Japan Lover

Archive for June 2010

This is a title which is working actually only if:

Adam at Z100 Radio (Thanx Jennifer Coles)

1) you’re Italian;

2) you’re familiar with music of the past 45 years;

3) you’re a Gianna Nannini fan.

Out of that, it will make no sense to you.



His Adorability at Z100 again

I write this in the middle of my working task at SNAM Progetti in San Donato, and after I got back to my lab for briefing about it  (the reached agreement with the American partners opens up a plethora of new links that we can’t wait to milk onto… I love my job. I love to being good at it. I love to make money. MY own money. It’s not about being vain… it’s about kickin ass in life, u know ;)), where I had already a certain HUGE fun in teasing that poor young, handsome engeneer that I met lastly just there, and who keeps watchin me with the starry eyes.

He knows I’m taken.

But I have played him with looks in a way he won’t care about that detail (I’ve seen all this so many times, I can probably decode pheromones of a human male by MILES,  lol…).


Yep. That's James 😉 (all the Z100 pics are a HUGE morning gift of Jennifer, right?)

I can be this cruel.

It’s unharming… at least, it’s unharming ME.

But as per usual I have been 110% brutally honest with him, so I don’t really put any blame on myself. I won’t really play down my look just out of safety for male human race, right?

I got ahead of me a certain number of years still to make everyone turn heads at me anywhere I go (never expect slutty outfits from me though… I leave sluttyness to those who are not beautiful enough & have to rely on tricks… ;)).

Awww. Jimmy V... ❤


No way I will ever play it low there…

For the weekend, we still undecided if going or not to Heineken Jammin Festival.

The panel of artists DEFINITELY would deserve a check… but I would be more interested in relaxing a bit on the Lake… honestly.

There are spaces open for changing my mind but Karim too is more oriented at getting feedback from there by some of our friends who are heading over the happening.

We’ll see.

My Babies Maroon5

Back to the Radio Baccano thing, and after the multiple radio excerpts upload of yesterday, today we have MORE of Adam’s loveliness on Radio (always thanx to Jennifer Coles, who fills my morning mail checks with adorable gifts!!), that I let you check:

and also a second one (beside the radio things, you gotta bow at Jennifer DA Queen also and especially  for the pics out of  Z100 radio interview… Eldorado!!! Eldorado!!! At work I couldn’t avoid to think of them both ;)… *sigh*…).

Check this out too:

Beside being awesome in sending me (and therefore YOU) all these radio interviews (expect more…), Jennifer also provided me my new iPhone Ringtone 😉

Isn't he perfect? 😉

Guess which one… (THAAANX!!!) > Mine is #3, the part of the song that I predilige (Min. 2.01 to Min. 2.31)

Talkin about Radios, this morning waiting for all people to join us at the meeting Room in Snam, I made one of the guys there turn Radio that was listenable to RDS.

Adam and Mickey on Misery Video Set, May 2010


Because after catchin yesterday Misery on other radios, I TOTALLY expected beloved Anna Pettinelli to deliver it STRAIGHT there.

And I didn’t fail.

Check this from Maroon5. I mean… Maroon5! We’re not speaking about one of those trashy bands here. They are all about class. And this is the new single paving road for September Album. Enjoy Misery!”

Can't help: when Adam smiles, I feel butterflies inside.

AWWWWWW. 😉 (Probably once she will see Adam Easy Rider version and catch ALL of his new tats she will re-evaluate… NO. She won’t. 😉 He’s one of the rare cases of class even when tattoed from head to toe 😉 SEE for reference >>>> David Beckham ;))

We’re on the verge to have daily loads of materials btw, because machine’s out and running.

Don’t expect me to update this DAILY (no way…) but be assured NOTHING will be lacking of valuable.

Am I the only one wishing I could brush James' hair? 😉

You will just have to wait a coupla of days between various updates.

Class A people. Just sayin 😉

I have a life, and my weekends are like… HOLY, you know.

But let’s keep rolling along for today.

There are some news the babies’ themselves shared:

For instance, the fact in the new Guitar Hero Pack is Included THIS LOVE, and this of course makes me quite happy 😉

Or that they linked the same link I did yesterday (Boy, I’m quicker than them? LOL… actually that was Jodi’s help, if you remember ;)…) about >>>


Again, how beautiful are Adam and Anne together, there and anywhere else? They clear the grey sky when paired.

Just one minute… that look Adam had on the radio interview… doesn’t remind you all of something?

Don't they look similar?

That pic of Anne, that she tweeted while on the plane to Chicago last week, is perfect to give you a glimpse of Adam’s humour again (yesterday he tweeted A LOT).

You know that Russian Spy Gate that is currently up in the news?

Save that microphone... *feticism* 😉 (Kidding)

Well, of course Adam couldn’t avoid to link it (he’s kinda *involved* with Russian stuff at the moment… LOL…) and he sounded really entertained by the implications.

Dunno about you guys, but I can TOTALLY guess the sexual game of that night between them two:

Honey, let’s remake something in the line of Bond. Something like James and The Russian Spy who loved him, just way nastier…

Well, I would have definitely tried it.

sleeeeeek 🙂 Awww 🙂

I’m SO sure they planned something along that line too… 😉 (they better to… things like these are way inspirational…)

But let’s get back to news, or the thoughts I’m having about certain scenes won’t let me be that informative (*sigh*)…

Billboard yesterday had two news related to Maroon5:

One is about the chance to take place to the gig I already mentioned you on July27, which is a charity event, and which you could attend filling the form Billboard has up to >>>>> CHECK IT ;

sometimes words are not enough

and the other is a WONDERFUL intervention plan many artists have decided to take against discriminatory Arizona recently implemented anti-immigrants law, called The Sound Strike.

Maroon5 have agreed to take part in that, and I gotta thank Billboard for makin me happy with this news (I love their serious side).

What more?

Well in his number of tweets, yesterday Adam delivered one of his trademarked overexcited answers to Jesse, preaching the zen beauthy (and balance) of Buddhism.

A serious man, a normal man, and a comedian... 😉

Why Am I not surprised Adam can’t really quiet himself up that easily? 😉 LOL…

Also this piece of Interview he did along Mickey for MTV press on the set of Misery Video tells well (he tells that about himself… ) that guy is just a no tamed kid.

Lovely and utterly charming, but… eh… what can I say… not easy to deal with, for sure (bless you guys who can keep him in check…).

Btw, just one hour ago, Adam was sharing this >>> CHECK IT and therefore, my prediction about having LOTS of material to post from now on just gets vivified in full ;).

Awww. Bless Z100 and the man / woman behind the camera 😉

Maybe though wakin up that soon doesn’t help the Zen side of Adam (is there any? LOL..) because he sounded none like a buddhist asking something to please (or to taise) Jesse up: it seems that none of them is familiar with Wikipedia (too bad… Psycho lives out of THAT and Google Translator… what if the babies would learn about those *marvels* as well? What she would talk about then? LMAO…).

Anyway, time flies and I can’t wait to check off from lab and get into Karim’s arms. Today no World Cup so we will go out in Milan.

I leave you with one of my favourite videos/songs at the moment.

Starting with lovely Robyn, and her Dancing On My Own:

Then Chiddy Bang, “Opposite of Adults” (cos I dance on that a lot):

and the awesome “The High Road” by Broken Bells:

Have a great day!!!

Whoooo! 😉

Good morning world!!!

This post comes essentially thanx to Jennifer Coles‘s cuteness, in allowing me to stream the interview Adam did yesterday on the Bert Show (yep, the thing I was talkin about in yesterday’s post, that one).

This is a first time trial for embedding personal audio files on this blog: I upgraded JUST for the sake of fans around, to keep them in line with news.

Sometimes I am so nice (only sometimes, right?).

So… there you go:

UPDATE (2) again (okay, today I am messy, but you won’t complain anyway, betcha…), because JUST in at my lunch break at lab came ANOTHER radio interview with Star Radio, that I upload here as well, again thanx to Jennifer Coles and to the great Rachel Rhodes that saved it.

Enjoy again, adorableness multiplied:

UPDATE (3): Adam this morning again on 99.5 Smiley WZPL this morning. Snaps to Jennifer Coles again and to Jan who headed the Queen up:

While we’re on board, let me complete the infos (yesterday they posted a LOT!!!).

Starting with the Fall dates tour announcements:

(all here at the lab are swooning… yep!)

Then let some Green Conscience take you over (so you can make Jesse proud, too) : >>> READ IT HERE and just go with the good vibes.

Talkin about good vibes, it’s finally time to have a date set up for Misery video première… YESSSSSS!!!


Of course, In Italy we will catch it if we’re lucky by August.

Namely, in my case, in September as I will be on board of my boat in the middle of Mediterrean Sea…

Luckely, web helps.

Luckely, I will buy the video as soon as iTunes USA has it up.

Luckely, I will CONSUME iPod, iPad and all devices playing it…

Awwww isn’t he as cute as a button even battered up?

Awww 🙂

Take also this lovely “Behind the Scene” extract (Thanx Jodi!!!! U rock ;)):


And let’s end it with the latest confessions of Adam: allegedly, at 15 he played it a bit to feel cooler (oh, isn’t he cute even admitting it? Though I can just guess by then the rate of weed assumptions didn’t help his clarity, hence the trouble of understanding the movie, lol…).

Btw, we just learnt that Kanye’s Good Ass Job drops the week BEFORE Hands All Over.

It’s not as bad as if it were dropping on their same week, but it’s Kanye, so I totally can see that preventing sweet babies from a top debut.

It’s not really that important.

But in a way, they could have programmed the day of coming off better.

Just sayin’. (not a problem for me… I buy music independently of charting power. I love Kanye, so you bet on 14th AGAJ will be in my hands ;))


The All Maroon5 Update is done.

Have all a GREAT day 😉

UPDATE (1)!!!!! Disco Radio & 105 *JUST* played MISERY!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!! LURVE Italian Radios 😉

World, welcome back!

Yes, it’s me both writing and uploading this.

At home, yesterday. Rode Swifty, won at tennis... PERFECT!

I’m in the breaking moment of my first day back at work after USA trip, and being this a day among farms to evaluate tests along the producers, I can enjoy some summer sun in the middle of a heated up countriside and upload this through Noah.

Trip has been SO beautiful.

The part in LA got wonderfully accompanied by some days spent in New York.

Leaving New York, Never Easy...

What to say… Karim and I love Big Apple.

I have the usual reaction all Europeans have for that town… no matter how I love California as entity, (and I do endlessly), New York holds a special place in my heart because it’s just so… in the middle of everything.

And you actually have all the Four Seasons there.

I love that for instance I can enjoy also rainy or grey days there (and last one was cloudy most part), and that I can step off and be just a normal citizen wearing something more regular than not a tank, short pants and flip flops (the usual look in LA).

New York: Center of the world.

Don’t get me wrong… my heart is Californian BUT I love that Karim like me loves to be in New York a lot.

I didn't buy anything there this time... 😉 I did in LA!

He has a house there… but he doesn’t love to hang in there.

Something bad happened there in his childhood days, so about findin a place of our own also in NY, he said just:

“Sure, why not… I need another place to call my own here and right now, only a place shared with you can be my own, my love.”



During our further days in New York, I finally reached an agreement with the American Partners.

Say BYE BYE TO OTTO starting form January the 1st, 2011!!!!!

You can bet I am delighted.


Karim instead sold two of his past sculptures (included the phoenix I so loved!!!) and got three more orders. It’s funny that he does this “as hobby”, being now really up to become a professor and a scholar on his own… What is interesting for me is that he will have to sculpt a lot more.

And you know how I get sexualized when he does that 😉

Adam and Chovy making new friends at LAX

Marghe right now is tracking our steps back in New York. She has arrived just a couple of hours ago, but she’s way luckier than I was there…

Yep, because as I anyway predicted,  Sweet Babies are there prior to the performance at the Today Show (they actually arrived JUST exactly when I was leaving out… great timing, right? ).

But okay, I better try and being really tracking back facts since last post, or none of you will get a thing.

JimmyV relaxing on the plane

Let’s start from Wednesday, 23th of June, when the happy crew of the Babies AND of course Russian Fairy went on a private plane to reach Chicago House of Blues – that’s Adam’s thigh aside Anne, if you wonder…-,  where a private event was scheduled to take place  (we just know what certainly Adam DIDN’T read on that plane…).

Members of SIN went there, invited by the band out of a contest (Yup!! Psycho too ;)).

But not only those: Charisse, like us, is not a SIN member, but she could actually witness the show pre… in… and after. She loved it a lot (it was filmed AND although it was kinda short set, with only two new songs, she said they looked&sounded greatly on form!), but her eyes were more taken by a certain couple GLOWING standing together actually: awwww!!!

Jesse, Cami and Anne at House of Blues


You can see from these pictures, all taken by the tweets of Anne and Jesse, that Miss V. has definitely entered the inner circle of traveling sweet halves along her man, just like the rest of the babies’ significant others have (logically!).

What is cute is that Adam actually sticks to Chovy as much as she does when they are together.

Awww (and I still DON’T like those kind of small dogs… but I love the way he gets tendered up by that specific one, just because it’s hers…).

Cheesy? Maybe. Adorable? ABSOLUTELY. Awww 🙂

Okay, you know how these two are lovely to me together: I won’t justify this fact.

I like them together: FULL STOP.

I also totally backed the very childlike input of writing that sign over the House of Blues walls.

I may recall you all that ME, the LESS romantic person on planet Earth known until recently, not longer than a month ago on a beach near to Barcelona wrote all over the sandy beach hearts with the initials “Z” + “K”.

Anne is in that same phase, and although in his own personal way, definitely Adam‘s there too.

This reminds me of the classic Queen shot for Bohemian Rhapsody

I find it genuinely adorable (and I’m one year older than her, so if I do, she can do it too… who wouldn’t in her place? Exactly ;))

Warming up for the start of the Summer Tour, Open up a space to Tune in On Fuse on July 27th, ya’ll ;), and then if you need a lil lecture take this lil excerpt out from this EW issue, too.

Around these hours Adam is actually bound to be interviewed on a radio. Allegedly, he will be asked about some fascination with iPhone4 (did they receive one each at the iTunes Acoustic session recordings? Anyway, I have bought one while in New York and I LOVE IT TOO!!!!!)

Talking about activities to be scheduled, know that on Thursday there will be another gig privately held and hosted by VEVO with Maroon5, and you can get selected to attend (Marghe, Charisse… I HATE you both, you biatches ;)… kidding!!! Have lotta fun!).

On saturday on Bang Bang video set

If you wonder what Adam did during weekend, well… HOLD ON….


When they wrote it I barely held myself in contaiment.

Yes, yes, YES!!!

I am waiting for this video to be shot since I firstly bought Troubadour 🙂 !

(therefore, hear me scream and see me jump and smile, even now that I am at work… *Finally*!!!! Not that my own video wasn’t cute, but I drool to have A REAL VIDEO TO BUY now!!! And I still wait for Misery one like an epyphany, too!!!)

Talkin about Misery, this comes from Babies’ YouTube directly, so I can link it here too:

Pictures from Bang Bang set instead  are courtesy of  Ben Berkman (Octone MainMan);)

I am pretty longing to put hands on anything related to Babies right now… and  if only James’ hints about the photoshots for the album were right… LOL 😉

What more?

Oh, sure… I have to leave with the last Adam’s tweets before I slept last night.

It was Gay Parade day in Manhattan if you don’t know, and after some asked him about he taking a walk among it all , he answered THIS way (oh, Adam… wouldn’t you just say “sorry, I’m caged in the room with Anne doing everything BUT gay stuff” ?  That’d have been even more amusing… LOL…).

But at least he was conscious his words would have been subject of misquoting (maybe already in the radio interview?)…

Poor angel.

Let’s just honour instead the serious side of Adam by quoting THIS he said, which I simply couldn’t agree more (NOTE: Adam has Chris Cornell as reference for great singing… while Dikkie, the genetic jump, has… Miley Frigging CYRUS. What’s wrong in this genetic pairing? Boy… the ashaming consequences of bad life mixtures…):

“People who want to be singers should listen to a soundgarden tune called ‘the day I tried to live’ …one of my favorite vocals…”

And so to honour Adam’s as per usual impeccable taste, I leave you EXACTLY with that, and the awesome voice of my adored Chris:

Have a great start of the week 😉

NOTE FOR READERS: for those waiting, the Psycho dedicated website will be up from July 10th, and not as previously reported, on July 1st.

The look the site dedicated to Psycho will have 😉

My impossibility to check my password devices while in USA caused a delay in the fltering of all webpages in the new site created aptly for the purpose.

Sorry for that, but I leave you with a lil snippet of the graphic…

Get ready to have fun along.

The provider has accepted all the downloading schemes there and finally my money spent on the customization will have a nice output.

I like to do things in style.

And I never forget an offence.


So, stay tuned: I will link the site from my Twitter main page, and as I said, it’s not a WordPress site at all.

Bye Bye! 😉

This update is brought to you courtesy of my dear Fede‘s help.

PopArt shot of Malibu, three days ago 😉

I update blogs only through a special FTP that helps me traces records of anything revolving around the blog itself AND being still abroad (I’m on it in a short while), the only way to update “safely” would have been asking his help.

It seems that during this trip half of my Internet supports have been ruined: I can’t access my Yahoo Mail (so if any of you wrote me, and I know some did because I get mute alerts, though I don’t see who wrote what, nor I can open any mail, or send it from there… sorry I can’t answer), and I have trouble with the iPad AND with my small laptop too.

I actually could send Fede’s the scratch of this post only using a pc from the office I am in New York today at (I have a business meeting ;)).

Misery is Out! More snapshots from the incoming Video - 1 -

So I WROTE the post, but he did upload this.

Say thank to him, because for me the update could have come next sunday 😉


But there was something I had to keep trace for, especially considering in Italy we will be getting sound of this in 2 weeks, if not later… And I had to fullfill this at least without too much of a gap.


Misery is out (well, for the Americans… Lucky me, I’m in New York and I can listen to it on the repeat ;)).

And it’s… *Summerly Perfect*!!!!

Man, I can’t stop DANCING to it. It’s probably the grooviest they’ve ever reached. And it fits the mood of Summer. Perfect 1st single Choice.

Misery is Out! More snapshots from the incoming Video - 2 -

You know I was skeptical about pickin up Misery as first single, but I was TOTALLY wrong. Never underestimate Babies’ brain. Awww 🙂 I’m glad to have been wrong there (you don’t hear me say this any often, do you?).

But later on this… let’s be coherent… at least a bit.

Because I’ve been in Los Angeles for the most awesome Parade (last year it was more comfortable, sit down at the Coliseum and all, but THIS year the satisfaction of the victory is just WIDER, so also the feeling at the Parade was bigger… at least to me ;)), and enjoying sea, my house, some great restaurant, and a LOVELY visit to Louis Vuitton (eh, those bags… I had to buy me *some*… and make Karim gift me *some* too…); I have had a blast along the always entertaining (did I say HOT?) Mash and my Marghe (poor baby.. she was constantly object of funny antics by the three of us, trying to break her irreprensible chaste feeling… don’t worry, she never did anything wrong despite us, hubby 😉 LOL…), and I just loved every second of that sunny (kinda heavily humid those days though) air along my Karim.

Over Twitter I already said a lot, and I’m not gonna write much more because I have another reason for being actually here updating the blog… but let me just share with you a Lakers Blog Post where you see and enjoy the Lakers @ Jimmy Kimmel Live (aren’t they adorable??? Isn’t Kobe just so… awwww… adorably HUMAN there??? Check it. It’s awesome. All the videos are!!!), and from The Lakers Twitter the link to the whole thing also.

I just wanna say that I want all the guys to STAY with us.

I know that is not really likely to happen… but I so love them all.


Of course I want to celebrate my Hero Kobe Bean Bryant above them all, and I was thinkin about doing, but Jerry West said all that needed to be said (and you know… he’s quite more mattering than me?)… So Look&Read:

Jerry West on Kobe

Pretty awesome, right?

Jake and Adam out of Dan's Tana after Lakers victory 17 June 2010


So, while I was in Los Angeles, it would have been pretty impossible to cross Divine Adam (not that I EVER thought about it: this whole Los Angeles trip was meant to be executed ONLY for the Lakers… Marghe maybe hoped differently, but I was pretty clear about that. Peaking Order. Lakers were the only stuff mattering those days. PERIOD 😉 But maybe who knows… a little short blitz during start of October, like 7th October, isn’t out of plan. Mash worked well there. Opening options? ;)).

Adam exits Dan's Tana - 17 June 2010

In fact, after havin enjoyed Lakers victory with the dinner out with Jakey G. at Dan’s Tana on thursday 17th, (you remember my rant last year about a well named restaurant that gained my total disapproval as Italian? THAT… yep. Ehi, no problem… Jerry West loves it, Adam loves it… I hate it. Tastes. No problem…), which you see in these pictures, Adam moved straight to Palm Springs as soon as Russian  Fairy had ended her task with Louis Vuitton campaign.

And to make what, you may guess?

Well, get ready for sugared link…

Because they went catching Donna Summer gig at the Fantasy Resort.

Scenes from Misery Video Shooting - 1 -

I simply adored Anne’s tweet from there. >>> Yes, I’m a hopeless sucker. Kill me. I still love them together. A LOT. It’s all based on looks? Who cares. Looks DO count. And as long as Adam’s happy, I’m all for anything that keeps him happy.

Scenes from Misery Video Shooting - 2 -

I like seeing him smile.


After that coupla days in Palm Springs area, they went back in Los Angeles.

Gotta open a break here because I gotta land another Dumbass Award as I detail more the reason they went back to Los Angeles for.

While I was tempted to deliver it to the fat lady who kept pushing me at the Parade only because I was tall (idiot, is not my fault if you’ve grown in SIZE instead of height… ), I had to re-evaluate the assignament after I got notion – hours later than it did happen – that Dikkie (formerly known here as “Dumbie“… but after this you’re about to acknowledge, just define him “dumb” isn’t enough…) made another evidence to his hopeless case of a life wasted on for the worst.

Dikkie, in his usual pathetic famewhoring twittering mentioning Big Bro out of nowhere (and one wonders: you TWEET that question? Won’t you directly call him? or text him? Knowing how private he is??? Oh, yeah, sorry… if you would do that like a brained/sensitive human being, who would EVER take notice you exist? – not that many does anyway… and anyway nobody mattering does… ;)), reached the top of his idiocity when he twittered TWICE from Family House BBQ his GPS location.


Scenes from Misery Video Shooting - 3 -

I don’t post the tweets he did for obvious reason, but of course he managed to post personal pic of Adam and Anne and bragged about that.

So right now every psychotic knows Big Family & Kids location (Psycho rejoiced for sure… now she surely hopes Blind Enabler can invite her over West Coast… Boy… She could stalk the kids? Camping outside? She sure can do that… Loserness multiplied?).

Drumroll to Dikkie: for exploiting your family shamelessly, regardeless of basic privacy common sense, and for keeping mentioning “I’m brother of” every two seconds, like this automatically gives you ANY kind of skill or relevancy, and proving once more beyond tests that you’re really one of the stupidest persons ever, you DEFINITELY deserve this Dumbass Award again: make room for the collection. These are the only kind of awards you’ll ever grab…

Scenes from Misery Video Shooting - 4 -

I don’t believe for a moment it wasn’t deliberate to mantain the GPS: that low cut genetic jump senseless sibling would do ANYTHING to chase fame. In case it was unintentional, even worse: means that he is even MORE stupid than I depict him now.

But I stay convinced: he did it on purpose, always trying to pump himself out of connections to desperately try to reach some fame.

Too bad Fame is to no avail to such a talentless idiot.

Atually, it’s only fair, of course.

(I have this tickling feeling if there is a responsible for Misery early leaking… and he had ANY glimpse of the material prior to others… that he could be one of the major suspects. Yep. My opinion of that waste of breath is THAT low. Lower than that actually… & I have PLENTY of evidences about how dreadful he is).

Anyway, after the failure of Dikkie attempt to get some relevancy out from exploiting his family, the day after, just around Parade preparations, a series of Tweets caught my attention.

It seemed that Misery would have been available BEFORE than planned.

As I immediately thought, the early availability had to be readied due to risk of leaking, which they patched up actually meeting BETTER my exigencies. Yep, because with the original A and B plans, I would have being FLYING by the time Misery would have been ready to be purchased.

This way, instead, I could listen to it STRAIGHT.


Check the song audio from this article from PopWrap (that I totally agree with). CLICK on the pic so you can get to the page and get to listen to the song:

PopWrap on Misery

It’s a really perfect popguitar song, lively and full of exuberance, with all the Maroon5 trademarks of sounds, which is good as first single, cos too much of a departure (which I know exists in the record) would have been tweaking for fans.

I LOVE to hear a beautiful groovy song where the beauty of the melody and the richness of the sounds are provided NOT by dreadful Autotune, but out from a careful execution of backwards layering choruses that are amazing to decode as Adam goes on singing.

I love the basslines, and James’ usual titillating style on guitar.

It’s really, really, really a beautiful comeback.

It’s basically true pop music without the tricks that nowadays EVERY darn pop song has in.



And it’s quintessentially Maroon5.

I love that.

Can’t wait to hear what Mutt Lange has created along them: I’m literally drooling, even more than I thought I would have been.

I missed their music so much.

The video should be available by the end of this week actually… hopefully before I jump back on plane to Italy, Saturday…

Check what Adam declared about it (Via Aceshowbiz) :

Adam on Misery Music Video

Of course you see here some pics from the video…

After hearing the song, my will to see the video has increased (like there wass any need) of 300% rate.


Of course as soon as it will be buyable, it’s in my collection. 😉

Babies&Divine A.  seem very happy about the way the song ended to be presentedand received.

Hopefully Adam’s satisfaction about this all will make him close one eye on the way Anne was using time spare trying to get accustomed to LA traffic… (poor Anne… I totally understand her. Driving in LA is INSANE. A person not used to honestly faces a drama…).  And moreover, I assume she was driving not one of his cars… Given that the AstonMartin would be a missile in her hands, we gotta also pray it was not the SL400 either? He would die if anything would break ANY part of it… ;)).

Scenes from Misery Video Shooting - 5 -

I assume also, though, he would probably forgive Anne for anything.

And that would be sweet. 😉

Another wonderful and really “just in” news is that yesterday Babies recorded an iTunes Acoustic session.

YESSSSSSS to the “stripped down” versions of the songs!!!!

I want this acoustic session, allegedly totally fun, available BEFORE Hands All Over comes out!!! It would fill he gap time way better than making a second single go out too soon ;).

Surely they had fun past night.

Adam was in a total cheerful and funny mood, enhancedly visible when he answered a question and promptely linking himself to a “young Danny Glover” (NOTE: Danny Glover is BLACK… you gotta love Adam’s sense of humour…) ;).

What more>???

For now I’d say nothing.

I just advice you all to ENJOY Misery (sounds strange if one doesn’t know it’s a song ;)) and to welcome back Babies on the radios/videos/etc.

I hope in Italy we won’t have to wait the usual 3/4 weeks gap between the moment things get introduced in Usa and the one they come available for us too. And this happens with MAJOR artists.

Yep, imagine when you follow indie (btw, Maroon5 here are mainstream so it’s all okay… ;)).

LibertyIsland. Yesterday 😉

Enjoy your summertime along and what more?

Well, when I get back from USA we will see what has happened furtherly.

Misery Rocks!!!

Lakers Are World Champions!!!!

I’m in New York!!!!

Gosh… I am a frigging LUCKY BITCH 😉

CU 😉

Oh, boy.

adam arrival at GAME 6 (leftover)

Awake from 2h45 am.

Dried up but actually not.

Feeling so completely perfect.

And I haven’t eaten anything yesterday at dinner.

I was too agitated 😉

I had all to celebrate: naughty sex (a TRIPLET is naughty enough? It felt awesome…) shout outs… and the house is a happy mess.

Marghe comes in a while cos in a few hours we leave (me Karim, Mash and Marghe) to Rome, where we will catch the flight to Los Angeles tomorrow morning.

THE PARADE is IN FOR MONDAY, and you know… I TRULY bet on it, so I deserve it so much.

So many stuff are going through my mind… guess you have to read here what  have just posted in the Lakers Blog.

Today is Laker Day.

Adam texting during Game 7 of NBA Finals. Moody baby? Looks so.

Laker GLORY Day.

Nothing can be better.


I’ve waited enough.

I’m awake since 2h45 am this morning and no way I will ever sleep.

I got day free from work of course (I called it in since Game 5, sure that in line:
– there would have been a Game 6;
-there would have been a game 7;
– I would have got to take days off to fly to LA and be at the Parade.
YES, THAT WAS THE MEASURE OF MY CERTAINTY, that never ever vanished out, not even during this game, not even when half of the chat and the usual suspects were already throwing stones at our guys, failing to understand how much a Game like this one we just lived had to find its reason in the will, not in the preppiness).

Adam at Game 7 of NBA Finals 2010. Getting to his usual seat.

I’ve celebrated all possible ways. (my way too).

I have already rewatched the game, because we taped it straight.

I have two tvs on (one on our Italian version of ESPN, Channel Sky 214, and the other on CNN News); I have two pc working and my phone is constantly thrilling.

I would go nuts if it weren’t like my adrehnaline and joy right now could hold an entire army of foolish trolls down.

I’m feeling SUPERSONIC.

Gosh, I never even attempted a spliff, and I am teetotal, but I guess this is the way people get stoned along, isn’t it?

Except that the most beautiful part of this all, of this incredible uplifting emotional ride that I am takin, is that I am FULLY aware.
I’m fully in control.
I remember everything.

I will remember everything, crystallizing this push into one of the most wonderful moments of my life.

… CONT  in the Lakers Blog”

I have videos to show, and pics of Divine Adam at the FinalGame (btw… trouble in Paradise? It’s two days that his tweets are way strange… and after all he never reached Anne after Game6 win, as he went with Jason Segel at The Brass Monkey but honestly today there’s no space for stuff like that, I don’t really have any intention to decode his laconism. Today is ONLY Laker Glory Day… there will be time to learn stuff if there are interesting stuff to be known) that you can see from here, courtesy of Jennifer Coles as per usual.

But what it lasts is truly the joy of an accomplished mission.

Adam hugs Kim Kardashian after Lakers are crowned 2010 NBA Champions. Look the new tattoo that sneaks up well on the back 😉

And for my part, the pride of having ALWAYS believed it.

I’m cocky… but actually I am not.

I believe things will go the way they have to and that when you are BETTER, you gotta win.

Regardeless of circumstances.


This is winner mindset.

It gives you both confidence and responsibility.

It’s not easy.

But it’s great.

and there is a reason if I admire so much Kobe Bean (GOAT) Bryant. It’s because he’s the perfect example of this mentality, that requests no selfcomplacency, but always hard work to match and surpass expectations.

I will use tomorrow during flight (it’s a LONG flight) to update maybe blogs, telling about Maroon5 advice for charity, realising that we are a week away or so from Misery, putting up more pictures… Being more cohesive maybe.

But today is just a BIG HAPPY LAKER day and despite all the fake fans that are around and don’t really cheer nor Lakers nor bball, those who are into it, like me, just need to gaze at Purple and Golden Glory, knowing there are even better things awaiting for us.

It’s Kobe’s Legacy, and Lakers Dynasty.


Sweet 16 Baby!!!

😉 Catch you at the Parade :))))

Good morning world of Internautic Flavour.

Lakers Rulers in Game 6 against Celtics

So here we are.

Planning and actually booking (already done) tickets from Fiumicino to Los Angeles on Saturday (no Florence again, sorry…), because here we are, here we are…

My one and only hero gets ready for the game

Parade time approaches and THIS is my way to BELIEVE it.

Spending money to something that YET can’t be said assured.

Shannon Brown EXCEPTIONAL dunk in Game 6

Except that for me, IT’S COMPLETELY assured .

I’ve chosen that John Wooden quote as a title out from a wonderful post LAKER Truth shared in Lakers Blog yesterday prior game.

All quotes were perfect, but the one about Kobe, of course, it was more.

The Immense Kobe Bean Bryant hugged by Ron Artest

I already said in the blog I won’t YET celebrate what is to me GOAT (yes I said it… these playoffs by him have been LEGENDARY even already… but I do know I haven’t seen the best yet), but once more I just wanna enlighten my admire for this incredible, and totally inspiring athlete, whom we have been graced by above to get gifted from.

What I was asking to see today was finally performed under my greedy eyes. And it was spectacular.

But we have reached NOTHING yet.

So Lakers… remember TODAY:

And then just MOVE on and do even better on Thursday.

I spent already 2700€ out of belief I will catch a Parade on Sunday in Sunny Los Angeles.

Adam Arriving At Lakers Game6 001

This is the measure of my trust.

I know you won’t let me down.

Today I will miss to hear Spain FIFA world Cup game in the background of the lab, cos of COURSE I’ll revive Lakers Greatness.

The World Cup so far has been nice: I really love to watch it, it’s my favourite international sport event actually (well, mine and the rest of the world’s one ;))

Impressed by Germany and Ivory Coast, and yesterday by North Corea stopping Brazil; I loved Japan’s win, and well.. about Italy… It’s my team.

I support them.

But I SO hate Lippi and Camoranesi (he’s NOT italian!!!).

We’ll see.

Adam Arriving At Lakers Game6 002

I know you’re awaiting for music bites, and I have a ton…

Firstly because Maroon5 revealed the artwork of MISERY!!! (yes!!!) which I share happily here:

MIsery Single cover Art. LOVE IT!!!

and then because, beside the pics you see here in this post of Adam attending Game 6 hours ago (scruffy and lovely.. still adorable even that way ;)), we got random pics of James by Jesse, and a LOVELY insight from Octone MainMan about a ballad called “How“, that right now goes right aside Stutter as the song I long the most to hear from the album :).

Adam Arrving At Lakers Game6 - 3-


I can’t wait.

Apparently there are people hoping in leaking but Adam’s confidence on the matter is mine: after all, it’s just 12 days away… And then I HATE leaks 😉

If you wonder why Anne wasn’t with Adam at the game, girl being in Palm Springs from a coupla days, reason is that she had to work till middle of it actually.

And you don’t run away from a Louis Vuitton Campaign you know 😉

(awwwww!!! I want all that set too!!! I already  have one but that in new colors is cuter ;)).

No evidence yet if after rushing to Staples Adam moved to his pad, her pad or whatever else, but we know what he was listening to at least: Lauryn Hill, allegedly (excellent, really!).

Adam in his usual positions courtside. (Pic courtesy of Jennifer Coles)

The picture would be perfect if it weren’t for another Creepy reference that was retweeted… does people really know who those two of that show are? If they don’t, better take a look HERE and HERE and hope like me nothing involving Creepy and/or the people he hangs out with will ever get TOO close to Adam.

Because if those are people Creepy sticks and licks for… man, shady times might be looming ahead.

And those are little notions compared to what insighters of the fashion world told me about those individuals.

Sure, maybe not all is true… but almost as sure, it takes enough if SOME of it is to put the ALERT all over.

But okay… no shady thoughts in such a wonderful day, even thought over Milan is rainy and cold.

Tomorrow I will visit Swifty so tonight we get back at me: you know, that LA Parade thing might see me away for a few days and my horse, you know, misses me a lot when he doesn’t see me often 😉

Songs for today are:

We Are The Champions, of best singer’s ever voice:

Then to be silly enough, the video of California Gurls (I know, it’s garbage, but it’s summerish enough 😉 and makes me think of sun and here it rains…) The VIDEO is actually HERE as from YouTube you see only a teaser:

click on pic to see the video

And then the masterpiece of Gorillaz, On Melancholy Hill (exceptional song!) Video is already considered a classic, though yet only stills are available on YouTube:

Have all a great day.

LLL (Lotta Lakers Love ;))

I am trying to be Zen.

Kobe Bryant portraited by Karim, 13 June 2010

It will work out eventually but for the remaining of this morning, I think I’ll indulge into rage and anger a bit more.

Don’t take it too seriously.

No, I have no doubts still that Lakers will Parade again, and that I will be in LA then

But the way the team I was asking for, prior to this Game5, NEVER showed up REALLY is making me Radioactive Green at the moment.

So, gotta live with it.

For a while today, a while more.

I’ve poured in the Lakers Blog, and now for how it hurts… I can show you what happened.

Yes, I can show you how we disappeared as a team in front of a team stick together to roll onto us.

From the biting shame, will our champions surface back?

They MUST:

Karim yesterday drawn that beautiful portrait of Kobe, which has become my new icon in chat.

I bleed along my hero.

Heavenly Skies, please… allow him to get this ring: nobody wants it more, and nobody deserves it more.

After tonight my dad fully said me if I want, sure I can go to LA at the Parade. I tried to ask him also a Game 7 ticket but he said no way.

Karim said to me the most beautiful, beautiful things after we lost, to cheer me up.

I felt so secured in him.

Felt amazingly during this weekend on our boat (see evidence of Paradise), and once more I just know and realize this man is all I could have asked for my life to really being just hybris subjected in full…

I have so much to be happy for, and in fact, I know, sport is just sport…

But ehi, I’m passionate, and I balance my scientist brain and my overcontrolling attitude exactly with allowing myself in being as free and openly exuberant about things that make my heart beat so…

Adam's portrait Karim drawn for me this morning

Today I wanna mourn my Lakers a while.

Leave me alone on that.

Knowing me perfectly, Karim decided to draw for me a further Adam‘s portrait, that now stays just in front of me at lab along all the rest that you already know about.

Hopefully Russian Fairy, who’s back in LA and right there with him , along Chovy and her loveliness, will do the same Karim did for me and help his Lakerholic heart to not feel all the pain too pushing him down (btw, I see that lots of people right now pretend they’re bball lovers JUST because Adam is… seriously, some of Adam’s fans are ridicolous in selling themselves as basketball lovers, when they don’t understand a THING of it, and really they don’t even care… A true Laker Lover like me simply loathes that. And to be honest, I also think it brings us bad luck. Fake people, fake feelings, fake charm. GO AWAY you losers! & before some of those nutcases think wrong , I’m not thinking nor talking about Anne, here: she SURELY has reasons to be a Lakers appreciator in her man’s passionate guide, and  by the way she never stated she was a die-hard fan, quite honestly and quite appreciably -. I am thinking and talking of the Circus of Psycho and Company… boy, all those are ridicolous… what passion would they fake just to attire his attention? Get a real life and a real personality already… Fakers are so low-cut life! And you are jinxing the Lakers, with your fakerism. Pray that nothing wrong happens next two games…)

Love can heal all wound, btw… And I’m happy in a night like that, at least Adam was not alone  (now if we could just take Creepy outta picture thoughthat would make me feel more relieved).

Perfect timing ;), as  nothing like Sexual Healing helps forgetting a Laker Loss (we are experts over here… ;)).

Talkin about good things in Adam’s life, what the heck was People Magazine reporting about on Adam and Jakey G. night out last wednesday?

Get it together People! Adam and Jake went to schools together… they’re friends from a life, *idiots*!

Anne btw received her first retweet ever from her man thanx to a John Wooden’s quote, parted in two, that Adam retweeted, a coupla days ago. Awww. Cute 🙂

It was also cute from Anne to answer me – unexpected!-, less smart by me to NOT knowing Russia was not part of the Fifa World Cup (ehi, I learn tournaments as they are played… I don’t even know who Italy‘s play, beside Paraguay tonight yet ;)).

It should have been all so fine, if only Lakers…

Okay, okay… Gotta stop it I know…

But it’s hard.

Let’s focuse again on good things.

Sure, Karim and I on boat in a simply awesome *Zaira* experience (owning a boat is truly the truest luxury… though honestly I still feel the boat is Karim’s… because he’s the only one knowing what to be like over there… LOL! Our crew was awesome… and having our master room insonorized helped, as well ;)).

Then there is the FIFA World Cup that he’s learning to appreciate and love (really!) and as an Italian, well… that is the most beautiful sport event ever for me.

All the world coming together in colours and pride and skill. It’s fantastic.


I love to follow that a lot.

Other good stuff involve the fact that in 14 days I will finally hear Misery along the rest of the world.

Talking about Misery, check what Director of the video told us about it.

A Good Ass Job. Go Kanye

I can’t wait!!!

I wanna have my hands all over Hands All Over (btw, I am crossing ALL fingers about Kanye’s new album – that I can’t wait to have ALSO – won’t really drop in September. That would kill me but also in a n good way. Kanye… not on 21 right? But anyway, it’s due time that Kanye comes back. The whole Taylor Swift thing was a media idiocity. Leave the man alone!, he’s all talent, right?)

🙂 To warm up your Maroon5 cells, take this set of photos by Mandalay Bay private Las Vegas event on May 18th. 😉

I need good good vibes, and this all helps ;).

Even though the video for today is Nirvana, cos it fits my fisty mood:


I will soon get back in a cheerful mood though.

Karim just called to say he loves me… and that tonight he cooks his special plan for me as I get home.



Catch u later & always and forever.. GO LAKERS!!! (from an original and no faker fan ;))

… and at certain times, one just gotta realize the best you can do is being thankful, cheerful, and ready to give back.

me bathing in crystal clear sardinian sea a few hours ago

Enjoy your weekend as well, peeps 😉

CU on Monday 😉

Trying to find time enough for this update, before my work ends at midday and we get straight to Genova to SAIL MY BOAT (my own fellow Zaira… sounds crazy and still awesome to think about it!!!) it’s duty to report that, just like I was paventing hours earlier in the Lakers Blog, Lakers lost Game 4, mostly due to an overwhelming performance of Celtics bench (see again my post in the blog…).

Oh, well.

We’ll still rule them in 6 AND this way it’s gonna be better for me to reach LA for the Parade.

A touch down soil and Fly straight away experience, but dad agreed there, and Karim is as thrilled as me about repeating 2009 experience.

And we WILL.

So, Green Enemies, be happy of this win… it won’t be enough:

What makes me laugh is that meeting Dani G. at Armani Jeans game on wednesday, he said just “beware Davis”.

And I was like “Yeah, sure…” (I was more concerned with Nate Robinson, if any…)

Darn 😉

Gallo…. why why why????

Anyway you still a cutie and an adorable guy. But you know as well Lakers are gonna take this, don’t you?


Other pleasant things happening?

Well, stateside on that exact day of wednesday were the dinner out at Nobu (Mash, how could you name that Mastro’s???) AND the subsequent usual wednesday stay at Las Palmas of Mr. Levine and old buddy Jake Gyllenhaal.

I can’t help thinkin I would have loved to be the chauffeur there… ahahaha!!! I can’t help.

Longtime pals Adam & Jake out of Nobu, 9 June 2010 - 2 -

I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… 😉

Longtime pals Adam & Jake out of Nobu, 9 June 2010 - 1 -


Hotness squared.

I love when they are together.

It’s great to know longtime pals remain pals no matter how far both career may go.

And let’s talk about more hotness…

Yesterday Maroon5 uploaded the 3rd Webisode of the College tour, and I advice you all to check it in its entirety first because it’s great, and secondhandly because…


Shirtless Adam is always a tease 😉

So just look, okay:

While the guys keep waiting for the machine of promotion to start (it takes maximum one more week) and while *someone* awaits also a bunch of days more to remeet his lovely half in LA/PalmSprings (awwww), let’s be fair and share this announcement of Maroon5 about more charity auctions.

Writing Adam still from the webisode. Awww 😉

Do your move. 😉

About me, today I will live the lovely experience to sail my boat.

Karim is all smiling.

He’s so into this and I am so into him 😉 (he’s into me too… okay, that was NOT very subtle, LOL…).

We will watch the opening of FIFA World Cup and he’s finally calling football “football” and not soccer anymore.

I made him read Pasolini‘s writing about the poetry of football.

It did work.

I’m sure we will love the tournament TOGETHER.

And although I have no hopes for us, of course I’m gonna cheer Italy.

I still think it’s Argentina’s year, or England’s.

We’ll see.

I left you with my favourite Coldplay Song, because I am a scientist, too:

then Tinie Tempah, Pass Out:

and finishing it with Gramophonedzie, “Why Don’t You“:

Right peeps… catch you maye from my sailing 😉

Or then after Game5 on Monday Morning.


NOTE: Adam’s and Jake’s pictures have been offered to your greedy eyes (and mines) thanx to the always awesome Jennifer Coles. Bow down to the Mighty Queen 😉

Oh, boy… what a day!!!

Derek Fisher is My Captain

Well, what a night at least 😉

I had just lived a space of 10 hours that will remain in my memory for a long time.

And it’s all about true delight.

All about true talent.

All about being WINNERS.

I mean… it’s all about things I love 😉

As usual, I start from the end, cheering my Lakers and the fact they fullfilled my prediction about having to win Game 3 against homey tradition (two posts ago, folks ;)).

Kobe cheers Derek after win

It has been a difficult,  yet marvelous for a true fan, game.

Celtics just are not up to us.

My trip to Figueroa is secured.

And the security is called DEREK FISHER.

Oh, the satisfaction…

Hottie alert: Tom Brady Cheers Kobe after win

For the whole year in the Lakers Blog I had to read crap about him.

Like last year, just MORE.

I know many are not really able to decode basketball, but questioning Fish the way it was done for most part of the year was simply idiotic.

Talkin for a minute – ALERT: hilarious piece of the day incoming – about people not getting basketball, at least in the Lakers Blog there are competent people mostly, even when missing some stuff out due to personal bias… but hilarious Psycho is topping herself again today in her *expertize* about the Great Game, (how come she doesn’t know Celtics always have low scoring games, for them and the opponent? Might it be cos she TOTALLY fakes bball acknowledge, like she fakes EVERYTHING else? I guess so.. three months ago she couldn’t name our players beside Kobe&Pau… LOL… Loser… count days… July 1st come SO soon for your shame to be disveiled publicly…), not to mention the fact she thinks a rich supermodel needs discounts at shops…

Pau cheers Kobe after win

I kept laughing 15 minutes. She truly is a joke.

Ehi, but after all everyone needs a good joke to cheer morning up. That’s her role in life. Makin everybody sufficiently smart laughing back at her.

And in the winners day, some hint at one of the greatest losers in the universe is always a great plus.

By contrast, that hopeless nutcase enlightens the good side of the life even more.

So, back at Derek, and at his  Heart of a Champion.

Read my peana at him, while dissecting the game recap. (yup, filled with typos… I was writing it on the taxy over iPad.. and after all I never check typos anyway. I’m lazy. Especially when not writing in my language on the web).

I am so proud to have defended him all year long passionately.

Strange enough, I was as per usual COMPLETELY right 😉

This is what he did, along the team:


PaulA Pierce is surely sullen and stuttering like a mantra his prediction that the series wouldn’t go back in LA.

What is it won’t for real now, PaulA?

You are a rejected from Cali.

Karim honestly despises you 😉 I can see why…

But ehy… let’s not be arrogant.

Celtics won’t die easily so… 2 more to go: just play like you can Lakers.

Your class outshines Celtics even in a so-so night overall 😉

Let’s just hope DocRivers crying at referees won’t cause another stolen game next one.

Cross fingers…

Now that the space for sport is closed (and ehi!!! Two days at FIFA World Cup!!!) I can dwell into the awesomeness that was Muse gig in San Siro yesterday.

Muse in San Siro, Milan (Karim's pic) - 1 -

Yup: the other part of my supertop day.

Muse live, quite simply, are MASSIVE.

Their sound which is so rich, and rockingly symphonic gets emphasized on live performances, and then their scenic ability, their so totally british taste for monumental staging makes the whole esperience JUST PURELY UNMISSEABLE.

And it’s not just an empty shallow show of images and stage devices… because these guys play and sing totally PERFECTLY.

They’re Incredible Musicians first.

With a wonderful vision.

Go anywhere catching them in this stadium tour.

It’s something truly truly truly fantastic.

I mean… I have seen them (excluding in Festivals) 8 times and yesterday topped even Wembley Stadium (which remains one of the most beautiful gigs I have ever attended).

The atmosphere was sublime, and everyone was constantly reminding that TODAY is Matt Bellamy’s BDay 🙂 🙂 🙂

They loved it… he loved it.

Muse in San Siro, Milan (Karim's pic) - 2 -

Music at the level Muse play it is really something valuable.

Talent, talent, talent and MORE talent.

Live, to me only Radiohead are better. They pass U2 by far.

I wish I had seen Pink Floyd live to make a total list, but whomever has got a glimpse of Muse Live knows what I am talkin about.

Brilliance in waves.

They’re Kobe-sized perfectionists and it shows, but that never lack true passion (just like in Kobe, actually: see for evidence his defensive game today…).

This if I remember correctly was the setlist:

  1. Uprising
  2. Supermassive Black Hole
  3. New Born
  4. Map of the Problematique
  5. Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)
  6. Guiding Light
  7. Interlude
  8. Hysteria
  9. Nishe
  10. United States Of Eurasia
  11. MK Jam
  12. Undisclosed Desires
  13. Resistance
  14. Starlight
  15. Back In Black – cover of AC/DC
  16. Time Is Running Out- House of the Rising Sun
  17. Unnatural Selection
  18. Unintended
  19. Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1: Overture
  20. Stockholm Syndrome
  21. Encore 2:
  22. Take A Bow
  23. Plug
  24. In Baby
  25. Knights of Cydonia

Hope that it’s correct… one of the greatest things about Muse’s gigs is that they are restless.

They play so much (like GreendDay for instance) and overwhelms you with a pouring roaring amazing sound… and you can get lost because your memory lives by too many impulses and flashes.

It’s fantastic actually.

Best moment for me (beside the Ufo thing… WOW!!!!) was when they stepped into Undisclosed Desires… that is the song Karim always sings to me because he says it seems describing me totally… so I had Matt singing it, & Karim attached to me whispering it as well in my ears and I was feeling so FULL: completely happy.

Thank you Muse.

You really gifted me with something unforgettable.

What else?

Well, today I will ride Swifty, so I have no breaks at work and I will gone through 3.30 pm, and then reach the Countryside.

I’m so happy…

And talkin about happy things, let me just update one moment with the funniest series of Maroon5 related tweets, – that I saw only after SanSiro gig ended, on the way back home – which after all have to share both with Romance & Live Music, so they fit the scheme today:

Anne’s tweeting about her current Latvia photoshot, hinting at a well incoming reunion with *somebody* soon

Minutes after she allegedly closes eyes, *somebody* realizes he’s early awake, with no more purposes for a while (btw, he’d need some spell check too, not only myself…);

“Voice of Reason” Jimmy V. makes it clear that *somebody* could actually find LOTS he has yet to do


They are awesome.

Take this picture of them by Lauren Dukoff (talented photographer, I like her) of  RollingStone fame : I have just applied some filtering to mantain my usual palette coloring with them out from Call&Response 😉

Maroon5 in June 2010 photographed by Lauren Dukoff


To end this day about art and greatness and Number Ones, let me introduce you Photography Genius Steven Klein, (my favourite) working a number of references as wide from Giger, to Fritz Lang, to Cocteau in the new Lady Gaga‘s Video ALEJANDRO:

The song in itself doesn’t really make me go crazy at all, but the video aesthetic is awesome, with the usual Klein’s color palette, so cold and neat… flashed up by bites of red.

Video Fashion Credits HERE. (I want a lot of those things ;))

What more?

I’d just say…

Keep On Rockin u all who are Number ONES!!!


Sure I am.

Don’t need anybody statin it.

I know it. 😉


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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June 2010

Lakers & Kobe Love


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