Japan Lover

Posts Tagged ‘Cable Show

Good morning world 😉

I have actually a pretty huge amount of stuff to do, but I update blogs because otherwise I won’t for a few days more, and there’s at least one MAJOR wonderful thing to celebrate…

*evil squeal*:

JUST as I Predicted, Crabs lost in 6 to Green Enemies (and if they weren’t helped by referees, that would have been in 5):

Let’s go finding Stern a new tongue now, because his own original one is sadly lost up into Princess Jimmy’s sticky loser’s ass, and it’s gone…

LMAO… Can’t wait to have more fun later this evening in the Lakers blog, where allegedly my fans love to read my vitriol (even though I am not often vitriolic, but The Biggest Loser Bron-zey is such a funny subject, I won’t retreat there, LOL!).

I have a pretty hectic week, and we leave to Florence tomorrow in the very wee hours of the morning (no hotel this time… directly in my new house!!! My lawyer will arrive along, and hopefully in time… can’t wait can’t wait!!! Karim is so thrilled he’s mentioning the word “Florence” every ten minutes these days ;)… I love to see him that happy!).

Work is going amazingly, and we have actually a pretty huge availability of sponsors for our next Project, which will be developed in Europe and in Usa.

I went to a briefing the other day down at CorSera and I have to say there I re-evaluated 50 years old.

But I behaved.

I’m such a good girl now 😉

Yesterday we had to bend (Karim and I) and go to the Rotary Club usual dinner-meeting (they are held on thursdays). You know I can’t stand pretentiousness.

And while Rotary Dinners in Milan have someway a decent conversation going on, in small towns such as Lodi, or Crema, they really are like “let’s try to fake we are here to expand cultural and philantropic horizons, and not to show everyone our latest purchases…”.

I can’t stand that (funny, cos being arguably one of the richest, with definitely the richest BF, I am like object of equal envy and licking-ass performances… which makes my sarcastic mode being on all night when I’m attending those dinners… I know…. I can be pretty cruel ;)), but especially I can’t stand ignorant people pretending they’re into literature, theathre, art in general.

Yesterday evening Karim and I (with my mum trying to stop us… and failing) had an incredible fun at “kindly” showin those idiots how many times they seemed a bad Wikipedia small page of info bites that could impress only a retarded three years old who cannot yet read fluently.

Advice: don’t try hard. Just be yourself. You’ll always find someone who knows more than you otherwise, and you won’t find mercy there, if you had faked a know-how that isn’t yours.

In fact at the middle of the dinner we found a couple which was very nice to hang with and along. They were interesting and not faking a thing. We had a real pleasant time along them and we went home without too much nausea thanx to them.

We’ve even asked them out for an incoming tennis match (Karim and I won’t ever stay in the same team: I have to BEAT him… he squashed me totally already in the first game after the rust of winterly months… argh!!!! I hate to lose. Especially to him ;))

Anyway, the reason we went to the Rotary dinner (as guests of my parents. I won’t EVER be a Rotary member myself, no matter how many times they’re gonna ask for it) was that next thursday we have that Aircraft Cruiser checking in down in Liguria.


I’ll meet a whole NATO crew.

That’s gonna be interesting, so I had to put up my best behaviour and attend the dinner to thank the Club about including Karim and myself in the visiting list. The funny thing was that Karim had less trouble than me in checking into the list for the Carrier, due to his obvious family connections.


Infos run so fast with some people.

That’s power.

I like that.

Luckely Lakers game starts at 3 am that morning… I hope to check it fully before we leave with the military cars at 6 am 😉 Otherwise, I will follow the latest part through iPhone chat 😉 (the military forces will be allowed to think what they like: I never care anyway ;)).

Think that the day after we will leave to Barcelona again at the wee hours of the morning, but luckely from Linate and not Malpensa.

I love traveling.

It’s my biggest crush in life (well… almost ;)).

Before I leave, of course there is some musical bits.

Happy Birthday MickeyM!!!

Given that yesterday it was Mickey’s Birthday (Happy Birthday to the most mysterious of M5, and my little M5 teddy bear!!!), which he allegedly celebrated (aptly) at MickeyM(ouse) Manor (yep, Disney Manor), sweet babies have been involved around 28 hours ago at the Cable Show

A Night With NBC Universal

at Universal Studios in Hollywood, and they’ve played (lovely I’ve been told… >>> Mash I love you: that Convention Badge looked hot on your dark skin 😉 ;)) for the private event, from which James kindly sent us this pic (after Party was held at new hot spot Las Palmas, from what I’ve been told):

Awww. Aren't they lovely?

Anne could make it there after kinda of a rushing from a NY missed flight, allegedly 😉 (I thank above that I can sleep on planes… it has to be a pain to never recover from jetlags when you have to take them weekly, otherwise. But well, she’s got the best push at flying back and forth, doesn’t she? Thousands of girls would walk on soles to reach what she can once stepping off those planes, wouldn’t you hop on every Boeing at any given time, too? 😉 I bet that ;)).

Out from the previous day and of from the Ellen Degeneres Show, check the video of the performance of Slash and Adam by clicking on the link over the picture:

Awww. Click on picture to see the video of the performance

Adam also had a lil message to share with us, that you can get directed at clicking >>>> here.

I always love the way he’s totally camera shy for these things: look at his body (face) language.

Gosh he’s so clumsy-ly cute.

I adore that, because it’s a side of him that disappears when it’s about hanging out normally with his people and into his real life.

I like him cos he’s that kind of clumsy only when he has to pr himself.

Also that to me just speaks volumes about his real-ness, which is one of the things I love the most in him.

Can’t help 😉

About Gotten, I know I am painfully behind in the video homage creation of it for my YouTube FanPage.

I have all the pieces ready, and zero time to work on them. I might upload it later this evening… or maybe tomorrow after the Florence property mayhem 😉

Not my fault if days are made of only 24 hours, and my life is just too filled with stuff… 😉

About Hands All Over, Maroon5 shared this about Rolling Stones preview of it: go CHECK it (Exile On Main Street featured cover!!!! Whooooo!!! I have only the vynil, gotta buy the remastered version!!!).

And if you haven’t already (like you should have) check these about the Tour, as well: LINKS for Packages.

As usual, I bought some, even though I probably will be cruising the Mediterrean Sea still all time in August.

But you know me: I bought tickets anyway, letting options open at going seeing them.

If I can use them, fine.

Otherwise, I keep making them rich, don’t I?

😉 (Money are mine and I decide how to spend them. At least I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t waste them in unhealthy things ;)… beside chocolate. Chocolate is out of ranks with me, LOL).

Music advices for today are Ligabue (of course, already bought album):

Then my clubbing song of the moment (I love songs in French!!!), by Stromae:

Some Sa Sa Ding (today I’m very “world-ly” with music):

and just because I mentioned, let’s close with Uber Classic Rolling Stones:

Catch you later peeps!!!!



Who I am

5'9'', Size 2 madhead in love with life, crushing over Japan, Music, and Kobe Bean Bryant.

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