Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘pancreatic cancer

Today I lost my Hero.

Steve Jobs. 1955-2011. Goodbye HERO

Steve Jobs, the man whose life has inspired mine since I started to know him and his amazing vision, has died due to pancreatic cancer (cop off the “PC killed Steve jokes… there’s no fun in this at all, thank you) and I feel so null and void inside.
Till I realize what Steve has inspired me and millions of others with through his powerful, restless imagination, and work and accomplishments, well that won’t ever die, nor fade.
That’s the legacy of a man whose importance stands there with geniuses of history of humanity.
Einstein is Steve’s peer.
Gandhi is Steve’s peer.
Newton is Steve’s peer.
Leonardo is Steve’s peer.
This is the range of Steve Jobs.
There are tons of words I could say, and tons of images and pieces of writing I could address you to…
But always I think of these two whenever I think of Steve and who he was, and IS STILL, because in them you can feel the power of dreaming he had and knew he could share to push many other into breaking barriers, never feel lazy to try and try and try until they could make that dream a REALITY.
And beyond.
Because if there’s a thing that Steve has taught me and many others to do, that’s the fact you don’t ever have to let things drag you down, slow you down, blur you off.

Life is precious… too precious to waste it in mourning and regrets.

He said that death is the greatest inventions because it gives rooms for NEW.

Steve wouldn’t like us to waste not even a second crying for him, if that second could be devoted by us to make our dreams become true.

So in this day which is forever sad for me, I leave you with Steve’s Stanford University Addressing, and with the amazing Think Different commercial he made with Ridley Scott.
I do it because in his charisma and words and LIFE you can reckon how far a man’s imagination can reach and make, so that you all along me can keep honoring Steve and his touch on humanity by spreading THAT vision which is a pure message of HOPE and trust in the best qualities of human beings (and God knows how much we need such a positive perspective on things in such dire and dark days).

Steve Jobs. 1955-2011.

Goodbye and Thank You.

The amazing Ridley Scott’s commercial, and the impeccable and fast forward Apple style:

Missus Z.


Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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