Japan Lover

Archive for August 2009

Narita Airport.

Late afternoon.

Soon leaving Japan.

Karim at my side, cuddling and give me peace, strenght, love.

I’m in tears and I can’t stop.

I’m SO in love with this Country: everything in this holiday has made the conceptr of perfection being such a diminishing definition for a state of mind and life.

I’m so full of everything that’s great and beautiful and bold and ovewhelming and deep and shallow and good and real that I could burst and explode in billions of butterflies at any second.

We will touch Italy’s soil in 15 hours (well, then there’s the jet lag…) But I will be able to write something around, beside Twitter after at least some days just.

It’s TOO much.

I feel so happy and blessed.

So thankful to life and to MY life.

I am a vacationing gal tillAugust 31 and to celebrate a wonderful day, that I have spent by religiusly listening ONLY to female singers, at around my lunch time, checking with collegues (females, of course) Divine A. tweeting nest , I got the ultimate gift. He would have graced us with Question&Answer time, today.

At my lab, half of the attendance swoon in awe (the rest were males).

The lovely fact is actually that he answered one of my questions, too 🙂 🙂 🙂, and gave some treasured insights about randm stuff (and just revealing me that when the previous days he said that he “rode a triumph” he meant properly THE BIKE Triumph – British one – not, as I thought back then, that he had a champion-like riding on his own (though the two things are probably merging still).

Can’t help. It’s a proper adoration the one I have for him. I found wonderful that he actually questions himself and the way his way to be can get better. I find all he says so human, so intelligent, deep and full of sensitivity. Then he’s also absolutely funnyand hilarious. People as good looking should never be funny. Let alone talented in anything. It’s like too much, you know.

Seriously, he’s adorable.

Karim is cooking for me this evening. He’s joking with me about my total crush but as usual he’s so understanding he puts me in a bad light by contrast. He knows I’m never gonna recover from my sweet disease.

Anyway, fact is that I feel empathic with Adam.His thoughts and his views in so incredible ways match mines. The more he tweets, the more this gets almost scaring.

Best answer of today?

This one (I also adored the open love declaration for his hometown. I feel also that rooting pride defining a human being, that idea of belnging with a touch of romance over it):

“my definition of success. Loving and being loved. Helping and being helped. Being able to wake up every morning and smile.”

I couldn’t imagine a better definition for my feeling of loving life, or any better reason to it.

Wish you all a wonderful August. I’l be tweeting from Japan, but I guess no blogs till I get back 😉 (anyway we leave on sat night…)

Operation Aloha – Rain – (Maroon5 membership)

Just cos I know I promised to upload it before my Japan trip… this is “Rain” 🙂

Back from an awesome weekend at Lake Garda.

Feeling so happy and full and satisfied.

Gotta write M. (yesterday we got back in Milan that it was almost midnight…) and I will after updating the blogs.

I am already thinkin what I should bring in Japan. We will stay at Hilton in Shinjuku, it’s a good position and I just CAN’T WAIT.

I was thinkin about writing what it was for me this past weekend but I realize that the best I could say has already been said centuries ago by mighty Latin poet Catullo, in his 31th carmina.

So there you go, enjoy it 🙂 (in this link there is the Ancient Latin original with the Wiki translation: I actually prefer my own version of the translation, less literal and more poetically arranged. Make your choice about the two ;))

Sirmio (31carmina)

Sirmio, jewel of islands, jewel of peninsulas,

jewel of whatever is set in the bright waters

or the great sea, or either ocean,

with what joy, what pleasure I gaze at you,

scarcely believing myself free of Thynia

and the Bithynian fields, seeing you in safety.

O what freedom from care is more joyful

than when the mind lays down its burden,

and weary, back home from foreign toil,

we rest in the bed we longed for?

This one moment’s worth all the labour.

Hail, O lovely Sirmio, and rejoice as I rejoice,

and you, O lake of Lydian waters, laugh

with whatever of laughter lives here.

It seems like lakes have conquered also *somebody*.

Divine Prince Adam allegedly bows at Geneva Lake graceful panorama and even twitpics about it (now I have the evidence for my previous guess… I SO hope that by the time I’m back from Japan they might still there…), while James has developed sort of an anger towards Swiss kids playing tennis against him (;) aww :)).

Indeed lakes have a sort of powerful charm.

In Japan we will try Biwako (Biwa Lake) cos I will get to see the house of the greatest epic poet in Japan history. A FEMALE. 😉

Again.. can’t wait.

Luv everybody.


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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