Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Closer

Good morning and sorry for the long absence.

Adam and lovely Frankie on greengrass

I know…

I’m late but you know what?

On top of all the planned staying-aways from blogs (due to holidays, schedules, and all that relates to our marriage organization) the past week I have also been plastered with LABYRINTHITIS (no kidding, I face another week of therapy at home, and that actually has forced me to pull out of my planned end of the month trip to New York: you can guess I’m not happy about any of this)… so be kind and realize there’s really a lot going on for this gal and blogging can/will be done in excerpts of time.


Combined with schedule and illness (snort…) I have also been forced to kinda miss AGES of Lakers games!!! Milan games!!!

You know it’s serious when even my sporty passions gotta step a bit aback.

Adorable Anne V in fashion magazines

This year is a very BIG year for me… I have such schedules that I have resolved to introduce into my life an element to avoid it to become untakeable.

So I have a personal assistant since last week (luckily he timed perfectly with my illness, so that my working tasks haven’t been completely forced to reprogramming, thank God…): he’s called Carlo, he’s kind, capable and gorgeous and he’s wonderfully gay (I actually decided for him among candidates when he was able to confess that in a very manly, totally natural, and even casual speech with me at the third go-through for the job).

The fact that I need even a personal assistant to survive furtherly keeps telling you that blogging really ain’t in my first priorities these days (though I still like doing it, when I have time), and if you follow my Twitter (also aside in this page) you are aware of what I am talkin about.

I’m trying to do my best with a day of mere 24 hours (well, while ill I spent most of that sleeping, but that’s because medicines are heavy, I can’t watch tv, and even music gotta be played really low… I can’t stay standing yet, only laying or seated, and of course no physical activity of ANY kind is allowed so in other words… boredom realm for real!!!)

Divine creature in his patio

It’s all I can say 😉

Oh… and I miss sex a lot.

Surprised there, I bet…

I also hate that anytime I fall ill I shrink and I become all skin and bones (and I don’t even have Chris Martin serenading me Yellow… well, actually Karim played it for me on piano the other day ;))

Can’t wait to feel better mainly for that (Karim btw has been an awesome nurse these days and also my friends have been all supportive and they came visiting me in floods… I love you crew!)

I will try to encompass the chronicles of this past month the best I can – given that I reduce chronicles to music basically, cos the sports that I can talk about is secondhand, which I hate in my current state- , but first, and very strangely compared to my usual behaviours, I share first the videos that i made lately.

You know from my previous post that I TOTALLY CAN’T STAND was quite let down regarding the idea Maroon 5 have had to make Hands all Over a single and get the video duties to that criminal who ridiculed the great original video of Misery (that’s just the worst ever video in the whole world, and I mean that stupid cartoonish cheesy horrifying UK version of it of course ).

So I decided that in My YouTube the first video homage of the year would have been the awesome cover of Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” the guys did on Stern back in September (see the raleted post in this blog):

But you know also why I felt betrayed about the choice of pickin Hao as a single.

I WANTED STUTTER (the first three singles again, should have been 1) Stutter; 2) I Can’t Lie; 3) Just A Feeling or How; 4) Misery… THAT would have constituted way more of a positive bandwagon for the album… but that is gone by now… you know my opinion there 😉 if you read this blog don’t you?).

So I will have Stutter.

In Stop Motion.

With Karim and Meli (angel Meli!!!!! THANK YOU) drawing for me (my illness will slow down the preparation for it but March still the date to put it out).

I have a new set of tricks to train my Director attitude with.

And I am so into this all… I created a TRAILER for what will be my next YouTube Upload (by the way, Maroon 5 just shot the video for the fourth single, Never Gonna Leave This Bed, in Los Angeles… you will learn about it later in the updates ;)):

This video doesn’t exist

And since we are at it… of course (just like it happened with their real video for NGLTB …) also MY female lead will be Anne 😉 becoming a drawing like the rest of the band and mostly Adam.. in Stop Motion.

Talkin about Anne… look how beautiful she is for the Louis Vuitton Resort Campaign Spring Summer 2011 ;):

This video doesn’t exist

Okay… I have been toying with video softwares, you see 😉

Actually I also created a patchwork with stills of the incoming Never Gonna Leave This Bed video.

More shots and actual press videos of the making of will be posted later in this update (they are so cute cuddling one another… awww… the perfect couple they are!!)but for now take this and see all the fun that I am having with this patches (lol!):

This video doesn’t exist

I’m properly like a kid with tech stuffs you know me 😉

Everything new on the matter to me is like Play-Doh: gotta put my hands on it and morph it into something that fits my creativity 😉

A little collage dedicated to the hotness that is Adam Levine. Enjoy 😉

During the holiday time when Karim family visited they were really shocked about the way I am at once completely tech master and also the way I can be traditionalists (yep, I can prepare homemade tortellini and cook pretty well, and teach that too ;)), at which Karim just said that is “my way to be Tao” ;).

Totally spot on.

Oh, let me add momentarily that I wish my guru Steve Jobs the fastest ever recovery: Steve, we’re with you.

I’m a tekkie and a proud Apple-ist.

I still haven’t the faintest idea on how to organize this post (Karim helps with typing cos I can’t yet obviously, while dear Fede, who will substitute me in the NY trip, put together the video updates under my requests… thank you guys ;)), so I guess I’ll just step back and start where I left you on the verge of Christmas.

LONG shot 😉

I know.

We left the boys and A Home for the Holidays was ready to be broadcasted: so there you go, enjoy it folks!

Red fits Adam so well (as much as it shines on Anne, too!).

Maroon5 have also launched a very interesting Photo contest that could allow you to pretty much roadie with the band on tour: check this especially and see the video (click on the image to jump on the page with video):

Send and image of LOVE and roadie along with Maroon 5

Trust me if I weren’t taken with that small thing that is marriage (…) I would ave tried it 😉 and probably so would have Karim 😉

Talkin about trips and who knows… marriage, the guys have added another Russian date to their schedule, in the amazing town of the Hermitage Museums. *sigh*. I’d love to check that one!!!

Adam and Anne shopping and loving it up

Adam has also been vocal in his funny way about his new years resolutions (and ask me why again the word marriage comes to mind… lol!).

Talkin about that, the two lovebirds we all love spent all the Xmas times together (awwww) and even though Los Angeles weather was strangely bad (but there have been moment of blissful sun and rainbows even!) they managed to make even rain feel absolutely romantic, as you’ve seen and as you will keep see.

Oh, man they melt me so fully!!!

During holidays beside Adam and Anne James for instance had time to practice with JJAMZ, and I can’t wait for that record in full (of course I’ll grab it).

Our favorite couple. Well, mine for sure 😉

Sweet Anne managed to have of course ANOTHER Xmas tree in Los Angeles too, and she tweeted an adorable picture of her stay.

Oh… yes: I keep melt of course 😉

Beside the bliss of their time together, and we all can so clearly see how much Adam shines in happiness any time Anne is around him, the festive time didn’t prevent our guy from tweeting some of what REALLY makes me adore him.

Xmas game with grandpy and Emma Zerner (lets not mention results...)

He vented against Sarah Palin a couple of times, and thank God, because that woman (??) is really a threat for EVERYONE (and sadly that got even truer around start of teh year, whena Deputy was shot in Arizona after her “advice”…), and his lively liberally oriented (well, he’s more an anarchist at times, but definitely more left than center than right…ALWAYS) soul couldn’t hold his despise any longer (I suppose he was watching Fox News at those times…).

What always makes me laugh is how his fans get surprised by his political beliefs.

Erm… Adam’s family especially from Patsy’s side is a well known liberal think-tank.

At Lakers Xmas game... shame... GAME. Game 😉

The Aunt he honors in the notes of Midnight Miles was the wife of his Uncle Timothy Noah, and whomever reads about politics in USA knows who he is.

Sure Adam may grow wary of politics (for disillusions) most of the times, but SURELY he would NEVER be a Republican, much less of the dull and idiot Palin’s type.

I love his political takes so much… Karim properly cheers at any of them (obviously).

That tweet saved him from my reproaches after they unveiled properly the Hands All Over video (I still can’t believe what they did with that… *sigh*).

BTW, certainly Anne had more fun at the movies with her pal than Adam did watchin Lakers getting destroyed on Xmas by the Meat. SIGH 😉 (He later joined her).

Vintage smirk in the dark

Those days they also started to share that they will play at this year SuperBowl: first as part of an event the day before, then properly at the Fox PreGame event along Keith Urban on February 6th (awesome!!!!), namely the SuperBowl Tailgate Party.

Talkin about incoming (well, that one is really a long way to come yet, it’s in JUNE) music+sports event, Maroon 5 will also play for those who play GOLF this year (and I might just check that, because one of Karim’s cousin is a PRO ;)).

Well, I’ll try my best to be there, accordingly with all the schedules of that period of course.

Of course 😉

After Xmas time it was time for the lovely couple and the whole of Maroon 5 to move to Caribe for the planned performances in Santo Domingo and Trinidad and Tobago.

Adam took it very “Indiana Jones-y” 😉

In the maintime, gotta say I LOVED the frankness of James in the Billboard article about the underperformance of HAO album (you know who and what I blame for it… with different singles and promotion plan, the album would have been a smash as it’d deserved, but now is late to re-adjust, and anyway it still a wonderful album).

Their honesty is always so pure and loveable.

BTW, Anne probably would have liked more sun to test her new glasses with in Santo Domingo… still, she managed to be adorable even under clouds.

Arriving in Santo Domingo

She’s naturally lovely.

The gig has been wonderful and here I prepared another video out from pictures… Enjoy:

Out of the beauty of the gig (universally reckoned) another really amazing thing was the way the band could actually be at ease in the places around.

I love that anytime it happens.

Another wonderful thing was that they moved out USING U2 airplane.

Adam was certainly happy on U2 plane 😉


How cool is that (rhetoric question)? 😉

anne V in Sports Illustrated vintage

Steamy Adam Levine. Yes please...

They moved from Santo Domingo to Trinidad and beside another lovely gig finally it seems Anne and Adam could enjoy some beach time (you know, those glasses they did buy in LA days before had to be usedsee previous post ;)).

I just love anytime they tweet about food: two very slender people who truly love eating the way they do are refreshing! (now I don’t know about eating shark, Sharky, but I guess it can be tasty… I GUESS ;))

Also the other guys could enjoy the beauty of landscape and lots of other pretty things (aww).

Gig was coooooooool as well like we can imagine (check photos HERE) 😉

I often think how their systems gotta be trained well with jet-lags and stuff, because swirling that much cannot be easy on your body.

I know what I’m talkin about ;).

From Trinidad they had to move to Atlantic City where they were scheduled to perform for New Years Eve and those days (see also the Billboard interview) it seemed that the verbose one was James (I never complain there… I love how bright and full of composure he always is):

Jimmy V for Atlantic City press

While we are at interviews, read also this cute one from the same press tour:

Maroon 5 work hard as a group: good to know 😉

After reading things not mine (tsk… tsk… ;)) let’s roll and notice how the gigs crossing from 2010 into 2011 marked the end of the LONG time of Anne and Adam together in row.

One day I'll run out of adjectives... and moans... 😉

Before the return of the lovebirds into their privateness though they sure had a great great feisty time, you bet (stashes involved shouldn’t surprised a soul there, right?) 😉

Gal had to start workin again, but it’s so sweet what they said about hoping the 2011 would have just to be as great as 2010 for them to be happy (and since professionally we do know Adam wished 2010 would have been better, it’s easy to understand what – WHO – made his 2010 totally unforgettable, right? Awwwww).

Now if only they’d stop watching trash tv… *sigh*.

Okay with How To Train Your Dragon but Jersey Shore??? Jersey FUCKIN Shore????

Adam, Anne… why? It’s so… irking… O__O (and no way I will link to the tweet of Adam about Jersey Shore because it almost made me puke. Holy… HOLY. JUST NO).

While Anne was getting back into her schedule, boys were heading back to sunny lovely Cali (well, maybe not straight sunny immediately as they went back…), and James for instance was intellectually ready… while Adam… well… Adam was being Linus.

Not the one of Radio Deejay (this is for Italians).

Btw, Anne in between tweets to Adam’s peeps let us know in some way why lately she did not carry her Pomeranian along while visiting and staying in LA… lol.

What was Anne heading to? You are about to see some 😉

First gal changed her look and got back to BANGS!!!! (yes… welcome back in our club Russian Fairy… you look awesomely pure with bangs… totally glorious m’am!!!).

She is beautiful. End of it.

You can see her shots from Paris offices of Elite Models (awwww) and then if you wonder what she used the bangs for as first move of the year…

She's totally elfic like. Awesome.

She worked it out for Pepe Jeans S/S collection ads, ladies and gentlemen!!! (GORGEOUS).

Enjoy the campaign:

Anne V and Jon Kortajarena for Pepe Jeans S/S 2011 ad campaign.

She’s just perfect. Perfect beauty. Perfect.

And that is not the only thing she was working for those days (I can’t wait to learn!!!).

As Anne was shining in what she truly does so well, modeling, Adam and James were spending some relaxing time and prepping for rockin Las Vegas at Aria HAZE Nightclub.

But before that, read the 25things you may did not know about Adam from US Magazine (hint: we DID already know ALL of them, didn’t we? I mean… they’re pretty common acknowledge among the longtime peeps by now?):

US Magazine 25 things you did not know about Adam Levine

I bet the maximum curiosity arose about Gene (Hong), because before Adam actually never so openly mentioned him (you might recall him in an episode of Mariah Carey’s hubby Nick Cannon show…?).

And keeping on with Magazines… he was also featured on Men’s Fitness February (the one with Ashton Kutcher on cover, that I obviously bought):

Adam Levine in Men's Fitness Feb. 2011

But don’t think I have no idea what you’re waiting for.

Let’s put it this way: the day THIS thing got online in the news, Adam Levine became a worldwide Twitter Trending Topic and as it totally should be the naturality and my blog got almost 1800 clicks in one day, because people were googling “Adam Levine NAKED“.


Adam Levine naked for Cosmopolitan Uk. Hands provided by Anne V 😉

It happened that the images of Adam Cosmopolitan UK spread for the February issue (he’s the charity Centerfold) were leaked or at least previewed online.




He’s just so completely PERFECT.

How gently and respectefully Anne tuckers his jewels in? Great check Anne 😉

And of course (talkin about aforementioned  perfectionS) the hands covering him as we know are Anne’s (well, of course… like she would have allowed anyone else to volunteer there… lol).

Beside the fact Anne’s hands are actually pretty thick if any, I completely love the way she gently tuckers him inside.

No really… *great job Anne* (collective sighing of complete envy?? You bet. Karim won’t mind… he knows how I feel there, it’s innate in me to lust after Adam… but I’m very respecteful of everybody… *involved* ;)).

His perfect body crafted through yoga practice tells you a lot of things (beside that he’s as fit as hell): he has no fat and he won’t ever have it.

No steroids or over-muscling there, which make grown up men after they hit 35 become FAT once they stop heavy gym regime; no, Adam will stay always that slender and sculpted, and no name could fit him more than “Adam” in fact.

God had really to think about prototypical male handsomely features when he had to shape first man on planet Earth, right?

Oh… yeah.

What you find in Cosmopolitan Uk. Now go drool for about an entire day 😉

Well… give me a couple of minutes to re-gain some decency and composure.

Thank you.

If you wonder, the charity Adam had to strip for is the EVERYMAN campaign for prostate and testicular cancer.

Adam Levine attends Lakers vs Hornets game at Staples in January 2011

Which IS a serious issue so after you’ve cleaned your saliva from desk, push any male you know about do those checks (and check your own partner, as gently as Anne did with Adam’s privates. It’s also a very sexy way to get intimate, beside being useful. And yes… Karim and I did that too ;)).

In the days of solitude from Anne Adam did not really avoid company: he went to Lakers game, then he stuck in the studio (thing that he’s doing a lot anytime he reaches back LA: good boy… keep doing it good boy ;)).

Talkin about Lakers games… *sigh*… I miss watchin them badly these days of illness… (Okay I’ll stop).

Then they went to ARIA HAZE Nightclub (Sam along and Gene too, beside Jimmy V… and some Matchbox20 pal allegedly too).

The night was awesome and I know well because Charisse (Karim’s cousin) actually went there.

Too bad the Arizona shooting actually numbered the night all across ponds for their family

But Charisse enjoyed the Las Vegas time of course and especially THIS cover Adam belted out of Nine Inch Nails’ epic CLOSER song.

We know it’s an all time fav of Adam and rightly so, because it’s so sexual and dirrrrrrrrrty of course he loves it (and he can do a wonderful rendition of it actually):

LOVE it.

So much.

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 1

Take the collages again…

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 2

and last one…

Maroon 5 at Haze Nightclub in Las Vegas 8th January 2011 - 3

Yeah… I’m loving cheesy collages lately.

Take it or leave it 😉 (even with Labyrinthitis I am stubborn and a nay-sayer… see?) 😉

His sexyness playing along.

After the gig and the beautiful sunsets Adam got back home of course.

My guess is that he avoided to be hungover in Vegas this time because being hungover in Vegas generally leads to strippers all over you and he had to imagine that wouldn’t have pleased Anne (Charisse has said to me there were wars among girls to get nearby to him in explicit way that night, but that he was totally unreacheable for that… GOOD THING ADAM boy. Good boy).

He had things to do… and to plan 😉

He also had to resist humors of good friends and TV mogul writers Hart Hanson and SOA creator Kurt Sutter about bikes… nakedness… you know… those things that haunt you if you’re hot and handsome and you still want to play Easy Rider 😉

Okay, it’s time for a bit of Flashback, okay?

I can put on thanx to my friend Siria the When I Was 17 episode involving Adam (it’s a re-reproduction… Siria thank you for recording it… you may have to do the same with the Critics Choice Awards… ;)), that a fellow British fan asked me about (glad to have filled her request, albeit in a no exactly perfect way ;)).

Enjoy this AMAZING version of Adam with cameos of Jesse and his mum Patsy (HILARIOUS and adorable man he is… also a bit of a bad boy… but with that face he can get along with it no matter what ;)):

And while we are at flashbacks, take also this small funny piece from Splash Tv on Adam’s past ;):

Am I good or what? 😉

Even ill… take note… lmao 😉

The night of the 11th January two things happened: the guys went to the Troubadour club to support (and play along) Maroon5 6th member PJ Morton (an awesome performance from everyone in the word of every witness) and Anne flew aside her man for a very, very blessed and important thing (after having shot her Victoria’s Secret Pink line duties, of course).


The shooting of 4th single (but for me is like it’s the 3rd, you know why) “Never Gonna Leave This Bedvideo.


This video doesn’t exist

The song ain’t my fav ballad on the record, but it’s definitely a good song and I just CAN’T wait for watching the final video out of it.

This video doesn’t exist

You have seen some of my own pics for the video, now enjoy proper images out of its shooting from media sources:

This video doesn’t exist

And this one too:

This video doesn’t exist

I can’t get enough of them together: to me is like watching a beautiful paint in motion.

They’re a livin beautiful art ensemble to me: my aesthete soul just gets fulfilled through their sight together; a peculiar version of Stendhal syndrome? LOL 😉

All I know is that nakedness fits the both of them just SO well ;).

Anne actually could remain just for the brief time of the shooting because she had to fly back to Europe first in Barcelona, for what is a cover and I can’t wait to discover of which magazine, and after that straight then in Berlin for Fashion Week (and in Berlin she was actually First Face for Escada defilée!!! whoooo), so she couldn’t take part in the Critics Choice Movie Awards the following day, when Maroon 5 acted as house band and honored Quentin Tarantino in a wonderful version of “Stuck In The Middle with You during broadcast (I will provide the video as soon as possibleblame damn codecs of VH1 and MTV usa 😉 for the delay).

While all that was happening, images of the video stills were making also the French drool ;), while I just have to agree with Modelinia and their article about the event: indeed Adam DESERVES the “best boyfriend” Award: Fo Sho… ;).

While you wait for the proper thing, enjoy this patch-wall of pictures from the event though:

The images of the night and the afterparties were all  drool-worthy, by the way (and no one is surprised, is it?) and it seems it was really really a big fat laugh and entertaining jams all night long for all the boys (cute!!!).

I particularly loved to see Mickey and his ladylove (you know I have a soft spot for the silent one with the low deep beautiful voice).

Another wonderful thing happened hours later; Anne was moved to Berlin, and Adam went on voicing his ongoing pride, love and appreciation for his angel this way (awwwww all together):

isn't he so adorable?

Hours later, this was Anne’s answer (and I did melt… I was sick and super sick in my bed, but I couldn’t resist the wave of love the two exchanged and I melt… they are so completely wonderful as a loving couple…!!!!):

I can't help but adoring them two 🙂

Oh, they own my heart.

Truth :).

Biker Boy Adam ventured out the days after and beside that he also gave up to Lakers game after taping the Jay Leno performance (incredible!!!! He let James witness our win 😉 bad choice good boy… but at least Jimmy V had fun!), and he generally enjoyed the amazing winter climate of his hometown, ran more bike adventures, had some lunch and working meeting and especially he kept on hanging in the studio, for our future delight.

Btw, you know I am not a fan of Leno so the only thing that I let you see of it is of course Maroon 5 performance:

Okay. He’s hot. We can all agree there ;).

And “he” doesn’t mean Jay Leno of course ;).

Vintage Adam at Rock am ring

What to end?

First of all, Adam unveiled a very unexpected “old camp buddy” name and connection (really!!!!!) and then…

Lovely Matt Flynn had a moment to shine as well (check that podcast!!!)

Well, Anne has reached Adam back in Los Angeles just yesterday… I guess she slept a lot after her heavy schedule and I also bet the City of Angels is very glad to have her as an angel back.

Definitely Adam had someone to take care of after his morning in Santa Monica with Shawn, didn’t he? (a series of truly amusing tweets that one was… Adam is definitely such an hilarious guy!).

Vintage Adam 2007 VMA

We also all wish Adam didn’t have any more strange needs by the time he reached his belle at home (or at least that he gave her the candies... ;)).

We will hopefully have things to see next time too. We know we will 😉

Now let me thank my friends and Karim for having helped me out with this update (even though today I felt slightly better) and let me get back in bed to some more healing.

Catch you next time.

Hopefully decently soon enough 😉

Take care, as I will for sure… your sometimes very friendly (if you deserve) Miss Z. ;).

Oh, man… what a friggin week!!!

It’s snowing like hell; it has over Milan, and it has while we were reachin Courmayeur for the weekend prior to Marghe’s day (let’s hope next weekend weather will be kind…).

I had a monstrous week at work.

I need music in these moments and luckely some blessed soul found a way to upload one of the very early covers of beloved babies of mine, a vintage version of Maroon5 singing one of my all time favorite songs, the awesome “Closer” by mighty Nine Inch Nails.

Those lyrics are DOPE. No wonder Adam loves them… they are so sexually charged is boltering out from the notes.

I love the whole of NIN album The Downward Spiral. It’s really a record everybody should know about.

On a more personal note, I have a message for Rodrigo (yeah: see darlin? I have no problem in mentioning you. NOTE: Rodrigo is NOT “R.”. Rodrigo is one of those people who thinks swagger is about proving how rich or well connected or reckoned you are, in order to impress. FAIL…).

I have for you this song and video instead.

I have always liked this artist, Robyn; and since this song came out everyone around me started and kept saying she sings like I would, about the situation there enlightened.

I agree.

And I answer you with that, Rod: take note, and give up.

You won’t ever reach your target

then let me be subtly bastard:

Point 1): do you really think I need anybody else’s wealth or connections? Lol 😉

Point 2): Karim is anyway better of you there as well, anyway, even if I’d care about those stuff…


… you can’t handle me.


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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