Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Dance With Life

Good morning world.

I’ve been struck in this meeting with Otto the Pr*ck (affectionately.. NO).

Wonder if he reads this.

If he guesses “Otto” is him.

He has his head so struck up upon his ass and thinks so highly of himself he probably wouldn’t realize my full loathe not even if (when?) I will just throw it in his face.


This post was meant to be totally different, I wanted it to be a cute patchwork of light facts and some music shout out, but then today something happened that totally changed my whole mood of the day.

Me and a message for ya'll.

I call these “sudden life gifts”.


I am always cautious with Internet.

For how much I am outspoken, all of you know my real life outside Internet is pretty much a private garden and no one steps in there.

I am really really strict on privacy.

I will keep being.

It’s the way I function.

But I love world cos world is different and most important, I like people also for they might be VERY different from me.

But with a similar approach to life depth.

I hope.

So, today I got a gift and an enlightement from Internet about life.

Unexpectedly, a web mate shared something about personal life that impressively dig it in within me.

Within my spirit.

Within my whole essence as a human being.

I won’t definitely explain further cos it’s all about that person’s privacy and treasured life.

But someway the bravery and the delicacy of this person’s confession and outreach has cleared my whole day.

Maybe not only.

I feel way more grateful about life today.

And I am happy I am not the only one finding deep answers in music, way beyond the shallow, although lovely, pleasure of an easy listening.

To me music is like poetry that attaches itself on your life and stick it within.

Something like a real soundtrack of a private living experience, that is just so much more than just futile, fast going moment of brief joy, or brief grief, or brief emotional impression.

Music can truly save.

It’s a code of communication between people, among generations, that makes you connect widely with your inmost part.

Makin you feeling… taken, understood, shared and… well, never alone.

I live music this way.

And this way of living music is really a powerful tool that makes my life so, so much better and way more precious.


I properly love only music (and musicians) who give me the impression of longlasting LIVING their own music as well, and the music they love beside what they produce.

Well, this person that today gifted me so innerly with words and pieces of valuable experience, surely feels the same way I do about music, too.

For that window opened that mirrored my own spirit… I am thankful.

For that injection of hope and force that person helped me grab onto today… I am thankful.

I was also able to not hate Otto too much today.

Talk about miracles.

I dedicated to this person this beautiful song that is dear to my heart cos my mum loved it always and I grew up along it.

It’s a wonderful song:

The way this post was meant to be was a little update about Karim and I: we will be in Paris soon, for his researching duties (Great LONG weekend approaching in April… Middle of it allegedly!!! Whooo!!! Romance is all about Paris, folks ;)).

Yesterday poor baby struck in Milan alone for a meeting he had that I silkly avoided to mess with. So yep, yesterday night I was alone.

A bit of rest for our wild sexual antics… just that I relaxed, and he got bored to death and sending messages like “H.E.L.P.” which was meant to be a code for “HumansEstrangedLivePoorly“.


Gotta prepare something special for him to get back some prize tonight.

Yesterday all I had to care of for was riding Swifty and see if he wouldn’t have guessed the other horse’s smell from Sunday.

He didn’t.

Sun even came out.

I listened all day to Otis Redding yesterday.

Always an amazing choice:

Tonight btw it’s also Lakers watch.

We start a 5 game road trip and it’s gonna be interesting.

I should also end my lurkerdom in the blog tomorrow.

It’s playoffs warmening. Gotta be active. Gotta be.

One more from Madeo dinner. Anne in red still shining.

Talkin about getting back being active… Divine Prince A. got back on twitter finally, and beside thankin TODAY us for the BDay wishes (of course he had all rights to take his time and celebrate for real during those days. I did not feel bad at all that he waited for reading the messages. I always think real life has priority on everything. He was having a lovely time with his significant other then…  I would have shut down all devices as well, honestly. Who wouldn’t have? It was his and Anne‘s time. I don’t find anything strange there AT ALL), yesterday the actual return to web-spaced communication was marked with one of those moment when I am at once thankful for his music enthusiasm, and equally terrified by it.


He’s a guy and I am a girl and there are things that just stand apart in men/women worlds.

But… still amaze me the variety in his taste.

It’s actually one of the things I love the most in his personality, as musician AND as person (see the above rant about importance of music… right ;)).

I always think I am the most variated one in music appreciative spectrum, but often he makes me question that (though I am sure I beat him in classic music acknowledge. Not to mention not English spoken music. Ah!).

Well, yesterday Adam was taken into Metal Mania (insert sarcasm, my dear metal friends… I know you will ;)) and got into classic stuff there.

“The Dio video for holy diver is…well…shit…saying it’s unbelievable is merely the tip of the iceberg. It’s so many things.”

It rarely happens that nor a band name or a song name really ring ANY bell in my head, but that was metal so it was also easier than in other music fields to come up with something unknown here.

As usual, I just wanted to expand my music horizon, and went to check what he was talkin about.

Well, song is a nice song.

Lyrically got me think a bit, which I always appreciate.

Musically… it wasn’t too heavy, so I could take it.

The video… the video he SO loves…


I can’t.

I laughed half of the time (sorry Adam… Your right to love it… my right to find it as shameful as the majority of 80’s metal videos. ALL of 80’s metal videos, camon…).

It’s like Conan meets Highlander and all go visiting some strange 3D set for Go Nagai’s Devilman (which would anyway be the best part of it all: Go Nagai is a genius).

But then, again… Adam’s a man.

The sword/guitar/car/motorcycle stuff are a direct metaphore of all that’s related to male testostherone and a projection of p*nis power.

We don’t need Jung there.

It’s just that male and females are two different worlds. Which is right an beautiful in its own way.

It’s variated chemistry.

So no… don’t think I’ll expand my researches on 80’s metal videos.

I’ll stay stuck on my limited metal (hard rock?) collection, which is still worthy (so my metal lovers friends say: but then you gotta understand if they say it THINKIN it or just cos I am the hottest of their female friends and they always try to keep a door open for a possible sexual encounting. I’m not naive, there ;))

Feeling like spacious today, and listening NOW to my iPod mix, I am happening to enjoy more Kent:

Then I just feel like I’ll stay into legends gone too soon territory today.

So after Otis Redding, I guess today I will be all about Jeff Buckley.

Wish you all of possible joy today.

No, not to you, Otto.

I am no kind.

I am a bitch, remember.



Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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