to Jennifer Coles and to the great Rachel Rhodes that saved it.

Enjoy again, adorableness multiplied:

UPDATE (3): Adam this morning again on 99.5 Smiley WZPL this morning. Snaps to Jennifer Coles again and to Jan who headed the Queen up:

While we’re on board, let me complete the infos (yesterday they posted a LOT!!!).

Starting with the Fall dates tour announcements:

(all here at the lab are swooning… yep!)

Then let some Green Conscience take you over (so you can make Jesse proud, too) : >>> READ IT HERE and just go with the good vibes.

Talkin about good vibes, it’s finally time to have a date set up for Misery video première… YESSSSSS!!!


Of course, In Italy we will catch it if we’re lucky by August.

Namely, in my case, in September as I will be on board of my boat in the middle of Mediterrean Sea…

Luckely, web helps.

Luckely, I will buy the video as soon as iTunes USA has it up.

Luckely, I will CONSUME iPod, iPad and all devices playing it…

Awwww isn’t he as cute as a button even battered up?

Awww 🙂

Take also this lovely “Behind the Scene” extract (Thanx Jodi!!!! U rock ;)):


And let’s end it with the latest confessions of Adam: allegedly, at 15 he played it a bit to feel cooler (oh, isn’t he cute even admitting it? Though I can just guess by then the rate of weed assumptions didn’t help his clarity, hence the trouble of understanding the movie, lol…).

Btw, we just learnt that Kanye’s Good Ass Job drops the week BEFORE Hands All Over.

It’s not as bad as if it were dropping on their same week, but it’s Kanye, so I totally can see that preventing sweet babies from a top debut.

It’s not really that important.

But in a way, they could have programmed the day of coming off better.

Just sayin’. (not a problem for me… I buy music independently of charting power. I love Kanye, so you bet on 14th AGAJ will be in my hands ;))


The All Maroon5 Update is done.

Have all a GREAT day 😉

UPDATE (1)!!!!! Disco Radio & 105 *JUST* played MISERY!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!! LURVE Italian Radios 😉

Gooooood Mooorrning peeps.

Ron Ron Rocks 😉

I know.

I know.

My vacation has been long (and fabulous, actually).

Today I have a mild day at lab (good job in keeping it all up, Serena!) and this afternoon we’ll get back to my house so I can remeet my Swifty, and ride him.

He has ben so missing me my parents actually had to console him while I was away.

My horse is the best 😉

I didn’t bring Noah along in Barcelona, I just took iPad and iPhone so no way I would have updated blogs.

You had been warned…

Today is a pretty long post, which of course starts with LAKERS WIN!!!

What a win!!!

Adam, Anthony and David. Looking... (Images thanx to Jennifer Coles ;))

Epically twisting.

Pure hollywood style.

And luckely, as predicted, while Lakers watch in Barcelona went all wrong (but still we had fun meeting crazy Lakers fans that are probably Lakers fans only due to Pau… but still nuts!!! 😉 In a good way…), as soon as we were back in Italy (reached Linate yesterday night LATER than expected, at 10.30 pm…), the stars stop to collide (at least a bit), the options were all open and given, and Destiny started back to be fair.

Which means we won.

Man of the Game?

Look the pictures.

It’s Ron Ron.

And it felt amazing.

look if it goes...



You can read my impressions during game from the Lakers Blog Chat, or a more detailed post from the thread after it.

I will post more later cos one thing I surely miss in Barcelona was posting there.

I read… but reading without writing is just half fun 😉

Of course as you also see from pictures here (Game pictures in this page courtesy of teh always sublime Jennifer Coles, MainMaid of the M5Board) Divine Creature was at the game, as usual, and once more gracing my eyes with proxemity with another hottie that I love for sporty purposes (and not only), the always handsome David Beckham (another one that actually gets hotter as he’s aging. Never really liked him when he was looking like a kid. I really like him now that his face is getting more manly ;)).


Anthony Kiedis isn’t my eye candy, but musically it’s another great addiction (Flea played the National Anthem this year too at the WCF, so even more “yay!” for Red Hot today ;).

Adorable embrace between THE GOD Kobe, and Ron Ron 🙂

As you see from his face, Adam REALLY felt the joy.

Gosh how I love the way his face is so crystal clear like those of kids when he genuinely explodes and extrudes feelings through it.


He was so delighted he even wrote about it in a tweet, which is pretty rare so into the game:

“Lakers !!!! One of the most exciting moments I’ve ever seen live…Big Ron baby!!!!!!”

I'm always amazed the way Adam jumps high standing totally vertical. 😉

But who can blame him there?

The whole game was dope.

As I wrote in my post up in the Lakers Blog thread, we could dominate, but we went self-indulgent and Suns can never be played out, cos they rely on a genius (Nash) and they always can be a recurrent threat.

That’s why this win is important and beautiful for a fan.

And really… to have Ron Ron closing that in just feels like a movie script.

It was magnificent.

It was like David against Goliath, in the sense Ron Ron still has troubles in getting the fine flow of Lakers style of play, but he really wants so bad to help us win, that his way to fight gets even romantically pursued.

You cannot NOT love Ron Ron. He’s a cartoon :). I adored the way Kobe hugged him tight. Must be super to be hold that tight from The God Of BasketBall.

The Allmighty Mamba.

My pride also got arose in million fireworks cos of Derek‘s performance. Derek is a champion. Full Stop. Haters can go suck a lollipop and get back to Bball kindergarten because they don’t get it if they don’t get why Fish rules.

Now, THIS is the game recap 🙂 :

Btw, if you wonder why Adam was there with buddy and not with Anne, answer is that Anne is back in New York from a couple of days (but Chovy-less, so allegedly ready to get back West soon?) after completing her driving license quest in California.

More from the video: awww 🙂

And after having enjoyed last week (as People reports) some cuddling and again very serenading time in Las Vegas.

Maybe around THIS thing too?:

Someone could question her love for New York, and her way to make lists about what makes her “the happiest”, but really I just believe she would never talk openly about her private life, mostly like Adam himself never does on Twitter.

I have a dirty kinky mind so I LOVE this picture. 😉 He's always *that* way... 😉

I also think sometimes she’s maybe too young to get the incredibly privileged position she’s near at with his heart at the moment.

Or anywhere else.

Because this man has had a change in attitude.

The most non-committal of people (and I KNOW what I talk about) seems so very ready to give up *bad* habits (not that I think they were bad actually… They were fun habits. The same I used to have. Nothing wrong with sexually charged lives. You miss a lot never experiencing anything like that, trust me…).

First time a bell rang there to me was when he mentioned last year he would have loved to have a baby speaking French, while recording in Vevey.

Vesper was just born, for him to be her godfather.

I can see how that could influence hs perception of human space around him, and inside him.

I still melt when they smile together. Gorgeous.

Or so I wanna hope, because he’s definitely in the age one has to mature up. Anne? Hope she can be more mature than he was at her age ;)…

For everyone’s sake there 😉

Somebody else pulled a bit the curtain over Adam’s situation, anyway.

Read Jesse‘s note in this article from Nylon Magazine, referring to him and the end of his “lothario days”.

And like me (whom I have been convinced that he’s ready to settle since he turned 30), get a free belly jelly made of loving butterflies.

Or else.

That’s he’s mellowing and clearly searching something he was not used to from a while, you get it also from his retweets.

Adam just retweeted THIS, from MichealRunion:

“we are the sum total of our choices. it is only we, with our capacity to love, that give meaning to the indifferent universe.”

"Can we go a while on the trailer?" "Can we?" 😉 😉 😉

Well, this is at east holding some significant impact.

Doesn’t it? 😉

All I know is that I feel I am happy if I get to know he’s happy.

And right now he’s happy when THEY are happy together.

Deal with it. Be joyous for him/them.

And cross fingers. In Hollywood NOTHING is built to last.

But we can hope differently. Can’t we? (I do… right now I have become this helpless romantic).

While I post some last pictures from the video (as promised last week), I can thanx to Jesse solve the mistery about the first single, and not only the one about Adam‘s womanizing former ways (?) ;).

It seems that they shot TWO videos, from what Jesse’s said:

Which sounds finally logic.

These days they are reharsaling (well, actually not yesterday, cos Mickey is in Texas right now with some of the crew ;)), but anyway they are bonding, cos beside the USA Summer appearances it seems that they are bound to cross Oceans too, and at least put feet in UK (July still a tricky time… but who knows ;)… it’s easier than USA at least).

You can also follow their tour through Green Music Group info bites.

Green Conscience should be everyone’s priority: you know how I think there ;).

I closein with the Maroon5 related stuff with this beautiful (and drooling-inducing) tweet from a Radio exec in Miami:

“In my office listening to new Maroon 5 cd. OMG….so good. I’m excited.”

Imagine us 😉 LOL… 😉

Okay… now I guess my lovey dovey mood will naturally pour in for making a quick note (maybe quick, maybe not…) about Barcelona loving time.

And I mean… we loved Barcelona and… we had all kind of love in Barcelona, too ;).

It was so special and comforting and all involving I even beared to not overreact to Inter’s Champions League win.

(I’m not sad… I’m not sad… I’m not sad…)

We were with Barcelona supporters there when they won and now that Mourinho manages Real Madrid, they maybe regret they were cheering for Inter that evening 😉 I’m just glad that jerk is outta Italy.

I was definitely happy we weren’t in Milan while Inter fans celebrated. Pheew.

We used time to have FAB… totally FAB sexual plays. You know I get reative when I’m angry 😉 And Barcelona inspires lots of role play.

The whole town is an hymn to uniqueness and creativity.

Sun & Sea Love in Catalunya

Sure we can travel in a very pleasant way, and get to stay at the best hotels with the best facilities (like renting an helicopter to enjoy sea life on weekend…), but the real fact is that we enjoy equally all the same things.

Barcelona is a very artistic town; full of history, and full of a defined identity.

It’s cosmopolite, and so are we.

Every step we were takin in that town we did feel so united… so into the same flow.

Karim loves architecture and art of surrealists there.

He worships Gaudì, unsurprisingly.

Barcelona from our helicopter flight

Have him explaining meart is always a gift. And I do know quite much about art myself. But still… with him I constantly realize I never really do enough.

And I love the way he schooles me with full grace.

Right now we’re just one in two, two in one.

We’re absolutely on the same wonderful track.

I never get enough of him.

His company really is the only thing I crave for. Not in a sticky way: like it did happen for my work meetings, sure I perfectly feel fine also away from him.

I like having people around that are not him.

But then when he comes near… he erases the rest of the crowd.

He just needs to look at me.

And everything else around disappears.

I still being so attracted to him. Two years almost that he sexualizes me so wildly. And I cannot see it ending.


You bet it.

And I love it 😉

Have a wonderful weekend.

We ditch Garda Lake to have rest and a pleasant coule of days riding horses and Harley Davidson.

Hopefully with a kindly permitting weather.

Bye Bye 😉


Had the busiest meeting at my former University, but I also have to say amazing things are shaping up for next fall in LA.

I am profoundely grateful to all the bright minds who are gonna co-operate for making the 5DH3 Project a wonderful chance to be taken.

I’m all and totally excited to step up further.

Whooo! 😉

I also looking forward to the obvious money income, because I am gonna need even more from now on: this weekend Karim and I will be again in Florence, not only for pleasure purpose, but also because I have an offer taken into consideration for a 2 and 1/2 room, double services and garage in THERE!!!!

Karim is delighted, cos Florence is his dreamy town.

He offered to share it but financially and for the residency purpose I prefer to buy it alone if any.

That’d be technically my second house because I have the LA one as well. Actually though it’d be my third, since my dépandence at my parent’s property is of course “mine” as well. (Garda Lake house,  Rome apartment and the manor are theirs completely to me… and I hope I won’t inherit them for at least 60 more years!!!).

So, I’m turning into a housholder, at the young age of 25.

And I still have the boat, you know 😉

But enough with the fast forwarding of incoming weekend.

I have to recap what happened in the past one.

Well, lot of fun and a monsterly intensive eating session.

Combining Serena’s dinner out on saturday and then yesterday Mum’s Day celebration in Milan, man, I am out of carbs for the next 7 days.

I *fear* I’m not anymore 109 pounds 😉 so either I step up at 5’10” or I better shed the pounding through physical activity and regular food (I’m fine being 5’9″, thanx ;)).

For the physical activity, it’s time to start back sex tennis, since the season now has started and after snowboard is out I need more intensive cardio to add to the yoga, pilates and horseriding weekly roundup.

About *reacreational gym*, Karim and I know what it takes 😉 It’s a daily lovely plan we work *heavily* on ;).

On saturday night (the sunday dawning) my Lakers watch got compromised by rainstorms: internet connection went away often so we saved the NBA League Pass and watched all an hour and half later.

To not spoil the fun, I couldn’t chat (bummer…) in the LA Lakers Blog Game Chat which wasn’t good at all.

Also because the game was AMAZING:

and it would have been sublime to dissect it along my fellow bloggers.

Oh well… today hopefully no storms will take me back there.

And I am mostly sure today we’re gonna close the practice and reach the Final of the Western Conference.


While we are on sporting matter (fan sport at least), I won’t comment Serie A (shame on you, Milan… SHAME!!!!) but I will shout out my huge admire and big cheer to Carlo Ancelotti amazing achievement with Chelsea 🙂 :

So deserved.

So awesome.

And I SO missed you Carlo on our bench…*sigh*.

To avoid too downwarding thoughts, I’ll resurrect mood by detailing the Comedic Piece of the Weekend, starring the always prolific Dumbie.

Get ready at the way info bites are posted, because this prepares for more fun in July, when the anti-stalker site will be launched.

Antifact: I can’t stand wannabes and apparently this is not well taken by… erm.. wannabes?

I actually don’t blame Dumbie in himself for the comedic piece of the week.

I don’t.

He got dragged into it (easily, sure, but he got dragged)…

Poor baby boy was SURELY addressed by Psycho there

You know, she is followed by him, so she can DM him!!! W.O.W!!!! What an huge achievement!!! LMAO…

I guess when you send tons of stalking messages to a wannabe raving at his “talent” the wannabe, intrigued by your “support”, at some point can follow you back in his delusional pursue of some glory?

But then, I mean… Wannabe follows 500 people and his followers are just slightly above that rate… isn’t really THAT difficult to make him interested isn’t it?

Gosh, but these are sophisms. No no.. I must be wrong: being followed by Dumbie MUST be HUGE. 😉 In a world when one has no real life, it certainly is at least something.

LMAO… I woud wear a pin and wear it proudly everywhere… I wonder how Psycho will justify what she said about him to ME a few weeks ago, once everyone will be able to READ it on the web… and no matter what you have done to fake it there Psycho, no matter if you erased messages, or changed mails… certified and DATED web pages don’t lie… Keep digging your hole, Psycho… keep on… You are the best 😉 for funny pieces. And we wait to have even more fun around here and not only here… LOL)


Back to the comedy episode.

I was eating cakes with mum when the devices that registers the web activity of the creek popped in (it’s slightly delayed, of course… and anyway, you know, it’s not like my real life is affected by the web, so it’s not like I keep eyes struck on a screen 24/7… not even being connected 24/7 through iPhone… Web is not THAT interesting of a place, once you have a life…).

I got this message and called Fede (who was at the party for my mum too), so that we could have laughed a bit:

(NOTE: That girl of the message is NOT Psycho… she’s one of those Psycho brainwashes like she used to do with me, and one of those who, in perfect bonafide, think she’s a poor girl and try to support her by involving everyone in Psycho’s mess… Don’t blame that girl, right? She’s being fooled. But she will also open eyes in July, as long as she won’t fear to read the truth)

Of course, being absolutely convinced of my opinion of Dumbie, I had no trouble in directing myself at him.

He doesn’t do a thing for my world, but if he addresses me, sure I can answer, can’t I?

I guess Baby Mike is not familiar with typical rethorical figure of hyperboles and eponymes, but for people learning ancient Latin and Greek is natural the use of highly tipped adjectives or attributes to qualify objects (as persons as well) of admire.

And I have studied both languages… Ouch.

It’s nothing serious… just a way to write stuff down, Dumbie. Learn some or die by some.

He’s probably jalous that his brother can easily be tipped “Divine”, while his funny eponimous starts as well with a “D”, but it’s not really flattering at all?

Dunno… might be? 😉

I just know he’s a wannabe, even furtherly after this funny exchange of yesterday.

And I had no trouble whatsoever in explaining to him that he should just be able to handle opinions if he’s gonna try to pursue a career (ahahahahhaha! no okay… I shouldn’t laugh.. LMAO…):

Problem of Baby Mike is that he can fool the naives around him.

But having myself quite a number of HW connections, I know well which one is the common word on him around the bright LA.

He SPOILS his bro.

He can deny it. But he knows that’s the truth. Nothing wrong with it maybe, and after all that isn’t my business, it’s their own one… Anyone conducts their lives the way they want to. But then, of course, people can have their take at that, too.

I don’t like that certain kind of people, and well, I suppose I am free of stating it? I don’t find him valuable in any artistic way… can I say it?

Of course Baby Mike reaction to my answers (probably he isn’t used to sincere people around, so he doesn’t really know how to handle us…) was the number one move of kindergarten people.

In his mind, whomever criticize him must be:

1)  sad;

2) with no life;

3) jalous;

4) pick one of the sterotypes kids use:

Sorry Baby Mike, but my life is fabulous. And hugs is not something I lack of (LOL… this sentence made all of my crew, parents included, laugh till tears… LMAO).

I’m pretty fabulous too, actually.

Unlike you, I have a great job, a great life full of great people, a loving and oversexy (and monsterly wealthy) significant other, and amazingly enough, NONE of those things define me, because I am way beyond than just being defined ONLY through these – really valuable di per se – things.

My best asset is a very well functioning brain. And a pretty damn good taste.

No baby Mike.

I am very, very happy person and just because I am, I don’t need to lick your ass, because I don’t need you to reach your bro like Psycho does.

I totally don’t care about that (nor that you own much power there, anyway, do you?).

Life is so much “other stuff” than that pathetic pursuing of obsession (and after all, I met already everyone thrice, and out of the fan circle, which makes stuff prettier, you know…):

I thank you and Psycho who fueled you up for more comedy, since a good laugh is always a great way to end a busy weekend.

I needed it on Sunday.

But the day you will be able to realize the way you behave gets judged by your peers in a no flattering way, baby Mike, maybe that will give room to you for an actual good way to improve, evolve, and maybe make you also a more decent performer, which you are so far away from right now (this is called “artistic criticism”… you can argue or not, but you can’t erase that opinion from people’s mind with snapping fingers, can you?).

Think about that.

Or don’t : I don’t really care.

Just remember that honest people tell things in your face.

They don’t write behind your back, faking a good face in front of you.

Jesse, Adam and Frankie in "Poker Star Tease" 😉 (Thanx Jennifer Coles!!!)

Right, the comedic piece has been disveiled, and I wasted way too much time on unworthy (but funny) subjects.

I’m always ready to an upgrade (actually as I wrote previously, I don’t care about Dumbie… but when Psycho and her ways involve him, gosh, I can’t avoid the entertainment. Makes the July wrapping up even more juicy and special, doesn’t it?), anyway, so stay tuned 😉


Before I leave, I let you end it all with the good side of Pantheon, with the just-in arrived pics provided by the always awesome Jennifer Coles (DA Queen!!!!), and the AWESOME NEWS ABOUT THE ALBUM & TOUR!!!!! (just in… finally!!!):

READ IT MAROON 5 FINALLY WRAPPED IT UP!!!! THE ALBUM & TOUR DETAIL!!!! (*finally* *finally* *finally*)

Divine Adam (see??? I call him Divine!!! is it strange? Anyone of my friendly circle calls him so 😉 and we LOVE IT!!!) yesterday has returned back to LA (Anne allegedly will join him later during week, as she shared with Creepy hours ago… *brr… CReepy…*), but not before being his awesomely creative self in Airport Twittering at JFK awaiting (the smartest of you will see a déjà-vu in one tweet ;)):

The airport is fascinating…what is everybody doing? Where are they going? Who is on drugs? Who is happy? Who is sad? Who just farted?

Old people should fly first class free of charge once they hit 80. Yknow? It’s like. Congrats! You get a comfy chair for your old bones!

The dude at Mickey Ds denied me breakfast. He was so smug about it. Like in his mind he was saying “11:01 bitch”….whatever…

Happy mothers day !!!!!! Mom I love you so much. You’re the best one. (Awwwww. Sorry… I had to sneak in… he’s adorbs…)

I bought an extra seat on the plane for my French fries…too over the top?

I don’t need drugs. I AM drugs! (okay… get back here… and see me smiling now just like I did writing that past July 2009 ;))

I leave you today not with a song, but with a motto that went into my mind yesterday (some memories from Classic Studies, and my creativity applied there):

Rex est qui metuit nihil, rex est quique cupiet nihil. Constanter et non trepide, vi veri universum vivus vici

Wish you a great week.

With these news, mine shine already 😉 and ithas just started!!!

Whoooo-hooo!! 😉


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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