Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Atlantic City

Good morning and sorry for the long absence.

Adam and lovely Frankie on greengrass

I know…

I’m late but you know what?

On top of all the planned staying-aways from blogs (due to holidays, schedules, and all that relates to our marriage organization) the past week I have also been plastered with LABYRINTHITIS (no kidding, I face another week of therapy at home, and that actually has forced me to pull out of my planned end of the month trip to New York: you can guess I’m not happy about any of this)… so be kind and realize there’s really a lot going on for this gal and blogging can/will be done in excerpts of time.


Combined with schedule and illness (snort…) I have also been forced to kinda miss AGES of Lakers games!!! Milan games!!!

You know it’s serious when even my sporty passions gotta step a bit aback.

Adorable Anne V in fashion magazines

This year is a very BIG year for me… I have such schedules that I have resolved to introduce into my life an element to avoid it to become untakeable.

So I have a personal assistant since last week (luckily he timed perfectly with my illness, so that my working tasks haven’t been completely forced to reprogramming, thank God…): he’s called Carlo, he’s kind, capable and gorgeous and he’s wonderfully gay (I actually decided for him among candidates when he was able to confess that in a very manly, totally natural, and even casual speech with me at the third go-through for the job).

The fact that I need even a personal assistant to survive furtherly keeps telling you that blogging really ain’t in my first priorities these days (though I still like doing it, when I have time), and if you follow my Twitter (also aside in this page) you are aware of what I am talkin about.

I’m trying to do my best with a day of mere 24 hours (well, while ill I spent most of that sleeping, but that’s because medicines are heavy, I can’t watch tv, and even music gotta be played really low… I can’t stay standing yet, only laying or seated, and of course no physical activity of ANY kind is allowed so in other words… boredom realm for real!!!)

Divine creature in his patio

It’s all I can say 😉

Oh… and I miss sex a lot.

Surprised there, I bet…

I also hate that anytime I fall ill I shrink and I become all skin and bones (and I don’t even have Chris Martin serenading me Yellow… well, actually Karim played it for me on piano the other day ;))

Can’t wait to feel better mainly for that (Karim btw has been an awesome nurse these days and also my friends have been all supportive and they came visiting me in floods… I love you crew!)

I will try to encompass the chronicles of this past month the best I can – given that I reduce chronicles to music basically, cos the sports that I can talk about is secondhand, which I hate in my current state- , but first, and very strangely compared to my usual behaviours, I share first the videos that i made lately.

You know from my previous post that I TOTALLY CAN’T STAND was quite let down regarding the idea Maroon 5 have had to make Hands all Over a single and get the video duties to that criminal who ridiculed the great original video of Misery (that’s just the worst ever video in the whole world, and I mean that stupid cartoonish cheesy horrifying UK version of it of course ).

So I decided that in My YouTube the first video homage of the year would have been the awesome cover of Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” the guys did on Stern back in September (see the raleted post in this blog):

But you know also why I felt betrayed about the choice of pickin Hao as a single.

I WANTED STUTTER (the first three singles again, should have been 1) Stutter; 2) I Can’t Lie; 3) Just A Feeling or How; 4) Misery… THAT would have constituted way more of a positive bandwagon for the album… but that is gone by now… you know my opinion there 😉 if you read this blog don’t you?).

So I will have Stutter.

In Stop Motion.

With Karim and Meli (angel Meli!!!!! THANK YOU) drawing for me (my illness will slow down the preparation for it but March still the date to put it out).

I have a new set of tricks to train my Director attitude with.

And I am so into this all… I created a TRAILER for what will be my next YouTube Upload (by the way, Maroon 5 just shot the video for the fourth single, Never Gonna Leave This Bed, in Los Angeles… you will learn about it later in the updates ;)):

This video doesn’t exist

And since we are at it… of course (just like it happened with their real video for NGLTB …) also MY female lead will be Anne 😉 becoming a drawing like the rest of the band and mostly Adam.. in Stop Motion.

Talkin about Anne… look how beautiful she is for the Louis Vuitton Resort Campaign Spring Summer 2011 ;):

This video doesn’t exist

Okay… I have been toying with video softwares, you see 😉

Actually I also created a patchwork with stills of the incoming Never Gonna Leave This Bed video.

More shots and actual press videos of the making of will be posted later in this update (they are so cute cuddling one another… awww… the perfect couple they are!!)but for now take this and see all the fun that I am having with this patches (lol!):

This video doesn’t exist

I’m properly like a kid with tech stuffs you know me 😉

Everything new on the matter to me is like Play-Doh: gotta put my hands on it and morph it into something that fits my creativity 😉

A little collage dedicated to the hotness that is Adam Levine. Enjoy 😉

During the holiday time when Karim family visited they were really shocked about the way I am at once completely tech master and also the way I can be traditionalists (yep, I can prepare homemade tortellini and cook pretty well, and teach that too ;)), at which Karim just said that is “my way to be Tao” ;).

Totally spot on.

Oh, let me add momentarily that I wish my guru Steve Jobs the fastest ever recovery: Steve, we’re with you.

I’m a tekkie and a proud Apple-ist.

I still haven’t the faintest idea on how to organize this post (Karim helps with typing cos I can’t yet obviously, while dear Fede, who will substitute me in the NY trip, put together the video updates under my requests… thank you guys ;)), so I guess I’ll just step back and start where I left you on the verge of Christmas.

LONG shot 😉

I know.

We left the boys and A Home for the Holidays was ready to be broadcasted: so there you go, enjoy it folks!

Red fits Adam so well (as much as it shines on Anne, too!).

Maroon5 have also launched a very interesting Photo contest that could allow you to pretty much roadie with the band on tour: check this especially and see the video (click on the image to jump on the page with video):

Send and image of LOVE and roadie along with Maroon 5

Trust me if I weren’t taken with that small thing that is marriage (…) I would ave tried it 😉 and probably so would have Karim 😉

Talkin about trips and who knows… marriage, the guys have added another Russian date to their schedule, in the amazing town of the Hermitage Museums. *sigh*. I’d love to check that one!!!

Adam and Anne shopping and loving it up

Adam has also been vocal in his funny way about his new years resolutions (and ask me why again the word marriage comes to mind… lol!).

Talkin about that, the two lovebirds we all love spent all the Xmas times together (awwww) and even though Los Angeles weather was strangely bad (but there have been moment of blissful sun and rainbows even!) they managed to make even rain feel absolutely romantic, as you’ve seen and as you will keep see.

Oh, man they melt me so fully!!!

During holidays beside Adam and Anne James for instance had time to practice with JJAMZ, and I can’t wait for that record in full (of course I’ll grab it).

Our favorite couple. Well, mine for sure 😉

Sweet Anne managed to have of course ANOTHER Xmas tree in Los Angeles too, and she tweeted an adorable picture of her stay.

Oh… yes: I keep melt of course 😉

Beside the bliss of their time together, and we all can so clearly see how much Adam shines in happiness any time Anne is around him, the festive time didn’t prevent our guy from tweeting some of what REALLY makes me adore him.

Xmas game with grandpy and Emma Zerner (lets not mention results...)

He vented against Sarah Palin a couple of times, and thank God, because that woman (??) is really a threat for EVERYONE (and sadly that got even truer around start of teh year, whena Deputy was shot in Arizona after her “advice”…), and his lively liberally oriented (well, he’s more an anarchist at times, but definitely more left than center than right…ALWAYS) soul couldn’t hold his despise any longer (I suppose he was watching Fox News at those times…).

What always makes me laugh is how his fans get surprised by his political beliefs.

Erm… Adam’s family especially from Patsy’s side is a well known liberal think-tank.

At Lakers Xmas game... shame... GAME. Game 😉

The Aunt he honors in the notes of Midnight Miles was the wife of his Uncle Timothy Noah, and whomever reads about politics in USA knows who he is.

Sure Adam may grow wary of politics (for disillusions) most of the times, but SURELY he would NEVER be a Republican, much less of the dull and idiot Palin’s type.

I love his political takes so much… Karim properly cheers at any of them (obviously).

That tweet saved him from my reproaches after they unveiled properly the Hands All Over video (I still can’t believe what they did with that… *sigh*).

BTW, certainly Anne had more fun at the movies with her pal than Adam did watchin Lakers getting destroyed on Xmas by the Meat. SIGH 😉 (He later joined her).

Vintage smirk in the dark

Those days they also started to share that they will play at this year SuperBowl: first as part of an event the day before, then properly at the Fox PreGame event along Keith Urban on February 6th (awesome!!!!), namely the SuperBowl Tailgate Party.

Talkin about incoming (well, that one is really a long way to come yet, it’s in JUNE) music+sports event, Maroon 5 will also play for those who play GOLF this year (and I might just check that, because one of Karim’s cousin is a PRO ;)).

Well, I’ll try my best to be there, accordingly with all the schedules of that period of course.

Of course 😉

After Xmas time it was time for the lovely couple and the whole of Maroon 5 to move to Caribe for the planned performances in Santo Domingo and Trinidad and Tobago.

Adam took it very “Indiana Jones-y” 😉

In the maintime, gotta say I LOVED the frankness of James in the Billboard article about the underperformance of HAO album (you know who and what I blame for it… with different singles and promotion plan, the album would have been a smash as it’d deserved, but now is late to re-adjust, and anyway it still a wonderful album).

Their honesty is always so pure and loveable.

BTW, Anne probably would have liked more sun to test her new glasses with in Santo Domingo… still, she managed to be adorable even under clouds.

Arriving in Santo Domingo

She’s naturally lovely.

The gig has been wonderful and here I prepared another video out from pictures… Enjoy:

Out of the beauty of the gig (universally reckoned) another really amazing thing was the way the band could actually be at ease in the places around.

I love that anytime it happens.

Another wonderful thing was that they moved out USING U2 airplane.

Adam was certainly happy on U2 plane 😉


How cool is that (rhetoric question)? 😉

anne V in Sports Illustrated vintage

Steamy Adam Levine. Yes please...

They moved from Santo Domingo to Trinidad and beside another lovely gig finally it seems Anne and Adam could enjoy some beach time (you know, those glasses they did buy in LA days before had to be usedsee previous post ;)).

I just love anytime they tweet about food: two very slender people who truly love eating the way they do are refreshing! (now I don’t know about eating shark, Sharky, but I guess it can be tasty… I GUESS ;))

Also the other guys could enjoy the beauty of landscape and lots of other pretty things (aww).

Gig was coooooooool as well like we can imagine (check photos HERE) 😉

I often think how their systems gotta be trained well with jet-lags and stuff, because swirling that much cannot be easy on your body.

I know what I’m talkin about ;).

From Trinidad they had to move to Atlantic City where they were scheduled to perform for New Years Eve and those days (see also the Billboard interview) it seemed that the verbose one was James (I never complain there… I love how bright and full of composure he always is):

Jimmy V for Atlantic City press

While we are at interviews, read also this cute one from the same press tour:

Maroon 5 work hard as a group: good to know 😉

After reading things not mine (tsk… tsk… ;)) let’s roll and notice how the gigs crossing from 2010 into 2011 marked the end of the LONG time of Anne and Adam together in row.

One day I'll run out of adjectives... and moans... 😉

Before the return of the lovebirds into their privateness though they sure had a great great feisty time, you bet (stashes involved shouldn’t surprised a soul there, right?) 😉

Gal had to start workin again, but it’s so sweet what they said about hoping the 2011 would have just to be as great as 2010 for them to be happy (and since professionally we do know Adam wished 2010 would have been better, it’s easy to understand what – WHO – made his 2010 totally unforgettable, right? Awwwww).

Now if only they’d stop watching trash tv… *sigh*.

Okay with How To Train Your Dragon but Jersey Shore??? Jersey FUCKIN Shore????

Adam, Anne… why? It’s so… irking… O__O (and no way I will link to the tweet of Adam about Jersey Shore because it almost made me puke. Holy… HOLY. JUST NO).

While Anne was getting back into her schedule, boys were heading back to sunny lovely Cali (well, maybe not straight sunny immediately as they went back…), and James for instance was intellectually ready… while Adam… well… Adam was being Linus.

Not the one of Radio Deejay (this is for Italians).

Btw, Anne in between tweets to Adam’s peeps let us know in some way why lately she did not carry her Pomeranian along while visiting and staying in LA… lol.

What was Anne heading to? You are about to see some 😉

First gal changed her look and got back to BANGS!!!! (yes… welcome back in our club Russian Fairy… you look awesomely pure with bangs… totally glorious m’am!!!).

She is beautiful. End of it.

You can see her shots from Paris offices of Elite Models (awwww) and then if you wonder what she used the bangs for as first move of the year…

She's totally elfic like. Awesome.

She worked it out for Pepe Jeans S/S collection ads, ladies and gentlemen!!! (GORGEOUS).

Enjoy the campaign:

Anne V and Jon Kortajarena for Pepe Jeans S/S 2011 ad campaign.

She’s just perfect. Perfect beauty. Perfect.

And that is not the only thing she was working for those days (I can’t wait to learn!!!).

As Anne was shining in what she truly does so well, modeling, Adam and James were spending some relaxing time and prepping for rockin Las Vegas at Aria HAZE Nightclub.

But before that, read the 25things you may did not know about Adam from US Magazine (hint: we DID already know ALL of them, didn’t we? I mean… they’re pretty common acknowledge among the longtime peeps by now?):

US Magazine 25 things you did not know about Adam Levine

I bet the maximum curiosity arose about Gene (Hong), because before Adam actually never so openly mentioned him (you might recall him in an episode of Mariah Carey’s hubby Nick Cannon show…?).

And keeping on with Magazines… he was also featured on Men’s Fitness February (the one with Ashton Kutcher on cover, that I obviously bought):

Adam Levine in Men's Fitness Feb. 2011

But don’t think I have no idea what you’re waiting for.

Let’s put it this way: the day THIS thing got online in the news, Adam Levine became a worldwide Twitter Trending Topic and as it totally should be the naturality and my blog got almost 1800 clicks in one day, because people were googling “Adam Levine NAKED“.


Adam Levine naked for Cosmopolitan Uk. Hands provided by Anne V 😉

It happened that the images of Adam Cosmopolitan UK spread for the February issue (he’s the charity Centerfold) were leaked or at least previewed online.




He’s just so completely PERFECT.

How gently and respectefully Anne tuckers his jewels in? Great check Anne 😉

And of course (talkin about aforementioned  perfectionS) the hands covering him as we know are Anne’s (well, of course… like she would have allowed anyone else to volunteer there… lol).

Beside the fact Anne’s hands are actually pretty thick if any, I completely love the way she gently tuckers him inside.

No really… *great job Anne* (collective sighing of complete envy?? You bet. Karim won’t mind… he knows how I feel there, it’s innate in me to lust after Adam… but I’m very respecteful of everybody… *involved* ;)).

His perfect body crafted through yoga practice tells you a lot of things (beside that he’s as fit as hell): he has no fat and he won’t ever have it.

No steroids or over-muscling there, which make grown up men after they hit 35 become FAT once they stop heavy gym regime; no, Adam will stay always that slender and sculpted, and no name could fit him more than “Adam” in fact.

God had really to think about prototypical male handsomely features when he had to shape first man on planet Earth, right?

Oh… yeah.

What you find in Cosmopolitan Uk. Now go drool for about an entire day 😉

Well… give me a couple of minutes to re-gain some decency and composure.

Thank you.

If you wonder, the charity Adam had to strip for is the EVERYMAN campaign for prostate and testicular cancer.

Adam Levine attends Lakers vs Hornets game at Staples in January 2011

Which IS a serious issue so after you’ve cleaned your saliva from desk, push any male you know about do those checks (and check your own partner, as gently as Anne did with Adam’s privates. It’s also a very sexy way to get intimate, beside being useful. And yes… Karim and I did that too ;)).

In the days of solitude from Anne Adam did not really avoid company: he went to Lakers game, then he stuck in the studio (thing that he’s doing a lot anytime he reaches back LA: good boy… keep doing it good boy ;)).

Talkin about Lakers games… *sigh*… I miss watchin them badly these days of illness… (Okay I’ll stop).

Then they went to ARIA HAZE Nightclub (Sam along and Gene too, beside Jimmy V… and some Matchbox20 pal allegedly too).

The night was awesome and I know well because Charisse (Karim’s cousin) actually went there.

Too bad the Arizona shooting actually numbered the night all across ponds for their family

But Charisse enjoyed the Las Vegas time of course and especially THIS cover Adam belted out of Nine Inch Nails’ epic CLOSER song.

We know it’s an all time fav of Adam and rightly so, because it’s so sexual and dirrrrrrrrrty of course he loves it (and he can do a wonderful rendition of it actually):

LOVE it.

So much.

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 1

Take the collages again…

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 2

and last one…

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 3

Yeah… I’m loving cheesy collages lately.

Take it or leave it 😉 (even with Labyrinthitis I am stubborn and a nay-sayer… see?) 😉

His sexyness playing along.

After the gig and the beautiful sunsets Adam got back home of course.

My guess is that he avoided to be hungover in Vegas this time because being hungover in Vegas generally leads to strippers all over you and he had to imagine that wouldn’t have pleased Anne (Charisse has said to me there were wars among girls to get nearby to him in explicit way that night, but that he was totally unreacheable for that… GOOD THING ADAM boy. Good boy).

He had things to do… and to plan 😉

He also had to resist humors of good friends and TV mogul writers Hart Hanson and SOA creator Kurt Sutter about bikes… nakedness… you know… those things that haunt you if you’re hot and handsome and you still want to play Easy Rider 😉

Okay, it’s time for a bit of Flashback, okay?

I can put on thanx to my friend Siria the When I Was 17 episode involving Adam (it’s a re-reproduction… Siria thank you for recording it… you may have to do the same with the Critics Choice Awards… ;)), that a fellow British fan asked me about (glad to have filled her request, albeit in a no exactly perfect way ;)).

Enjoy this AMAZING version of Adam with cameos of Jesse and his mum Patsy (HILARIOUS and adorable man he is… also a bit of a bad boy… but with that face he can get along with it no matter what ;)):

And while we are at flashbacks, take also this small funny piece from Splash Tv on Adam’s past ;):

Am I good or what? 😉

Even ill… take note… lmao 😉

The night of the 11th January two things happened: the guys went to the Troubadour club to support (and play along) Maroon5 6th member PJ Morton (an awesome performance from everyone in the word of every witness) and Anne flew aside her man for a very, very blessed and important thing (after having shot her Victoria’s Secret Pink line duties, of course).


The shooting of 4th single (but for me is like it’s the 3rd, you know why) “Never Gonna Leave This Bedvideo.


This video doesn’t exist

The song ain’t my fav ballad on the record, but it’s definitely a good song and I just CAN’T wait for watching the final video out of it.

This video doesn’t exist

You have seen some of my own pics for the video, now enjoy proper images out of its shooting from media sources:

This video doesn’t exist

And this one too:

This video doesn’t exist

I can’t get enough of them together: to me is like watching a beautiful paint in motion.

They’re a livin beautiful art ensemble to me: my aesthete soul just gets fulfilled through their sight together; a peculiar version of Stendhal syndrome? LOL 😉

All I know is that nakedness fits the both of them just SO well ;).

Anne actually could remain just for the brief time of the shooting because she had to fly back to Europe first in Barcelona, for what is a cover and I can’t wait to discover of which magazine, and after that straight then in Berlin for Fashion Week (and in Berlin she was actually First Face for Escada defilée!!! whoooo), so she couldn’t take part in the Critics Choice Movie Awards the following day, when Maroon 5 acted as house band and honored Quentin Tarantino in a wonderful version of “Stuck In The Middle with You during broadcast (I will provide the video as soon as possibleblame damn codecs of VH1 and MTV usa 😉 for the delay).

While all that was happening, images of the video stills were making also the French drool ;), while I just have to agree with Modelinia and their article about the event: indeed Adam DESERVES the “best boyfriend” Award: Fo Sho… ;).

While you wait for the proper thing, enjoy this patch-wall of pictures from the event though:

The images of the night and the afterparties were all  drool-worthy, by the way (and no one is surprised, is it?) and it seems it was really really a big fat laugh and entertaining jams all night long for all the boys (cute!!!).

I particularly loved to see Mickey and his ladylove (you know I have a soft spot for the silent one with the low deep beautiful voice).

Another wonderful thing happened hours later; Anne was moved to Berlin, and Adam went on voicing his ongoing pride, love and appreciation for his angel this way (awwwww all together):

isn't he so adorable?

Hours later, this was Anne’s answer (and I did melt… I was sick and super sick in my bed, but I couldn’t resist the wave of love the two exchanged and I melt… they are so completely wonderful as a loving couple…!!!!):

I can't help but adoring them two 🙂

Oh, they own my heart.

Truth :).

Biker Boy Adam ventured out the days after and beside that he also gave up to Lakers game after taping the Jay Leno performance (incredible!!!! He let James witness our win 😉 bad choice good boy… but at least Jimmy V had fun!), and he generally enjoyed the amazing winter climate of his hometown, ran more bike adventures, had some lunch and working meeting and especially he kept on hanging in the studio, for our future delight.

Btw, you know I am not a fan of Leno so the only thing that I let you see of it is of course Maroon 5 performance:

Okay. He’s hot. We can all agree there ;).

And “he” doesn’t mean Jay Leno of course ;).

Vintage Adam at Rock am ring

What to end?

First of all, Adam unveiled a very unexpected “old camp buddy” name and connection (really!!!!!) and then…

Lovely Matt Flynn had a moment to shine as well (check that podcast!!!)

Well, Anne has reached Adam back in Los Angeles just yesterday… I guess she slept a lot after her heavy schedule and I also bet the City of Angels is very glad to have her as an angel back.

Definitely Adam had someone to take care of after his morning in Santa Monica with Shawn, didn’t he? (a series of truly amusing tweets that one was… Adam is definitely such an hilarious guy!).

Vintage Adam 2007 VMA

We also all wish Adam didn’t have any more strange needs by the time he reached his belle at home (or at least that he gave her the candies... ;)).

We will hopefully have things to see next time too. We know we will 😉

Now let me thank my friends and Karim for having helped me out with this update (even though today I felt slightly better) and let me get back in bed to some more healing.

Catch you next time.

Hopefully decently soon enough 😉

Take care, as I will for sure… your sometimes very friendly (if you deserve) Miss Z. ;).

Gooooooood Wednesday everybody!

Get ready, today pics are many...

Yes, I know, I’m late and what you’re about to read is another HUGE post.

It comes at my late evening, after a sunny wonderful day, after a wonderful, perfect waking up at 4 am for what you’re imagining (yep, MY LAKERS!!!!)

What can I offer as explanation?

Well… I like to live 😉 and Fall sets all paces back to a careful and cozy slowness, especially when evening falls and give rooms to darkness shades, and all I ask is to share a hug (and then… lots of other stuff) with Karim.

The Lakers Book everyone should get

That’s why I always push updates forward and forward.

Because at work these days I have too much to do… and at nights… well 😉

*You must know me by now* 😉

I have so much to say and share, but of course, as that’s the first thing that has happened today (it was already MY wednesday, as you have gotten above ;), yes) let’s start with NBA roll and my beloved Lakers in their Ring Celebratory Night!

I was longing for the start of the new Quest For The Ring, and as you know from my daily posts in the Lakers Blog (which I regularly link from my Twitter), the first games won’t really see me worried.

Lakers opening Night, 26 October 2010

This doesn’t mean I don’t wanna us to win them all… 😉

I have been delighted by the entire Ring ceremony in fact.

The beautiful words our Knights spoke, their faces, their chemistry… the total feeling they REALLY are a team of committed people who genuinely enjoy being in the same team.

Kobe was so smiling, so happy the entire time (and he’s starting his year as 15th in the row with the Lakers, greatest franchise man ever), even when the game wasn’t seeming that smooth (but as the chat proved, I never worried a moment… ;))

And then the game showed so much how much we have again improved.

You read it all in my Today’s Blog Post that I will link from my Twitter after this update is posted, but I just wanna pinpoint it:

Kobe The God of Basketball kisses his 5th Ring

1st Ring has been the Vengeance;

2nd Ring has been the Rising up Above Adversities (injuries);

THIS INCOMING 3rd Ring (yes… it’s happening) will be a TEAM play, not because Kobe will let it be (he still THE BESTEST BEST) but because WE FINALLY HAVE A BENCH.

Today we’ve been rusty, imprecise… but even then, it’s clear we have so much more than anybody else.

Moment of pun intended: ahahahahha… collective moment of laugh at the obvious demise of The 3 PUPPETS Chokers of the Hyped Land, namely Miami Meat of total loser LeBronze: wiped off by the Celtics, who will always be better than them.

But sorry… we’re always gonna be better than Celtics, as well ;))

I was really really amused by the way lots of delusional hyped chokers tried to justify the obvious, namely the much expected loss of the Meat in front of a true basketball team (albeit hated sportly speaking by us).

What did you expect?

Anybody understanding basket would have taken the Celtics over the Meat.


Be serious.

But enough… now take some images, starting with the TRULY amazing Ring Ceremony (that I risked to lose cos Sky Sport Extra stopped broadcasting after Meat demise… idiots…):

And then the Game recap. So very us… so very Lakers Thrill:

It was amazing.


let me hear your Lakers screams 😉 Adam Levine vintage 2007

We’re just gonna be so great… and you know, I feel a lot of what Adam said both during the game and at the END of it , sealing his obvious enthusiasm;).

Divine Adam Levine in his basketball shine 2010

And of course, I totally share what he said about Kobe, too… 😉

But as you see here in this awesome pic of Travis Schneider (Vevey Forever director) shared, Adam’s beloved Lakers is RON RON (and how cannot I understand? Ron rocks :)!)

We. Are. The. BEST. Just surrender. 😉

And even if you don’t surrender, we’re gonna win anyway (no matter Evil Stern tricky ways to favorize Princess Of Losers BronzeY… all heil, Lakers! ALWAYS stronger than them all put together. ALWAYS)

Anne V on Vogue Spain Nov 2010 cover

PS: I love the way we are interacting in the Lakers Blog: we are also being very musical… I’m about to learn a lot more on classic soul, rap, hip hop and rock thanx to the amazing people there.

Oh… and I have also been honored with the RCOTD award.

What made me proud about it is that it was about Kobe, my hero.

So you know… I get emotional when I am reckoned for my sporty commentaries, but I get touched innerly if and when that happens for a piece that I was writing about my one and only hero.

It felt sweet.

Dunno how much I deserved it, but surely all I was thinkin about and of and with then was PASSION.

So for me that was pretty much it.

They got it…:

My Reader Comment Of The Day in The LA Times Lakers Blog 😉

Awesome 😉

Love my Family 😉

Since we are in Basketball territories, and soon you know you will know about Maroon5, (and anyway you’re gonna see all way through this post tons of very recent AND quite old Adam pics…) let me share a video titled as Accomplished Renegades that I have been played and replayed since I have been sent of.

It’s Divine Creature Adam talkin about passion, drive, talent and basketball.

I can’t start even to let you picture how all those things, united THROUGH and IN him, makes me feel even more why and how he’s my favorite singer and favorite “person-Idont know-but I wish I would”):

Oh, we’ll be on that soon enough, but surely as soon as the second leg of Maroon 5 tour ends tomorrow, Adam will be quickly returning to LA to have his infamous Halloween Party.

Anne and Adam in the main-time have all changed their twitter pictures, maybe cos they are training to change their both overall appearances for the big festive celebration?

Adam Levine's new twitter icon (Summer 2009)

Anne Vyalitsyna's new Twitter icon

Dunno, but both pics are adorable (see evidences right and left ;)…

Adam‘s one was taken on his was from Switzerland to Saint Tropez last year summer, and that really looks like an Italian ESSO gasoline pump.

I also well remember that day he wrote on twitter – see what he’s actually doing – that in Italy food is so great even a stop at a gas pump would let you eat better than in the majority of other Countries finest restaurants…

I so so so so hope pics surface from Levine’s Crib Hollywood Halloween BUT that will be talked about later because what I TRULY look for is OUR Halloween time over here.

Today I have ditched fitness for going to the hairdresser and I’m currently sporting extensions which are red on half of my head (and bangs) and blue-sky on the other half.

This because for the next 4 days it’s Halloween Bonanza, we will have 4 parties (biggest one Saturday at us ;)) and THESE are our costumes:

Karim disguise : Tao Zaira disguise: Conscience

I love this so much!!!

We were all thrilled when a friend who works in the Fashion department (for a very famous maison) offered to us to create our disguises this year.

Adam Levine History - Cosmopolitan Party 2008

And then you know… Karim‘s gonna wear the tightest stuff arising my excitement and desire… my dad said we like S&M too openly in costumes this year, and he’s right.

Adam shortcut February 2008


Oh… and yep… this kind of hairdo I have described and I have put on me today  will be carried until November starts even in everyday life.

I can pull it off.

I’m anyway too hot for makin people trying to argue too much.

And then there are chignons and hats to let hair stay composed and anyway elegant, even if flirtatiously and flamboyantly colored, so just let me be (no,  won’t anyway set you free cos I never cage anybody in the first place … 😉

What can I say… fact is this: I LOVE Halloween 😉

Adam Levine and Anne Vyalitsyna - Misery set, May 2010

I also love to cook, and in fact the latest weeks have seen both me and Karim train ourselves in the fire(s) department (in the fire department we are already great, thanx ;)).

Last weekend, while we were in my Florence House (aww… we adore spend time there!) I even tried to spread Italian cookin mastery and I properly posted a series of more than 25 Plixies from my Tweet Page so that everybody could have learnt how to actually prepare TRUE lasagne ;).

You can start from here and go on till you see the whole recipe… Try it !

What else?

Well, in a great day after two great weeks, where Florence rocked our love and NBA started at its peak, of course something had to go wrong, just because philosophically it’s impossible to be always in a perfect state.

Well, music shame in America GOES on.

Another Country Ass act prevents real music from deserved spot recognition.

Adam in tight pants, Oct. 2010 - tnx Florence 71!

Yep: Sugarland have prevented Kings Of Leon from Billboard’s top; another shame Country fake band to take laurels so unacceptably, after Zac Ass Brown Band took the 1st place off  my Babies.

Adam belting out soulfully April 2009 (Green Ball)

And expect Princess of Nothingness, brain-seizured Taylor Swift to rule again throne of lameness next week.

Gosh: this girl writes as a 13 years old, fakes goodness, then sleeps with famewhore and notorious manslut John Mayer, and writes an hilarious take at him after?

Oh, boy.

Go John… dick-matize her more: I don’t find you attractive at all, but if you can trash he fake image of this fake undeserving “singer”, then please DO IT.

I’m sick of fake Country.

Adam Levine MTV VMAs 2007

Give me back Faith Hill and Neil Diamond… I’m not telling bshit… Give me  HUGE stuff like Dave Matthews and Neil Young… and those fake new “stars” at least would be fairly disappearing in front of solid songwriters and performers such as these mentioned .

Taylor Swift? Please.


Adam At Greek on October 9, 2010

Girl is a PR intervention.

Much like LeBronze, except that LeBronze is actually very naturally skilled (I don’t deny that) while Taylor Swift sings like a dying cat.

Nothing substantial, beside a great way of selling fakery.

What can I say?

Right now in USA the only things that work are Autotune (yikes) fake teeny pop (barf) and Country Asses (ewww).

Oh well.

Let’s focus on the good.

I completely LOVE Adam with shaved head. His face is just perfect for it.

Next week I will see Prince live in  Milan at least ;).

After that, we are planning to spend the week of thanxgiving in New York, joined by Karim’s family there.

We should arrive on the 24, celebrate on 25, and then stay there a coupla days till we get back on Sunday 28th.

We do that because I have to arrange another meeting with the new partners (Brian!!! Whooo!) and then we are on the roll to find a tiny apartment in the West Village OR Gramercy.

Man I can’t wait.

I LOVE Gramercy.

I love New York.

A two room house would be entirely perfect for Karim and I… we truly want it.

Another amazing thing out of November is of course that we end and leave Otto The Prick out of boards FOREVER.

Adam in 2008 for Autistic Kids - again -

Gosh… finally freedom from that lurid idiot.


You won’t ruin me another New Year’s Eve 😉

While in New York, if possible I’d love to cross Dani G.

Maybe there is a game worthy at MSG?

Dunno: should check 😉

More from Adam and Rihanna performnce joint, 2008

My calendar revolves around Lakers anyway 😉

What I know for sure is that we will be back for the week after cos there is Lady Gaga’s gig in Milan and I can’t wait!

Originally I should have caught her in November in Turin but then Milan new tickets were made available and it was better to stay in my town, and in a weekend, rather than going in Turin in the middle of a week 😉

Rah-Raah… Oh, la, laaaa! 😉

Gaga suits also Halloween week very well 😉 innit?


I might have ended my personal sweet nonsense, and I am anyway not recalling other things I might have liked to say…

Am I aging?


I can start the Babies’ updates then, and you know that includes all the surroundings (read: ANNE) ;).

I take off with two radio interviews, one of which is related to also a video where Adam professes love for Africa (from Fox).

This is the radio excerpt:

And then there is an interview for Capital Radio:

I have 14 more videos of the babies beside the one I linked above of Adam playing basketball so… sit down and take a breath… also cos some of them will make your need of oxygen arise 😉

Some of them are historical pieces from the previous album’s boxset.

And here I list them, before I get back into October Life chronicles, starting with how they formed the band:

Then the writing of Harder To Breathe:

Then the one of She Will Be Loved (I SO Loved James’ hairdo that exact way and that exact lenght! – and talkin about James, know that he’s featured in GUITAR Magazine of November!! I also always adored, as you read above, any time Adam would completely shave his head off. It brings out his facial features so perfectly…):

Then This Love:

And how they started writing It Won’T Be Soon Before Long:

Okay. Now let’s start the run of the past two weeks.

Adam and VV Brown - InStyle Nov 2010

Guys moved to Sacramento, where time ago somebody decided to enjoy the typical away night: and it’s that “vague” remembrance that tells you how much that could have been *fun* ;).

Beside that fun, take a look at In Style of November 2010 ( Charisse has send it to me!!! Whooo thanx babs ;)!!) where Adam and british singer VV Brown shine their beauty on (awww).

What can I say??

Oh, boy.

I can’t help he sets my pants on fire.

Karim is resigned to my physical reactions to anything he is, and by now I guess he’s still confirmed that doesn’t mean I don’t adore him.

Adam sets my sex on fire.

End of it.

Btw, the spread is really gorgeous.

Can’t wait to have the magazine in my hands actually.

Back to Sacramento, and to the actual gig, I always have fun acknowledging how their live sets can turn dubious people into believers.

Good thing there are some people who GET them.

Talkin about some of those people, well, actually very special ones, while guys were leaving Cali to cross State borders, Sweet Russian Fairy was finally coming back to New York after a long run all around the globe, to hug back Chovy (I was wondering exactly about him in my last post… telepathy?).

In that same day, the Final Drafts for the 2011 Grammy were revealed.

Check the Grammy Submissions HERE (honestly, I don’t see spaces for wins but  a couple of nominations should/could reach out in fact) and in the end Mutt and the guys should truly get recognition for their amazing work.

I still completely in love with Hands All Over (and here take a Russian review of it ;))

The more I listen to it, the better it gets.


But ehi… see above… quality these days is simply not understood.


Anne isn’t bad in fashion photography you know, so she let us know that she’s on the cover of November 2010 Issue of Spain Vogue (I posted the thumbnail way above!).

I will buy that in Milan as soon as it arrives 😉

Awww… leotards… 😉

In the schedule of reciprocal lovers’ time, gotta start to give room to the December special sounding Holiday events, such as these:

Kiss Mass Bash, Jingle Ball and some first trip to Trinidad…

Holiday shows 1

Holiday shows 2

Then we knew already NEW YEARS SHOW it’s Gonna Be In ATLANTIC CITY 😉

Oh… if you go to a Maroon5 gig (which I wish you to, cos they are amazing live) please think twice before throwing panties onstage, unless they’re “lived”…

I didn’t say it: THEY did:

Ur Magazine - october 2010 - Maroon 5

I LOVE ’em boys.

Moving from their beloved Cali to the East, guys stopped and got through New Mexico, and since Adam OF COURSE brought on tour one of his bikes (maybe two?), he took the chance of the moving day to venture into wild nature, and meeting people (which he always like).

Adam 2008 Halloween disguise

I wouldn’t call him organized, but surely (and that’s why I like him) he was completely PASSIONATE about it all 😉

Adam for General Motors January 2008 (shooting of Goodnight Goodnight video time)

Then as logically expected, Adam and the guys did their thing onstage: just like they do it always, bringing it home greatly.

While they moved to Tulsa, Adam shared that he hung out with THE HANSON (yeah… Mmm-bop ones) time ago there and loved it.

Unexpected connections, but kinda cute 😉

That moment in Tulsa, Jesse took a pic of James , while James took a pic of Adam whom finally took a pic of Jesse, SIMULTANEOUSLY.

I know.

More from 2009 April Green Ball 2009 (where he befriended Cammie...)

Adam there spotted a goatee.

I hate goatees.

And thank above it seems it did not last on his face.

Adam, honey, you’re the hottest on Earth but not even you can pull that off well.

Go with the beard OR the shave but please NO goatee.

Adam in 2007. That Guitar now is at Hard Rock Café in Times Square.

Anne… please force him never to keep one EVER, thank you.

No one looks pretty with a goatee unless he’s not a 1890 French nobleman, sorry ;).

On the mug department instead, no complaint or restraints: Adam is always lovely showing what (I think fans?) gift him with.

Adam is also a very deep and bright person: that kind of person who just can’t think everything is gonna be fine and always so, unless you’re not an unaware idiot.

I wouldn’t say he is cynical: he’s SMART.

VERY smart.

I feel way more than some proximity regarding that approach to life: and I loved this shoutout to Kanye West, who had his album cover art banned (not anymore?).

But now, let’s get into a BEAUTIFUL piece of Los Angeles Times on the guys (really??? I’m almost shocked!!): CLICK here cos it’s awesome, and then watch this from the same Los Angeles Times article, and see FRANKIE!!!:

While we are at the cute videos step, take this awesome pieces from MTV Japan Diary (long 27 minutes and absolutely DELIGHTFUL):

WOW… Yes, I know 😉

Oh, and since we are on the MTV page, let’s share this video of Adam and Kelly Rowland while EMA approach

More about guys: Adam shared that among inspirations for Hands All Over there are two of my fav musicians EVER, Tupac and Marvin Gaye.

Look, he isn’t saying the MUSIC sounds like those; he said the approach to honesty in music they tried to pour into HAO links the record to them.

Which I agree with completely:

HAO inspirations are Gaye, Tupac

And while we’re on the subject, take these videos about Hands All Over release party in New York :

Then an Introduction about the record:

And a further piece about it:

Okay… to let you recover, I turn a moment to fashion stuff and Anne (so maybe MALES will choke a bit ;)) because in New York Sweet Princess had a wonderful runaway for Express OUTSIDE, and guess where?

Adam Levine - Modeling a hoodie

Yes, At Gramercy (sigh!!!!), surrounded by my beloved Flatiron Building 😉

Sept 20, 2010. His Divine-ness.

The day before the catwalk, lovely Russian Fairy took a walk down her memory lane and shared pictures from her Prom Time year, and a couple from past modeling years more close to nowadays.

Overly cute and auto-ironic and always so reliable in talks, isn’t she?

While Anne was getting preppy for her show, Adam and the guys were reaching in Texas, and Adam took the chance to visit a music store and buy a guitar (that he later confessed to carry along since purchase, like obsessed with it).

Adam also did an interview for Virgin Radio Ca,which I hope will get released for us all to catch, and also provided a vocal rendition of Alicia’s If I Ain’t Got You that keeps impressing whomever isn’t deaf.

Before I go on, while we are on the interview train, take this small piece with Adam and Jesse:

Gotta say that while in Texas, the Final of World League of baseball were on.

And we learnt that: ADAM hates the Yankees, – too bad because I LIKE them ;)… – and that Matt is a passionate and almost crazy Giants fan.

NERD and Adam. Who is a nerd in another way 😉 Perfect. (taken in Naples, 18 sept 2010)

Matt is also just like Adam: sport goes good… cookies for everyone!!!

Well… everything got well, because Texas Rangers deafeat the Yankees while Maroon 5 were playing in Texas, advancing to the Big Final, and later also Giants came to the same point.

The fun facts were that both these events were linked to and talked about DURING gigs.

It’s a band of sport fanatics. Granted.

Back on Anne’s runaway and catwalks, we not only could appreciate pics of the event itself, not only got to listen to her overjoyed, and we could sneak in thanx to her at the afterparty, we also got to read that THESE days she is in Turks and Caicos, having more tasks to do.

Fairly enough, she has admitted hers is the kind of job that allows you such wonderful place stays you can’t really complain ;).

This is anyway the Express Show rendition:

Anne V for Express, New York, October 2010

From Texas to Tennesse, babies were fastly approaching the final streams of the second leg of the tour, and too bad some very cool ideas couldn’t take place, mostly due to bad weather on their day off.

But when they finally got to play the real thing, as per usual it was awesome.

By Rachel Parker. Adam in Dallas.

And oh well… those visions… *sigh*… FIRE on FIRE.


Anne in the same hours was preparing to her trip off by shedding some on her passion:vintage jewelry (lovely piece, gotta say…).

Dunno about her cooking mastery… but I’m pretty sure if she’d like to, she’d be a very good cooker (see my recipes if you like, girl ;)).

She seems certainly to have that same sweet touch Adam has with little kids; and in fact she’s rooting for Penelope, Gisella and Shawn’s daughter (whose godfather IS Adam actually) in her attempt to start modeling (awwww).

Btw, Anne as specified is now is in Turks and Caicos and someway watching that I feel like I’d like to jump with Karim on a plane and enjoy sun and water 😉

We’re almost done now… just take one more video from Fuse:

Since we’re always bragging about them and Fuse (naw, we aren’t…but we’d like them to always be fine), take a chance to VOTE FOR MISERY ON FUSE COUNTDOWN >>> HERE and then …

While you’re at it, try also this link for the People’s Choice Awards, by clicking here and then do what you’re requested to.

And then know that in middle November, seemingly now, Maroon 5 will be back in Europe.

First they’ve been confirmed for BBC Children In Need:

BBC Children In Need Charity 2010

And also, seemingly in November, (15) they should get back to Paris for a RTL2 sponsored gig.

I love when they hang out in Paris, so to celebrate their “allure” take these two videos from French territories:

This video doesn’t exist

and this one from backstage of Paris show in September:

Someway I link the town with them so well 😉

Okay… I might admit I’m quite dead through writing so… just saying bye and see you soon sounds too rude?

Please forgive me… but I need relax 😉 And Lakers Blog 😉

To come here and write I haven’t fully celebrated today glory 😉

Have all a great time.

Catch you soon 😉 (more or less…)


*evil laugh* 😉

Hugs, Z. 🙂

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Adam and PJ at the Greek on Oct. 9. Veni Vidi Vici 😉

Get ready.

Sit back and comfortably because this post is gonna be the longest shit ever.

I’ve been away half a month, crossed a certain  amount of impressive cities, and in the gap pretty much every mattering thing has happened and you bet I will update everything accordingly.

I have been offered even the world itself, folks: during an awesome flight on a private helicopter over San Francisco Bay, the man of my dreams (never thought I could have one… but as anybody else I of course do) said to me the most awesome things, before he offered me something truly impossible to not take into consideration…


I’m officially engaged, for the whole world to see in an incredible party that was held at Karim’s parental place, with no less than… 380 guests(all of his part, since I carried along only… my parents ).

And hence: yep… this uniquely molded chick is gonna be a wife.

See? I CAN smile 😉 And I'm PLENTY of reason for that

I’m gonna marry in Japan (we still undecided if in Tokyo or Kyoto, but I am up for the latter… anyway we’re gonna spend the whole month in the Country of our dreams so whatever we’re gonna pick up for the big day, the other place will be checked deeply anyway ;)).

Date is August 6th 2011.

Oh, and yes… that’s my ring.

7 of the purest diamond carats (1,5 + 4 + 1,5), which means I carry on my finger what could pay a very beautiful house anywhere (not giving out details, but you can ask or figure out ;)).

Under every stone, encrusted in the platinum ring, there is a specific kanji (see? we truly love Japan), with the words “Truth” (which also means “Pure”, “Genuine” and “Right”), then “Love” (under the main stone) and “Passion” because that’s how we roll.

Karim (just as me) really likes symbolisms and also we love to use numerology and fill our events with mathematical hints.

So we’ll marry exactly 3 years after we first met (yep… oh… the blessed day!!! And none of us … well… mostly ME 😉 would have ever believed THEN what would have blossomed from that first day ;)), we marry on a 6 day number, on a Saturday (6th day of the week) because my favorite number is six; (Karim’s 3: and he always says that I am “his double”… so in a way that fits also, lol…).

Yes. It's THAT ring 😉

The date of the marriage summons up to 9, which is 3×3.

The carats are 7  because 7 is the number of perfect spirituality, and knowledge, not to mention the number that defines MAGIC.

I know I know… you think we are crazy: we just live following Pythagoras and Aristotle instead.

In fact, if we marry, it’s because we have not only found our perfect physical match; it’s not only because we both like art, and traveling, and foreign cultures… it’s because we share the inmost approaches to life, even though we are basically very different if you consider our shown personalities.

I am the flamboyant, chaotic, egomaniac one; he’s the stone I pour myself onto, the stability that is never immutable, but always rooted (it’s funny: in numerology meanings, everyone tells us that I definitely look as a “3”, and he totally has the “6” qualities… and those numbers are exactly those we reciprocally liked since we have memories of ourselves. I call it DESTINY and if it’s not, then it’s something that really much recalls it).

I’m the fire, and he’s the shuffling, free, immense air that feeds me, that tames me, that builds me.

I am the heat that makes the air gets higher, gets warmer, hotter, better.

No, I’m not delirious… these are actually verses of one of the many poems Karim writes for me on monthly basis.

I love the way his head and heart produce magic.

On Cali Beach Oct. 2010 - 1 -

He’s able to make me shake with his brilliant mind and deep sensitivity way before his damn hot (oh… boy…) self manages to give me the greatest pleasures I’ve ever experienced (and in there, I’m like the Sorbonne… I DO know and can tell if someone is good in bed. I’ve tested SO many people there in my life, and to top that… takes LOTS of skill, both from Nature and from… crafted practice ;)).

It’s funny that one of Karim’s former flames (she properly hates me… can’t really blame her if she does, but I couldn’t care less about her or her life) thinks that I should be happy because with this marriage I join one of the finest families around.

Like I could give a shit about that.

I signed up prenuptial like it was just a sticker; Karim was so worried I would have taken it badly but I really don’t see why he should have worried, nor why I should have made a fuss out of it.

one of my fav "old" pics of Adam: Adam and Rihanna, 2008

It’s absolutely normal, logical, and RIGHT for his family to prevent troubles.

Except that there won’t be any: we weren’t really forced to marry… we don’t plan to have babies soon… we could have waited.

I could have.

But he wanted to marry so badly, and was so craving for it, I was just like “Oh… after all I know we’re meant to be together forever… so let’s do it.”

My parents have been together for a life: and they still have sex (a sign of good marriage. No sex… no deep things to share : telling yourself differently is a pathetic lie).

Karim’s parents… the same.

I guess genetics AND surroundings are playing in favor of our odds anyway 😉

Be wild and be happy and be ourselves is what we’re looking into when we think about our marriage.

I don’t care about statuses, also because I am proud to be quite wealthy on my own ( and I mean beside my family range of wealth… boy, I have quite a good personal income for being a 25 years old, thanx ;)).

And I’m sure one of the reasons Karim loves me and not her stays exactly in this fact, that I am completely and fiercely independent and the last thing I take into count thinkin about him is his ridicolous bank account.

Me in Venice Beach, October 2010

I’m not saying I don’t enjoy what comes with being his half.

Wow, while in San Francisco I had to experience in full the power he and his family can exercise: we cruised over their IMMENSE yacht; we went to Museums privately; we flew in helicopter over the bay like people take taxis; we wandered always around with security; we basically owned the town.

It’s all great.

But for how cool it may seem, trust me… you can forget about that just by holding his hand… letting him watch you directly in the eyes and make the whole world TRULY disappear.

We slept in his bedroom while in San Francisco.

It’s an enormous room (in a palace… because the word “house” or even “mansion” don’t really fit… even “manor” probably doesn’t…) filled with meaningful memories from his childhood.

It was awesome to sleep there and hearing him telling stories about his past days there; any time he would show me pics of his kiddie antics I would feel so warm and melting inside no word could possibly describe any of those feelings I felt.

Adam training as a future - doted - dad. Cuddling a friend's daughter. Adorable. (thanx Fabiana for finding it!)

I feel so blessed.


I often say I don’t deserve that but I’m a fool: I do.

I see there is a meaning in everything: I was born to be with him.

And so I think I surely do deserve him.


I’m this presumptuous.

And in all this, again… Karim is the only human being I’ve met that totally gets me as I am.

In full.

He’s also born to be with me: he understands me so incredibly well and deeply he can enjoy also the twisting sides of my mind and sensitivity and take a joyous part in those, feeling completely at ease.

This shows me how much we’re meant to spend our lives together, indeed.

My fav Halloween costume EVER. Hopefully Adam will try in 2010 something in the line of what he (did not) wore in 2007 😉

Our time in Los Angeles after the awesomeness of San Francisco and the engagement celebrations has been like a traveling into Kids Land with the pure soul only kids have (we try to stay as pure); not only we witnessed magic at the Greek (two of the best nights of my whole life – somebody else really should get a clue about music writing instead – … and it was so near to our house, it was always pleasant also to reach the location… but you’ll learn about that in the second half of this post, because we weren’t the only ones finding it easy to reach Griffith Park 😉 and I don’t mean ONLY that we were surrounded by starlets or/and second-rate vampiresthere were Leo and LL Cool J among the music lovers, and one of LL Cool J’s hair values more than the entirety of Ashley Greene…), but we enjoyed sun, beach, Universal Studios, not so healthy food, VERY healthy food, a great yoga session in one of the most famous gym facilities in Brentwood, and generally we had everything at our disposal.

Well, everything beside the Lakers, because the day I was in El Segundo I was there for a working meeting and I couldn’t escape for checking my beloved Purple and Gold Knights.

But I could follow at least the game in Barcelona (at Mash’s place… where we… er… had also a huge post game fun ;)).

Not that the pre-seasonal games of Lakers have been that much of a thing – still we got some awesome pictures from their European journeys at least! – , but at least we’re starting to win now that I’m no more in LA 😉

I just love… well, WE just love our Los Angeles house.

And although we truly want a place in New York too, we feel always the best when Cali’s sun caresses us.

While there we found also a couple of historical pictures of Adam, that you are actually already seeing (my favorite series, from his Halloween 2007 party… as THIS Halloween approaches, somehow I hope he decides to (un)dress again for the recurrence…) and a video that I have been craving to find for ages:

back down memory lane

Talkin about Halloween (oh, how I love Adam in that shot of 2007 party at his house…) this year we won’t be in USA for the celebration BUT while we were in Cali we managed to order our Halloween costumes.

I will wear a double disguise, and angel/devil idea, because I will dress myself as “Human Conscience”.

Karim instead will dress as “Tao”, getting as well a double disguise.

Adam at Greek 9 oct 2010 - 1-

We will show you at least the drawings the stylist we have hired for that has released.

We’re gonna SO shine at our party… I’m sure we could win also Adam’s party contest 😉 LOL…

Anyway, back momentarily to the concerts, it has been awesome to be there two days in row.

It’s always flattering to the ears and to the heart to catch Maroon 5 but I particularly loved the “homey” atmosphere at the Greek.

Adam at Greek 9 oct. 2010 - 2-

Not only for the obvious “Hollywood pluses”, or for the Jason Segel introductory cameo (awesome); it wasn’t just because they REALLY did shine in both concerts (you find lots of videos about the performances online but none of those noisy moments can give you a hint or capture the magic that was spread for real. My advice is always that: GO AT THEIR GIGS. It’s the only way to fully get them. And btw, One Republic are good too ;)… Ry Cuming… not bad even though I caught him always partially ;)): the Greek gigs were special because the music spoke to both Karim and I so loudly.

In a way Maroon 5 are the way we met in 2008.

Albeit from almost opposite points of view (I was determined to get some, and he was forced to follow me while his contacts worked my ways out ;)…).

But their music somehow always brought us closer; we both find it extremely suiting us and our sexual approaches to life, love and spirituality: in fact, their music at once softened my wilderness and at the same time, that same music brought off Karim’s wilderness that he was trying to tame, waiting – he claimed back then – to find “the one”.

Just because we’re about to mention the song, take a look at this:

Hot Chocolate Production version of Maroon 5 "Stutter" (our song!!)

Okay… I hope a “regular” video comes off after, but still I so ADORE… *WE* so adore this jam!!!!

Hewl… yeah: you can’t imagine what we do over those riffs 😉

Adam at Greek 9 oct 2010 - 3 -

There’s a reason for which now not only Stutter, but also the awesome Al Green Cover of Let’s Stay Together and If I Ain’t Got You they perform live will be ALL our marriage songs.

Adult Contemporary Much? Well, after all Maroon 5 just have set up a new record for the format, as Billboard let us know, with their release of Misery.

Karim’s parents and my own ones were actually also very much delighted by the gig they witnessed (the second); while Marghe as per usual used all of her voice to scream like a squirrel all the time (she witnessed also the Santa Barbara gig btw)… but that’s her way to manifest adoration and I’m used to it, so it was like… due 😉

It was a magic series of shivers, precious feelings of emotional rush, going round and round my body and soul.

I always and particularly loved the acoustic sets: Adam’s voice and skill as singer shine so much when he strips down (he actually loved to strip down also out of metaphors but that’s another matter entirely… ;)).

no idea where this was taken from but thanx Fabiana: Adam shirtless is always a good sight 😉

And from the way Karim was behind me squeezing me all the time, while the songs were performed, I was clearly understanding the feeling was not only mine, but it was a couple enjoyment of a very special collective moment.

I’m so glad we can share this too.

This Love won’t ever take any toll on us 🙂

Guaranteed ;).

We have loved our LA stay, and also our brief touchdown in New York (Karim’s determined, bless him, to find a small apartment for us either in the West Village or in the Gramercy area we’re so fond of).

Work has been profitable in both cities too and today as soon as I stepped off from the plane, I rushed to lab to detail to everyone what we’ve achieved as business partnership along with our new USA buddies.

Adam Levine. Doing Yoga. Dayummm - M5 version only of IINSYFA video stills

We’re gonna get major satisfaction in the incoming three years, business like.

I mean… as well 😉

The cutest part of today has though been re-meet my Swifty.

As much as I LOVED stay in USA, and as much as I long to get back there soon, truth is I always dearly miss my horse when I am forced to be parted from him this long.

And the feeling is reciprocal and wonderful…

I’m glad we’re back home.

I’m glad Karim is sculpting as I write this blog update and he smiles at me as I smile typing.

We don’t even really need to speak to communicate: it’s a fantastic way the way our minds, bodies, and hearts find a way to share themselves out and beyond normal streams of interaction.

I will do my best to never let this bliss fade out.

I will work with passion and commitment and love to never let this magic between us fade out: indifference must never get a place in our lives and in our life together and that is something you gotta WORK to achieve.

It needs forces, will, resources.

It takes… passion to keep passion lively.

And we’re so perfect together because we both have that type of flame in us.

We have seen so much of the world and got to know so many people; so many types of lives; we’re curious about all that, and we’ve piled on a lot of valuable and deep experiences in our lives.

Humanly, first.

That richness will definitely help us along in keeping being dedicated to one another in the best way.

I don’t feel trapped in this I’m living: I’ve never felt freer in my whole life actually.

And Karim… well, he daily (even hourly) totally lets me know (and more importantly… FEEL) that he’s the happiest man because I’m his.

And believe me there are NOT his most expensive gifts or surprises he constantly amazes me with that make me feel that HE IS MY OWN ONE.


It’s the way his eyes read directly into my own soul, and remain pure and clear magnifying the fact his heart loves mine… as I am exactly.

That is the greatest gift my life could have gifted me with.

Karim… you are everything I was searching for even when I had no idea I was into any type of quest at all.

This Love… Will Shine.

Forever, baby.

Oh… yes.

But now let’s give a sort of tracking back update about babies… I know some of you just wait for that when coming here on my pages…


Adam Smiling In Sunny Glasses

Since love should dominate this post, it seems quite apt for me to start to update you about babies, because THAT is love too to me (that will also re-include excerpts from Karim and I being in California, of course ;)) starting back from where we left, namely the very end of September, when Anne was in Paris for the Fashion Week, and Adam and the guys were about to rock Facebook Head Quarters with a live performance.

Anne for Zac Posen 30 september 2010 -1-

You know I am a fashion addict and so there’s nothing I crave more about Anne than seeing her cat-walking and doing photo shots.

You know I find her astonishingly beautiful and therefore is just normal I go awing when she updates us with her professional tidbits.

It doesn’t hurt that anytime she does, I start thinkin “oh, please… let them procreate and create a new generation of perfectly looking human beings…” 😉

Anne V in (and with) Zac Posen at Vogue Ball - October 2010

What can I do…

I’m for Darwinian evolution and Adam and Anne should just allow humanity to evolve through a merging of their perfectly looking genes together.

I’m serious there.

They’d gift the world 😉

I easily can see a bunch of running kids in their backyard (and that pic above of Adam training as a doted daddy TRULY makes that feeling exponentially grow… indeed!).

Amazing Anne V

Wait… maybe this is what I actually love to guess in Karim and mine future…

But it could apply to theirs too 😉

But okay, let’s just get back to the chronicle, also because at a certain point of it your heart will transfix into a minions of butterflies and floating hearts when a very special gift will be revealed to romantic souls out there.

Anne V cat walking for Zac Posen. She is a goddess 😉

This is the “Love” post after all ;).

Well, while in Paris, being the France Capital one of the most awesome places in the whole world, Russian Fairy had of course a blast, both on the working tasks and certainly when those left spaces for the fashionably events that only Paris can structure so well.

Anne for Vogue Ball 1

Too bad sometimes the two things seemed to conflict a bit, but never till the point she couldn’t enjoy it all, or had to give up to something.

I mean… she earns it right?

Go girl ;)!

I am sure my friend Bianca enjoyed that Vogue Ball too.

Mash surely did as the pics he showed us in LA proved;).

(Man, I love having fashion connections… yes I do. Kill me ;)).

While Anne was wondering how she would have made it to the Vogue Ball, sources online were sharing that Adam paired Maroon 5 with Duran Duran (really, Adam?… my eldest cousin would be delighted. But you’re so much better actually guys…):

Adam interview with Daily Mail

But let’s get back to the moment after all the commitment for the album release ended, and the moment approached when Maroon5 would actually be on the road to play it live.

In a moment of open-ness (and somehow that makes even more sense if you, like I do, have happened to possess the Deluxe Package of Hands All Over (see later), which include the awesome documentary DVD “Vevey Forever”), Adam shared this:

Adam's Gratitude Tweet. If you have "Vevey Forever" DVD, you know what he means

You might wonder how I claim that I owned the Special Deluxe package even from my days in California this start of October, since it was bound to arrive in Italy.

Jesse on plane. Adam's idea 😉

Well… a copy further of that stays actually now also in our Los Angeles house cos… Karim’s parents gifted me with it as soon as we arrived in San Francisco ;).

The lovelies they are 😉

So the guys were having a couple of fun days before the actual second leg of the tour started, meaning that they actually headed to Vegas, among the rest.

Beside funny shots, questionable food choices, and cute shout-outs, they surely had the time to appreciate what life has gifted them with all along.

Anne V in shining red for Vogue Ball

Gratitude is indeed a great feeling (which I totally share, n.d.r.).

While boys were tweeting sleepover pictures, Anne was teasing her significant other (and pretty much everybody else) with shots of herself dressing for the Vogue Ball in Paris.

A kiss from elevator.. (Aerosmith song, anyone? ;)?)

Gosh, red is so much her color!!!



Gloriously beautiful.

And you’ll see how all that red inspired well her lover later… 😉

Anne Vyalitsyna stunning in Zac Posen

Around the same time Anne was balling around, Adam and the guys had to tape the Facebook Headquarters performance.

I am happy I get the chance to hear performances I would never be able to stay awake to catch onto… but at the same time I advice you to simply go to their gigs because none of these performances give you half of the vibes a true attendance at any of their live shows can gift you with.

The same values for all the YouTube excerpts around.

Anne V and Zac Posen, Vogue Ball

They might be nice…

But they are not even a pale rendition.


Trust me there .

T-R-U-S-T   M-E  😉

Anyway now you are about to see something, and if you may wonder about them being a bit tired after 10 days of promotional duties, you might be onto something 😉

I might also notice that the crowd wasn’t really inspirational but ehi… they are not meant to entertain themselves there: they run a company(?!??)

So, take a look and a listen at this (first part of the gig is corrupted, so I can’t show it here, sorry…) 😉 :

and after the interview, the proper music:

This video doesn’t exist

Before enjoying Vegas, Adam paid visit to Hart Hanson on BONES’ s set:

Adam with Hart Hanson on Bones set

And before this post ends, this won’t be the last time the two will be mentioned together; nor this will be the last time you will learn about Adam cameo-ing for tv (get ready for future awesomeness!!!) ;).

Anne V for Viktor and Rolf

I really like Hart Hanson (I randomly watch Bones, it’s a nice form of good television… but you know I’m not really into tv so rarely I watch any series with constance… ;)) and I love the way he’s so reminding us Adam’s first steps in the business under his… guide 😉

Well, of course in so many years, it’s not like Adam changed that much either towards Hart 😉

Anne V for Viktor and Rolf Paris 2010

Another thing that never could change is Adam’s immense love for his hometown: anytime he gets spare time in Los Angeles, he serenades it and I find it very, very cute.

The main object of his serenades in the main time was obliged to Viktor and Rolf, keep strutting her total awesomeness on catwalking paves (not really feeling the no eyebrow look myself, but she would be shining even walking daily like that on regular days… honestly, she’s sublime).

Anne V for Loewe - Oct.2010 Paris - 1-

Oh… I’m a sucker for beauty and fashion and NOW I’m a sucker for romance so this litany glorifying Russian Fairy won’t end: deal with it 😉 LOL.

Anne V in and with Zac Posen at Vogue 90 anniversary Ball

So stoked with her and so stoked with them… but let’s go on… Where we were at? Oh, yeah… Anne’s adorable half then decided to go cryptic while addressing mysterious rendez-vous (which could have been anything from a pool party, a random gathering of circus people, to a Halo marathon till a Scrabble Fight…), and maybe like me you sometimes find yourself laughing thinking how she’s flawlessly glam and how he loves to be totally on the simple and low when it’s about dressing (even though he can surely turn out and fit the glam as well, as much as she shines in the most regular of jeans and t-shirt too…).

But yep… I like Anne best when she shines in glamour.

I can’t lie: I like ’em all preppy.

Or at least I like them knowing they CAN look perfect and stunning while prepping up.

Aesthete. Forever. Yep.

Just like in this picture along other heavenly creature Alessandra Ambrosio, again for Loewe, again from Paris Fashion Week:

Alessandra Ambrosio and Anne Vyalitsyna for Loewe. Paris, October 2010 (via Love Magazine)

Now if some of Adam and now Anne’s friends could take some fashion tips from her…

Because ok that Las Vegas allows pretty much everythingbut there should be a limit about the width of “everything” meaning… 😉

Anne Vyalitsyna catwalks for Viktor and Rolf 1

Anne V for Viktor and Rolf catwalk 2

(gotta say that I find really amusing and entertaining the way Adam and his friends tweet these kind of stuff for us to see… you get it’s a very genuine friendly circle the one we get to briefly acknowledge from those, and being myself really keen at my own crew, I find solace in imagining my favorite singer surrounded by a similarly wonderful type of soul environment.)

So, on October the 2nd Adam and the crew were at Las Vegas, at their beloved Palms hanging out around and allegedly catching a glimpse of alternative festival “Matador 21” too (Belle and Sebastian!!!! whooo!!!).

I really really feel the vibe of that place (still bummed I missed it LAST NYE… mostly because this year Maroon 5 will perform in Atlantic City but we don’t plan an East Coast New Year, so I will forcedly miss it this round and I will keep regretting how I had to blow up my last year’s chances at Vegas gig…) and I know how entertaining it can be spend a day there.

Especially with such a crew ;)…

Anne V for Loewe - Paris, October 2010

Adam. Perfection.

But in a way I also imagine he wouldn’t have minded being in Paris…

Friends are awesome, sure, and fun to have around but surely Paris had to look and feel particularly regrettable those days for him…

Because must be hard to stay apart from all THIS >>>>

Right? 😉

Life of Far Away Lovers…

But you will see soon they are never really apart (awwww!!! collective melting, thanx…) 😉

Back into Vegas chapter, (that was a very quick stay btw… a blitz into adult wonderland!), Adam seemed to again struggle against the fact many of his friends are golf lovers, and he just cannot cope with it (Adam, I get you, I’m crap at it too, but you could find pleasure in the surroundings of the courses… I love that at least… my two cents ;)!).

In that same day, Anne was feeling homesick.

So cute she can be (I also have a Starbucks addiction… I so get her there! Anyway consider she hasn’t yet retouched New York. She’s away from there since after she flew to Paris to re meet Adam one month ago. I wonder who’s Chovy with, considering she went from Paris Fashion Week directly to Los Angeles last week, and then flew away again to London three days ago???), you really feel her if you let yourself free about it.

And well… when your girlfriend expresses that kind of low mood, and you are exactly on the other side of the world… what can you do to cheer her up (because you clearly cannot take to figure her out even the slightest unhappy)?

Simple: the morning after you fill up her hotel room with DOZENS of red roses, claro… ;):

Adam gift to Anne to cheer her up in Paris

That was just awesome to see.

Like… *awwwwwwwwww* on the repeating for hours (when I caught it hours after I almost shed a tear… so cute ;)).

How  romantic… then you know my name means rose and Karim often gifts me roses so I know even too well the effect it has to receive those, especially when you REALLY need it.


They are so adorable together.

Anyway, to break one moment the “awwww” factor (or maybe not, since the beautiful couple gets mentioned again) take this article from the Bild (you can read a bit of German, right?) and swoon as well for Adam’s fondness of tats ;):

Bild Article about M5

Then let’s switch into French Territories (again a link, right?) and enjoy these two videos and interviews again:

This video doesn’t exist

Then this:

This video doesn’t exist

And also a cute one for SFR:

I could listen to a million of these and I would never ever get tired.

His voice is so soothing it’s unreal (and in a way I gotta thank above that Adam never grew in height as much as he would have loved to in order to pursue his basketball passion… imagine… if he did, I would have lost forever the chance to be embraced by his unique voice!!! And I mean… there can be ONLY one Kobe every three generations 😉 so…).

I guess I produce dopamine naturally as I hear his frequency of speaking reaching my ears.

Chemically bound to this guy.

Yep. 😉

As days of getting back on the road came nearer, and as Adam had to keep up balancing his life with the timetables on the other side of the world (so sweet) we came to learn this:

Adam said it. I can guess easily a finally TOTALLY HAPPY love song? 😉

I so long for the moment when he will finally allow himself to write a pure happy soothing ballad about everlasting love.

The mood now is there: just milk it from your soul and pour it into verses Adam… and sure they might be the best lyrics you had ever come up with dear.

Love has that quality, you know… 🙂 (took a lot for me too to understand it actually… maybe that’s why I so hope everyone else does now? whatever… I wish you everlasting love Mr. Levine, and to myself to be able to hear that kind of feeling transfixed by your voice in a wonderful new song soon…) :).

Anne V heading to Hermés defilé

On October 6, day of stepping back into touring life ahead, James celebrated his 32nd birthday, too, while Jesse experienced as me the great quality of The Social Network (we went out to see that in San Francisco and it was TERRIFIC!!!! Amazing movie!!!! Justin Timberlake *almost* seems a credible actor there, although compared to Jesse Eisenberg he disappears… ;))

Anne was then engaged into her latest shows in Paris.

And man… what is best than closing it with Jean-Paul Gaultier and Hermés???

Anne Vyalitsyna for Hermes, October 2010, Paris

Nothing 😉

Really… nothing (and indeed is an honor to be called out for such kind of shows… which she totally deserves, in fact) :).

But you know… and you can understand…

She couldn’t wait to pack it all and say bye bye to Paris, fashion, Europe…

Because… well: you must get she was in need of flying > away < to reach > the “rose guy” 😉

And to be frank, I think “the rose guy” wouldn’t mind any of her fashion looks remain… because you can’t really make her look anything less than spectacular.

No matter what ;).

Gloriously beautiful Anne Vyalitsyna catwalks for Jean Paul Gaultier Hermés show in Paris, October 2010

Not that “the rose guy” isn’t spectacular on his behalf, anyway… check him on MTV UK, along the Babies Sweetness and a Beat Magazine Interview:

This video doesn’t exist

More interviews here, first for EXTRA (the one of a previous update of mine along Mario Lopez… remember the pictures on a terrace?):

Then from On The Record Exclusive:

And then one for CNN where Adam says he “can be an asshole” (Oh… you teaser 😉 naw…):

He’s totally the opposite of an asshole actually.

He’s a shining human being whose completely alienated from racism and bigotism… which lead to amazing collaborations with the more diverse (and always talented) artists, just like here with Somali rapper K’naan:

It also leads to awesome taking positions, like landing voice and feelings to address the awful deaths and suicides caused by LBGT youth abuse in high schools ( a sad phenomenon lately rampant in the US).

Adam has then created a PSA video for the “It Gets Better” Project.

You cannot avoid to love this guy.

And if you do, you are just a moron, a person who doesn’t get his shine inside, which is so much more brilliant than his shine outside (which is already so massive):

Your heart and soul are golden, Adam Levine.

Before I exceed in my praise (I will anyway… you know) let’s get back in the chronicle, as the second leg of the tour took place in Santa Barbara Bowl.

Duties from friends as well there… and as usual our guys are never there to back off from such things 😉

Before I go on, read this LONG and beautiful Interview in E Musician Magazine written by Mike Levine (not related with Dikkie/Dumbie… this  Mike Levine who is editor of this online magazine is actually somebody who is doing something with his own life and is capable of writing 😉 )…

Enjoy it cos it’s a beautiful interview (4 pages… so scroll right?):

Page 1:

EMagazine Page 1

Page 2:

E Magazine Interview Page 2

Page 3:

E Magazine Interview Page 3

Page 4:

E Magazine Interview Page 4

Beautiful right?

And man, Hands All Over TRULY is awesome.

Adam behind drumset at the Greek

If general taste wouldn’t be so poised I would be sure it’d enjoy major success… unfortunately, you know… current favs on chart are complete garbage so it’s no mistery it’s getting an hard time being reckoned.

(Small insert: we hope next week global world taste gets restored by tributing honor to Kings Of Leon… the album comes off TOMORROW in Italy and I’m sure it’s awesome!!!)

But let’s get back to Santa Barbara (Marghe said it was fantastic, and Jesse agreed ;)), night of wind, great music, some strip tease and guitar solos 😉

Anne though missed it: she arrived back in Cali as they were coming as well onto home soil.


And like it MUST happen, it takes enough to be with your own one love to feel like all the rest simply is “far away” and distant… even though it might be so wonderful in itself.

greek theathre official pics

That’s love for sure… it’s the intimacy of it, that makes even the most beautiful “rest” feeling not that mattering after all.

I mean… Adam ditched even buddies birthdays in honor of her 😉 (well.. so I assume 😉 he must ;))

We were so near to them, but not my thing to stalk so we never really try to cross the cute couple, although we were really hanging out at the same roads in the same hours.

M5 in Berkeley 10 october 2010

I just love to know they’re happy and together… what they surely don’t look forward to are strangers getting in their ways to cheer them up while they’re having private moments.

I really, really just long and root for their beautiful selves (inner and outer and all around and inside) to stay as close as possible: that’s it.

They are inspirational (and she’s as funny and down to earth as he is, which is a plus in a plus!).


So what did they do?

They took a double massage… and it’s INCREDIBLY cute because Karim and I just did the VERY same at SPA in outside Los Angeles a bunch of hours before them.

South Cali Bliss

Great minds think alike? 😉

Adam and Anne love to take double massages together anyway because they used to do that also back in August in New York at Setai Wall Street SPA😉

They gotta take care of their hot bodies… so that those can possibly create more and incoming beauty (okay… I know… that idea is struck in my mind… what can I do? I’d love for them to procreate… *yes I do*) .

They also went out shopping and enjoyed their usual passions at once for the best food, the best sweets and also, sometimes, the unescapable junk food (unhealthy for both, but what can you do… sometimes you have to give up and feel free and kiddie, right?).

People getting starstruck at them doesn’t sound strange to me… In fact, beauty gotta be reckoned, cherished, celebrated.

So… being starstruck at any of them two is just natural and fair ;).

Sometimes though being starstruck at them causes troubleslike when an interviewer completely writes down the interview messing the answers with the questions up 😉

The day after, you know, there was the first show at Greek theathre.

You know from above what Karim and I did feel about it (about them)… here I will just let you collect a couple of notes from reviewers and concert goers beside us…

My advice still THAT one: you just have to go and check yourself.

Because they really will tangle your soul up and let it shine (just an advice… sing ;)… even though if you think like my friend Marghe you retain for it for not ruining the beauty of Adam’s sounding caresses ;)).

The party after the first home gig took place at Adam’s house (of course) and as per usual it was just a great blast.

Adam (and Anne) post show in Berkeley... 😉

The fact he could have two consecutive nights show at home was probably really dear to Adam’s heart… and he sure delivered loads of magic, along the whole band (and PJ Morton: honestly guys… that man is a GREAT adding to the sound of the live shows… PJ Morton is AWESOME. Full stop. What he brought on the plate while they were doing Tina’s cover of What’s Love’s Got To Do With It was soooo dope!)

They left immediately after to head to the Greek Theather in BERKELEY, and of course Anne was along them.

Adam was particularly keen at sharing pieces of his life in that surrounding, because, yep… Berkeley is actually the reason he’s… alive for? 😉

I really loved to see that toasting picture after the gig, knowing he wasn’t alone watching the emptied theater, because you know…

Memories of where he was conceived…

Maybe could bring up wishes of… conceive? (okay, I know… I can’t stop rolling around with that idea… I need yoga. No better… I need to mind my own business, I know 😉 *sigh*… but he’d be such an awesome, marvelous dad!!!).

pictures from Facebook gig

After Berkeley they moved to Tacoma (Seattle), meaning that Anne got back on the big bus, just because that way she could have enjoyed the spare day along her love (awww… and was Patsy there too along?).

Maybe it’s me, but again as they tweeted about their… erm… dangerous food weaknesses, I had to realize (see my plixies) that just that very day, hours before, while Karim and I were hanging and having a blast at Universal Studios, I actually lunched with… GUMMY Bears myself too 😉

See? Once more… Great Minds (or Great Tummies – I said Tummies, NOT Dummies… we’re not talking about Dikkie here ;))… and you know the rest 😉

I smile tenderly thinkin at Adam and Anne trying not to empty their room’s minibar out of all the snacks… he shouldn’t eat them cos they damage voice, and she shouldn’t because they damage slimness… but I see them breaking the rule and I love them for that.

I really do ;).

To get out of my A&A haze (but it’s difficult… especially if Adam teases this way!!), take your time, follow this link and read and enjoy what James has claimed to Fender Guitars Magazine interview about the record (man, I love James… his thoughtfulness reminds me often of Karim’s one):

So… read HERE and enjoy!

Anne actually couldn’t enjoy the show in Tacoma, nor the fancy stuff after it (as I said, she was part of the trip to enjoy the free moving day… aww ;)), because she had to fly off to London.

But exactly her new departure lead to the :

Best. Ever. Q&A. Tweeting. Of All Time (insert random Kanye West arguing about that… 😉 love you Mr. West!).

That is so beautiful I will post it later so that you can read it in tweets exactly.

Know just that Anne was leaving, and the boys played in Seattle… 😉

Those moments while she was waiting for the plane departure were also the ones of the (finally!!) executed rescuing of the chilean miners trapped from months into the ground.

Anne was really touched by that… not surprisingly since she’s such a sweetheart. 🙂

Talkin about Russian Fairy… and traveling… and Maroon5… and gigs…

Wonder where the band will head to for the very first time in their history?



THERE. In Big Mother Russia, baby!! 😉

But it’s even more interesting WHEN they are gonna head there. When I was checking the dates to book for from their European Tour (remember!!! Paris!!! Berlin!!! Milan!!! ;)), I noticed they would have stopped just right before Adam’s birthday and I was telling : “see, this way he can celebrate his birthday with Anne back in USA, just like this year.”.


Because it looks like they will celebrate their birthdays together again, but in HER place instead, this time around.

The gig in Moscow is on March 20, 2011: his birthday is March 18th, her birthday is March 19th.

Too easy. Too easy… (if you hear a strange sound, is my inner parts that melt 😉 awwww).

Yes… I see them totally together, because they so totally seem each other’s type and one of the reasons stay in those Q&A tweets that I was mentioning above, namely… THESE:

Adam asks...

And then (look, Best Answer Ever… this girl ROCKS ;)):

... and Anne answers (gal rocks!)

I so like that attitude!!!

And their friends too loved that tweet exchange 🙂


That’s the way to be.

Comforted in the fact he shouldn’t really give a rat ass about twitter shout outs and the way they will be taken (I’m sure he doesn’t anyway), Adam could move from Seattle to next stop fulfilling the long trip with his fav toy (I mean REAL toy… 😉 in which he needs practice, as we know…), so that by the time he reached Fresno all of his stamina was downloaded 😉

Dunno much about Fresno… but I guess they need grammar lessons? 😉 Certainly they allowed Adam two of his greatest passions: bike riding and… junk food enjoyment 😉

While we’re here, enjoy the second installement of the Power Trees series about the tour ;):

Remember how somewhere along the lines, very up above, I mentioned after Adam visited Hart Hanson at the start of October that we would have talked again about tv?

Right… it started so:

Adam looking for actions on Sons Of Anarchy...

got ahead this way…

Adam for Sons Of Anarchy 2

and then more…

Adam for Sons of Anarchy 3

Till the deal is (practically) signed:

Adam for Sons of Anarchy 4 (yesss!!!)

Oh… boy!!!

That show is already quite hot (have you ever seen the male lead? DO IT…) and since some of my male friends love it, sometimes I have seen it too.

Adam is a fanboy of Sons Of Anarchy… to have him there will make it even HOTTER!!!

Sons Of Anarchy WallPaper

Gotta. See. IT. 😉

(Thanx Kurt Sutter for making it happen… Much Love, Zaira ;))

Fresno show was played as Karim and I were flying over the Ocean to reach Malpensa… and not surprisingly, many pointed out at the greatness of the acoustic show part (totally amazing).

Anne V gracing Elle Sweden

In the next days I will receive through postal mail Elle Sweden #11 2010.

My friend Anne Karin will send it to me from Stockholm, then she and her boyfriend Lasse will join us for our Halloween parties over here.

Why I wanna that number, considering I have already subscription to Vogue, Cosmo and Elle itself in all of their Italian, French and American issues?


This you see aside is the cover (not the first Anne did for that edition of the magazine 😉 ) >>>>>>

Dunno why, but everytime I think back of Scandinavia I see myself on a fast silent train wandering in a wonderful nature, under a bright blue sky, passing villages full of red and yellow wooden houses, and I feel instantly well.

I love Sweden particularly.

Karim and I gotta get there. Soon.

We both visited those Countries on our own… now it’s time to experience their magic together.

Okay… I leave you with a blog from Jesse (how cute he is :)?) and with a last excerpt of news:

Jesse and PJ interview in Keyboard Magazine.


I’d say it’s enough… LOL 😉

Enjoy your evening: Karim and I will cuddle on my sofa, cuddling, enjoying life, making love, gathering brilliance and approaching even more the shining essence of good life.

Good night everybody 😉

Happy Zaira will have certainly a TOP one, thanx 😉

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5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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