Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Green Music Group

Karim's Harley D for sunday ride

So, we are currently riding home this morning after a wonderful weekend at our friends Bianca and Roberto’s house in Veneto.

We had a wonderful time, we visited countryside on both days, and yesterday we had a very pleasant ride day over our Harleys.

Rob Coff on his Harley sunday

I cherish time with friends and I am always happy in decoding how much Karim fits with any of them he gets to meet for multiple days after maybe a dinner or a quicker introductory visit went out okay.

Today we pack.

Fitting in for one month for me is huge… but for how big my boat is, I know I better avoid to move a closet.

I can always buy something on the journey… 😉

The itinerary has been approved.

We skip Ibiza and the Spanish coast because we’ve been there a lot anyway, and we went to Barceloneta in May so we rather try the other side of Mediterranean instead.

We will move from Genova to Saint-Tropez, then move to Corsica, and then reach Palau and the northern of Sardinia.

From there, we will direct to Elba and Maddalena, then down to Ventotene, and then we will do Ischia and Capri.

We will then go to Eolie islands, we hope to see Agrigento too in Sicily, and from there, feeling quite like Ulysses, we will pass the sea and reach the bottom of Italy, the beautiful thriade Gallipoli, Leuca and Otranto.

From there we will do a bit of Greece and we will finish with Croazia, and get back to Venice.

Boat Life - Maroon 5 (6) in New Hampshire, 31st July 2010

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Man… I am so happy.

I feel so blessed and lucky… well, it’s that I AM that in fact.

And in all this, I am with Karim (friends will reach us at the various stops, so that we will enjoy also friendly care beside the personnel we have on board to take care of us ;)).

The main thing of yesterday was my well debated, but then really approved, Top Ten Songs 0f 2010 List (so far… but I see it hard to beat at least any of the top 5 places…).

I listen and buy a shitload of music every month; my tastes are variated and I listen to music in 5, 6 languages so my range to pick up from is huge.

Basically, when I evaluate “the best” I try to see the complete package: music, vocals, lyrics, overhall feeling, impact, a sense of personality displayed, and boldness.

it’s not really about genres as much as it’s about… honesty in art.

Because for me music definitely is art.

Look at my Top 10 from my Twitter Page:

Top 10 Songs of 2010

I had to include Robyn’s song because she has this amazing talent in creating life real lyrics and apply them to club situations, and turning them into a well painted scenery of real stuff going on for real people.

Anne and crew in Saratoga, first date of Maroon 5 Summer Tour

I am a big fan of her, and she has actually created one of the songs I feel nearer to (Handle Me), but in “Dancin On My own“, the situation s completely unknown by me (I reject if any… never been rejected or even not considered holy in my life 😉 I know… seems like I bitch out but that’s how my life has worked… and like it will keep on working. Sorry. I’m hot ;)).

Still, she sings it so well I feel like I actually empathize.

That is good music (and then the melody reminds me of Limhal’s Never Ending Story, which I love!!!).

Another point that people got surprised was the fact I named “Airplanes” (#4) best duet of 2010 for me.

They expected either Gotten or Promise out of Slash album to be named that for me… and it should have, if I hadn’t feel those like no duets.

"People" on a boat in New Hampshire at the end of July... 😉

To me a duet has to imply two vocalists: featured vocalists by a legendary guitarists make me not feel that as duet.

And by the way, both Gotten and Promise would definitely belong in my TWENTYFIVE best songs of the year list so far.

But not in the top ten.

😉 Sorry. I’m picky. Even more when it’s about my favourite musicians. I espect always the over top, and being really really good sometimes isn’t enough for pleasing my taste 110%.

Saratoga and a Disco Ball...

I keep being this honest. I think it’s a total virtue, and I don’t care how YOU do feel about it. DEAL with me, or go away. 😉

I have of course bites of stuff about babies on tour, and I honestly await to see that gigantic disco ball live while they will play Give a Little More on stage (cute!!! some of the pics you see here are from their first two shows and from the Boat Ride they took in New Hampshire before the gig… boat are cool this year, I know. Mine is cooler though ;)).

There are also some lovely homage of the one and only Queen that I have to share, that she sent over days (and that I caught only a few hours ago because you know me… Holiday = Holy = No Internet for hours = Fun of Real Life = JOY… ;)).

Remember that yesterday for instance there was some Fuse Re-Run (for USA) and that there are more stuff that Fuse Tv keeps share.

Something like for instance this AUDIO thing:

And then the funny video Adam shared of James on Twitter:

And then that thing you saw also on previous post about Adam and Mickey supporting the No Nukes campaign:

Talkin about Video and Good things, yesterday Green Music Group YouTubed THIS:

To end, we know after a answer Adam provided yesterday before rockin out Connecticut that Maroon5 will be gracing my Milan town by the start of the new year (expected… but by then I will have already seen them at least twice, hopefully thrice ;)…)

I wonder if they’ll follow the plan strictly as last tour or will surprise me with unexpected dates in pleasant European corners.

I still think they are making a mistake in overlooking Europe for too long already, but ehi… they’re adult and experienced: hopefully they do realize what this might imply, and are okay with the outcome anyway.


It’s all about choices and responsibility. 😉

Michele Merkin. I wanna be as toned when I am 35 😉

Pleasant Scrubby Stuff: Adam shouted out full of happiness yesterday evening at Michele Markin joining twitter and following him, which he replied with an immediate following at her (they’re clearly friends from quite a time, because all the LA crew followed Adam’s footsteps in the MM’s following so nothing nasty there. At least not currently/anymore… ;)) .

Anne must be really a sporty person… because THIS is Michele (not strange, she’s of Russian Jewish descent. + Swedish. Practically perfection, right? Well, in European optics, DEFINITELY you can’t beat a female 5’11”, with THAT bust and THOSE eyes and lips coming from Sweden and Russia mix of blood. Elves in Tolkien were inspired by THAT genetic. I’m just saying ;)… ;)).

But you know my way of thinkin and phylosophy there: jalousy is the most useless of feelings, both to manifest or carry inside, both to feel object of or make somebody feel inspired with).

Losers, and/or very insecure people are jalous.

Beautiful, successful people who are jalous just haven’t grown up enough, and to me they’re pretty much frauds.

If you do your best and are the best you can be in a relationship, you don’t have to be jalous and you don’t have to fear a single thing (and for me, betrayal is a fragile concept anyway…); so in the end, Anne is safe, as long as everything works and when it eventually wouldn’t anymore (which I hope never happens… you know I am a sucker for them to keep being together)… it’s not another one who is the problem.

It’s still YOU the only problem AND the one and only possible solution as well.

Anne V on that boat in New Hampshire, 31st July 2010... 😉

And by the way, Anne still looks so >>>

Don’t think we could have have any problem, right? 😉

Pearls of sexual Wisdom provided by Miss Z. The gal who wouldn’t mind her man to have sex with others and who would probably just ask “who is better in bed now?” only to have the obvious answer “None can beat you, Z.”

Because there couldn’t be any other possible answer, baby. GUARANTEED 😉

(Yep… I am THIS bitchy 😉 and that full of me. And so far, around 200 people think my nickname is Totally well-deserved. I’ll re-evaluate my self perception in case something earthqwakes that reality… ahahaha!!!)

Don’t be thinkin bad of Adam anyway (and how could you anway? He’s so sweet and adorable!), that is so open it can’t be bad, and Anne followed Michele as well as soon as the rest of the gang (though I am not sure she is part of the “68 chronic masturbators” Adam hinted at… LOL!).

This was what he was declaring about Anne at ET (you saw the video in the previous post) three days ago after all:

adam levine on ET 30 July 2010

But he definitely has a fav type (plus, I find Michele, whom I obviously don’t follow – not interested in her life after all – but whom I naturally put in my Twitter list M5&Related, really really funny. I think guys are tied to gorgeously stunning females who can be as full mouthed and openly sexual like males love to be…. she must be definitely a funny conversation to start along, and has that aura of tomboy I TRULY love to practice as well, which makes me get entertained in my reading) .

And let’s clap hands at him on it.

😉 It’s really really really something no one could blame him for: it’s for the better evolution of human species … ;).

What else now?

After we pack at Karim’s house we will move back to my territory, also because today I have to spend my last chance with my Swifty before I say bye to him for one month.

I will miss my horse so dearly!!! Hopefully he has been getting used to the idea of not seeing me for a while. *hopefully*… 😉

I’d just say to close this… enjoy yourself.

I’m going to be REALLY enjoyed in a bunch of hours…;)


Today my favourite singer is 31 years old.

And like every year around this time, my WHOLE day is dedicated to him in every way.

People know this as they know me and so it’s a bunch of years (since my sweet disease has grown unstoppable…) that they are prepared.

At lab, no one dares to guess why ALL music and sound and whatever IS about Adam Levine.

Not only music (that everyone likes…): I put on the repeat the silliest interviews that I have saved and I giggles like an idiot recurrently during the day.

Cos not only I tresure Adam’s silky voice when he sings.

I am also incredibly amused by his totally personal sense of humour.

Yesterday, when he was surely at the airport embarking from JFK to LAX, he tweeted this (he always tweets when he travels. I noticed that constantly):

“Should I say something outlandishly douchey so I can accumulate more followers?”

And from there I am sure he laughed at all the humouristic answers he got.

His attitude towards himself is something I adore.

He’s so totally the opposite of a douche, and still, at times he manages to be such a dorkey, adorable clumsy nerd I totally melt about it.

I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

The way he makes mistakes as well makes me feel about him.

So there you go.

Of course Anne was on that same flight.

She managed to conquer me one more bit further when she tweeted THIS:

“Mickey D rocks! Especially on the plane and for sure after the big bday party”

Fabulously amazing. A top model who eats McDonald’s stuff.

Talk about soulmates: thin King of Junk Food meets thin princess of Junk Food.

Absolutely amazing ;).

Even though later when they reached Los Angeles, apparently they dined in a way better place. One of the best I have experienced NOT in Japan actually:

Sushi Nozawa, @Studio City, California

I was supposed to of course create the Birthday video… I ended rushily creating TWO, cos the first one was taken down in a SECOND by UMG as soon as I posted it this morning.

This is the YouTube “edited” version (edited cos I substituted the Call&Response song version withg a remix made by me of the Sunday Morning GMG live… I practically autotuned Adam… hilarious, considering last week’s debate 😉 second part of the video though has the pure live version of the song: awesome one gotta say…)

While on Yahoo Video page I managed to put what should have been the original version.

Tonight and the night after AND the night after I guess LA will be hotter than usual.

I just wanna wish Adam all of the most beautiful things for his birthday, his life, his everything.

His voice keeps blessing my life in a way I could never ever thank him enough for.

Happy birthday, adored Seraphine ;).

Keep shining all along 🙂

Morning crew!

Sorry, it took me a while, but think I have slept maybe one hour and half to catch the game of Lakers VS Miami Heat (111-114 in Off Time… *sigh*… it has been a great game to watch though, really enetertaining on the emotional side):

It went pretty much as I stated in the very early moments of the game: a clutch game, a spectacular Kobe Bean Bryant (wow…), a quite worrying incapability of shooting FT (again… this is my only concern for this season, really…), and a defensive job far from perfect.

Kobe and Dwyne Wade

I liked though the openess of the game.

The intensity in certain moments.

Still, the Heat were the usual Heat: in disguise the first half, then starting hitting threes, and moving ball with more attention and care.

Still, we could have won.

We were really near there.

Which is why I am not worried, no matter the lacklustre perfomance of Pau.

Kobe hugs loyally Wade after Lakers' loss

I loved the way Kobe and Dwayne Wade hugged after the loss of us, cos it tells well Kobe shares my views.

I’m fine.

I enjoy these rushes os emotions with Lakers game still.

It’s okay.

We play again today but I think I will be able to follow the meeting versus Bobcats only after the first quarter: we go to the mountains with the crew (and the newlyweds ;)) and we are out in France dining so I guess we will get back later than when the game starts (our 1 AM).

To erase the pain, take a look at two awesome videos.

This is the AMAZING new Gorillaz‘s song and video for their comeback single Stylo (wow… it’s better than ANYTHING Albarn ever tried with Blur… but then I have always been a Gorillaz’s fan!), where I can even dig Bruce Willis (and you know I am not really fond of anything Bruce is up about, no matter what Kobe or Adam think of him ;)):

And this one is the MOST GENIUS VIDEO OF THE YEAR (yes, already: nothing can beat this), OK Go! new marvel for This Too Shall Pass:

I am happy that my babies Maroon5 find the video as spectacular as I did 🙂

Great minds think alike, you know 😉

Babies are all up mastering the record and doing practices and I enjoy all of the expectations.

It feels awesome.

In the maintime, check this further pieces from the Green Music Group event and know that for Divine Adam birthday I am preparing a little YouTube present based on his version of Sunday Morning from that bash :).

Waiting for new music finally, there are still two situations I had already treated on these pages, which link to Adam’s amazing voice, that need a brief update.

Update number one is another excuse to post ANOTHER pic of Lenny and Adam (and Anne) from the Nuggets game.

Adam Levine gets Lenny Kravitz's digits while Anne Vyalitsyna overlooks 😉

I am fixed up, I know 😉

But this specific pic shows exactly what I wanted to have assurance for.

The digits exchange.

I just want these two to collaborate.

It would be ORGASM IN MUSIC to me.

I am a devoted fan of Lenny since the entirety of my life, and I simply consider Adam my elective singer. Of course I would DIE if these two would ever collaborate together.

Which this exchange of numbers just let me hope about completely. 😉

And now, the final note on his blessed voice.

And more about his amazing taste for collaborations.

Yesterday Slash updated his twitter with a wonderful preview link to his album (that I have ordered from Amazon in the $67 dollars pack version. As soon as it was available…) with a track to track explanation.

Adam blessing world with his voice...

I properly melted when it came to Adam’s one, which is titled “Gotten” (yeah, the usual *creative* approach of Divine A. to grammar…):

“It was a piece of music I couldn’t let go of. I finally got to the point where I had a complete arrangement and had written string parts on keyboard and recorded a demo. Even the engineer who I was doing the demos with was sick of hearing that song!

“I thought Adam wasn’t going to be sure about it. But I went to his house and he actually liked it a lot and he wrote the perfect vocal for it. He sings like an angel on it, and it doesn’t sound like Maroon 5 but you can tell it’s his voice. I think people will really appreciate the way it sounds.”

Just amazing.

I mean.. the whole of this description.

Adam truly is blessed with talent, but what makes me go awing, is the grace he extrudes when it’s about music and the creation of it.

The way he’s open about collaborations (well, when a music hero as Slash comes to you asking, I guess anybody would be like that, but you get from Slash’s words that all it’s always so much deeper than this…).

I would so love to be witnessing one day the way the charm of music gets alive and real through him.

This is something that completely owns me.

I just can’t wait.

April is destined to be such a bonanza this year for my ears.

You know…. Hands All Over and stuff 😉

Have a great day and a great weekend 😉

Catch u from snowed mountains 😉


Today I am just so shiningly positive and gloriously happy I can’t even put it in words, nor I will try to attempt to.

I leave you with some music:

Wonderful Life” by German artist Black (an oldie, but I so love this song):

The always amazing Depeche Mode and their awesome “Precious” (perfect, amazing song…)

The mighty and classy Sade and her “No Ordinary Love”

And then, from their YouTube Channel, the video of Reverb for the Green Music Group. (awwwwwwwww. *melts in awe*)

What a perfect, perfect day…


Good morning.


All the rest counts WAY less.

I mean… WAY less.

Well… fact is my prediction about the 5-3 record on the road trip was painfully exact.

Pau and Marc Gasol

Darn, I never get those feelings wrong…

Am I showin REALLY superpowers here? Dunno… I wish I were wrong… and so the cuter Gasol (Pau‘s brother Marc) had the final laugh against us, courtesy also of the not really aggressive game of everyone in the Lakers corner, ban the always immense God Bryant and this time Ron Ron (though exactly Kobe and Ron Ron missed the final chance to actually WIN the game against the Memphis Grizzlies.).

Shit happens.

What can we say.

I expressed my view in the Lakers Blog as usual, and I reiterate that the game win or loss is just a result of too much of selfcomplacency after yesterday epic win. And some tiredness, as well.

No big deal.

I had my way to get back in celebratory mood. And actually both Karim and I were just happy and proud for Kobe. The win that we had to pull off was against the Celts.

Now let’s get back to LA.

LA, where after all the Grammy Awards fabulousity a quite impressive number of musicians (and actors???) are just recording the 2010 version of the great classic “We Are The World“.

Song will be premiered and explained later, but read here.

There’s one  name you get I am particularly happy to see in the making of…


Divine Adam last saturday

The money made will be all devolved to Haiti Relief.

I love charity, so I am not even got to notice that there are incredible idiocities in the composition of the pack (Erm… Jonas? Cyrus? Bieber???? Guess Quincy – rightly so since it’s for charity – wants the brainwashed teen and preteen masses to buy this like crazy… And hopefully they will. Haitians need badly help).

I actually think the 1985 version is UNBEATABLE.

But I am curious to hear how the rappers will rapper on that.

I am also curious to learn what Pink had to say to Kanye after having labeled him the “biggest piece of shit on Earth. Quote me” (I am doing it 😉

Too bad they beef: I think a duet between them would be simply awesome. I still think that Kanye is a music genius. GENIUS. Really.

Anyway… listen to the original We Are The World.

Pure class. It was in my Year of Birth. The song my parents use to play for all the time I was coming and blossoming. Gotta LOVE that.

This song is a masterpiece.

Hope NOBODY tries to sing in place of Michael Jackson (Usher… I am talkin to you.)

UPDATE: How I love when he smiles this way… Absolutely melting my soul out… I shiver. All the time. *sigh*

Adam Levine and Josh Groban records the remade version of We Are The World

Adam Levine and Josh Groban records the remade version of We Are The World

Good morning and Sunday world!!!

Resurfacing from one AMAZING weekend, where I did all I could to please, shock, entertain and make feel special my best friend, while awaiting – at his pad – for Karim to come back from the Switzerland madness of the boys (along the future husband) I get back to my blog to update it a bit.

It has been such a fabulous weekend.

Decors made with real flowers in

Starting from Friday, when we took Marghe out and driving into a snowfall we reached the private club where we did book for her. I spent quite to rent the whole place (which is NOT up for renting, it’s a regular place, but I am lucky enough to be good friend with the owner, so he just did me a massive favour, which I’ll be always grateful to him for…) and organize a dinner, a show for her (no strippers.. that’s gross and useless. We don’t pay for cute guys to strip for us: we force them to be so heated they will WANT to strip for us anyway…). Then when the place actually opened up for everyone else, the selection would have been out of MY tips given at the entrance. So we had the whole place filled with cute people (both males and females) and we had a BLAST.

The DJ also tried to match his style with our taste, and mostly Marghe’s taste.

Up in the VIP area where we were, there were all giant screens and I could follow, around 1 am, the Lakers game in Philadelphia. It was awesome.

Of course I couldn’t fill in the chat. Seems like it will be impossible for me from the iphone. BUMMER.

Oh, well.

Note: I behaved.

Side note: But I had a couple of hunks around who deserved the teasing treatement, and then I left themm empty-ended. I am cruel. I like that 😉

Marghe had, in her words, “Such a great night I hope marriage won’t cause me to abandon the good life. Zaira… keep me in these things!”.

Don’t worry babe.

The whole place had purple and magenta and warm red’s decorations cos these are the colours Marghe had chosen for her party.

We went home (driven by a choffeur, of course) that it was 8h30 in the MORNING. Whoooo-Hooo!

Hammam is great

The day of Saturday was instead all dedicated at wellness and beauty care. We have been all (12 plus the bride) checked into one of the greatest hammam&beauty farm Italy has to offer and we had the whole day of treatements for us, with special deliver to the bride, of course, who received also a year-long membership for the facility (our gift to her. She was in tears by then ;)).

After all the day long care, the massive rented limo drove us to Marghe’s favourite Restaurant which is pretty near Lake Como.

A delicious dinner filled with her best digged food, which is all about fishes.

Then we went out checking live music, and then we ended at her place, the new place that she will share with her hubby, and we had a wonderful night of chit-chat about our entire lives together, what it means to her to have us, and what she feels like in being a wife soon.

It has been such an awesome night: I love Marghe and the friendship we have all together. I realized that in a way I ma happy I don’t leave so suddenly for Los Angeles already.

I am happy to stay around here more these days.

Shit… Am I becoming creepily emotional? Oh, my… Hate these things.

Adam, hours ago, at the Green Music Group thing

To fullfill the time gap waiting for Karim to come back, I will probably search the whole of Internet about the Green Music Group bash that has just been held in LA.

James tweeted about it, Questlove tweeted about it, now let’s hope Adam tweets about it too.

And moreover let’s hope for some – more – footage and video, especially considering Questo mentioned a jam consisting of him, Maroon5 and Dave Matthews Band.

Holy… heavenly!!!

PS: looks like somebody cut again his hair. (?? dunno if I really like that. But in the end I know I will…)

Waiting for more to come out, let me remind everybody that tonight there are the GRAMMY AWARDS!!!!!

Do I sound excited? Cos I am. I want these to win: MGMT, Kings of Leon, and Lady Gaga. Plus Green Day and Jamie Foxx and Melanie Fiona. Maxwell and Dave Matthews are fine too with me. Oh, and Depeche Mode. The rest can die.

Some more pics

Beyoncé? No way. Though she probably has already bought all the Committee.

Taylor Swift? Please. Cute and all, but artistically it’s a shame they landed her anything out from the Country category already. Too much of hype for too weak of a voice. But she can grow (this if John Mayer won’t ruin her sanctity… which I assume he did already, actually… and that’s FUN…)

I leave you with some from past week that excited me more as soon as I learnt that it was involving ALSO the mighty, one and only guru of music, Mr. Thom Yorke from the *holy* Radiohead.

Talkin about music (and here I end) yesterday I just almost throwed up a little in my mind when Adam’s brother Michael shout out through twitter his appreciation of… erm… Miley Cyrus? Dear above… I had to differ. He answered that he disagrees, I answered back that musically we live on two different planets. And we always will.

Miley is garbage for 11 years old with a Disney brainwashed music taste (well, taste is a big word here…).
I proudly wear and always will this statement and idea.

Jeez. Music is a serious matter to me. Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, all this useles stuff are a cancer for real music.

Have a great sunday… and today… Lakers against Celtics.


Go destroy the Green Goblins!!!

So, Lakers won again the second time in a row yesterday.

Nice game, but as yesterday was all too deep and heavy to discuss about the poor Wizards, today is similarly just not enough the thrill (irony detected) in me about the win against the Pacers to make me spend too much words on the game.

We won, cos right… well there’s no comparison between Lakers and any of those two scrappy teams (sorry to any Pacer or Wizard lover around. No disrespect… just stating the obvious).

Today is again Wii League, finally in a complete way: people coming at me (this afternoon I get back in my house cos I want to ride Swifty, day is so clear and chill and perfect I want to go outside, and that’s why I exit from work at 3 pm…) along Karim, everybody picks up something cold and nice to eat and then at 9 pm all in the arena for 3 hours gamers. WHOOO-HOOO! I love that 😉

Yesterday my nerdiness, hopeless one, has fully manifestated itself while I was following the Apple iPad launch in San Francisco.

I only know that I want it.

Steve Jobs presents the iPad

I have the Kindle and an iPhone and a laptop, a Mac home… I have two iPods (one regular, one shuffle) and still as soon as I saw that, a voice inside me screamed:

“GET IT NOW!!!!”

I always feel like a kid anytime Apple unveils anything new.

Then Jobs is the ultimate showman, isn’t he?

I am a total devotee and a freak, too. What can I do about it… I am. I will have that for my birthday. Ehy! turning 25 is something important.


Before I reach the actual matter of this post (I haven’t even caressed it yet…) and while we are in Southern California matter… this is the Grammy Week!!!!

Awww. The Grammies. How I love them. I would love them even more if I could just be NOW in La, in my lil new house, wandering in search of… good things 😉

Some of which are for instance already enlightened by this People’s article:

People Grammy Parties Preview

And needless to say, there are two things that caught me: Jamie Foxx‘s infamous party (I could have BET MY LIFE  sweet babies would have chosen that one, as *somebody* really loves Jamie Foxx) and then the news about the party organized for the launch of the Green Music Group (awwwwwwww! totally in awe of this) on saturday, preceeding the more than legendary Davis‘s preGrammy night.

Aww. The green conscience of my beloveds just fills me with pride.

I just wish I could be in LA now. Oh… how I do I could.

Now I can finally tell you about what I was thinkin yesterday, deep in Karim’s arms after a long long day.

Yesterday, you know, it was tough for me. I suffer deeply inside me the tragedy of the Holocaust, even not being Jewish, or Rom… Hate of beasty proportions just collides with my spirit so much I feel hopeless and too tiny to surface back.

Karim suggested me to do some meditation.

Zen Words

And then we started to get phylsophical about the way I am quite a split personality, also in my way to react to tragedies such as the one remembered yesterday.

“You are definitely an intellectual person, Zaira. Which is amazing and totally right, not to mention completely fascinating, especially in someone as beautiful as you are. Unfortunately, this bonds also with your huge sensitivity in a way that affects you when the mere logic can’t tell you why barbarian acts take place. When your brain can’t find reasons sufficent enough for the pain inside your heart, you feel lost, and that’s understandeable…”

“You’re right. That’s exactly what happens…”

I said back to him.

“Well, the love you have for Eastern Philosophy can help you exactly there. Being Zen asks you to not being judgemental, just to be a conscious observer. It’s not indifference, it’s actually the only way to give sense at the human madness without succumb at its evil grab over the soul. When you consider that your own given symbol, the thing you feel describe you the most, it’s a Tao… you totally show you know the truth. Indeed you’re VERY Tao in everything you show. It’s something totally precious in my eyes…”

Zen Garden in Kyoto

We started to talk and browsing through our THOUSANDS Japan pics we took this past summer. And talkin about satori (illumination in the Zen concept), and recalling little koan stories and going by memory with some japanese haiku poems. We were kissing so amazingly the whole time, and in a long, elapsed space of time we ended naked making love over the floor in a wonderful, truly wonderful way.

That was purely magical.

Maybe I love Japan so much cos being in touch with its way of life can help my way too thoughtful (in painful way) mind. Never actually got to reflect about this.

Once again Karim knows me more than I do know myself.

It’s magical.

That too.

Thank you honey.

I love you every day more, and you’re the golden frame that keeps my chaotic Tao together well.


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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